
Appartently James Deen got a bit to frisky

Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:51 PM
[view link] From the article ... My name is Tori Lux, and I’m a former adult performer. In June of 2011, while shooting at a major porn studio, I was assaulted by James Deen. While James wasn’t performing with me that day, he was present on set—and almost immediately after I’d finished my scene he began to antagonize me. I hadn’t even had time to dress myself when he said, with a smirk on his face, “Tori Lux, would you like to sniff my testicles?” “Nope,” I replied in a neutral tone. “I’ll repeat myself: Tori Lux, would you like to sniff my testicles?” he asked, more aggressively this time. I replied with a firm “No,” in order to establish my boundary—which James then disregarded by grabbing me by the throat and shoving me down onto a mattress on the floor. He proceeded to straddle my chest, pinning down my arms with his knees. Then, he raised his hand high above his head, swinging it down and hitting me in the face and head with an open palm. He did this five or six times—hard—before finally getting off of me. Disoriented and nursing a sore jaw, I stood up—but before I could collect myself, he grabbed me by my hair and shoved me to my knees, forcing my face into his crotch several times before shoving me to the floor. I was completely stunned, having no idea how to react. I felt pressured to maintain a professional demeanor as this was a major porn set, with other people present and failing to intervene. ...


  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Lol. She's in a porn video and the guy sticks his cock in her mouth... What are we missing here?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Tori lux is not "stoya" is she? Because she claimed to be raped by James Deen too.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Tori lux is not "stoya" is she? Because she claimed to be raped by James Deen too." No. "Lol. She's in a porn video and the guy sticks his cock in her mouth... What are we missing here?" The story is pretty fucked up. It sounds like Deen was on the set but not actually filming, asked if she wanted to smell his testicles, she said "no", and then he slapped her around and pinned her to the floor. It isn't clear from reading it if he actually raped her, but hitting her when it isn't part of a script she agreed to is seriously fucked up. I'd say "non-brilliant" but that is way beyond "non-brilliant" if the allegations are true.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    Is this another one of those JohnSmith stories?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    didn't know male porn stars were...stars let alone famous lol
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    that s fucked up. I wonder how many more will come out having stories like this about James Dean....
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @warhawks: What you're missing is the she *wasn't* in a porn video with him. He assaulted her, plain and simple. The fact that she sucked dick and fucked for money at the time is irrelevant.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ...and this is why you can't fuck with sex workers. They always fuck you on the end.
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