Happy Thanksgiving!!

avatar for samsung1
Anyone have plans for clubbing on the holiday? Several clubs will be closed or have limited hours


avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Thanks! Samsung
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
Damn, your excited bro...lol....calm your ass down....drink sum beer and post this shit tomorrow aka on time : )
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
Im not clubbing due to the issue of ooooooooo uuuuuuuhhhhhmmmmm i got a life ! You know kids, x wife, inner circle jerk of friends to visit and eat with...oooo yea and that fat piggy of a gf i have i need to toss my dick in
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
I might not be clubbing but I'm going to write a Raview like i sure as hell did
Not me. Might go this evening.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Wow ^^^
Actual Thanksgiving night? No. Sometime this weekend? Probably.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
That's a guy with his priorities in order ^^^
Not Thanksgiving day, but I'm gonna hit a couple of clubs tonight. Usually the day before Thanksgiving is pretty busy in the clubs.
Did my clubbing yesterday as well. I'm holding out until next week. I have a busy holiday weekend with family.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Again a man with a life and correct priorities ^^
avatar for samsung1
9 years ago
Scores in Columbus is running a "Black Wednesday" special today. $10 lap dances instead of $25
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

No clubbing for me. This is a family weekend. Hopefully I'll get out on rent night (Monday), when the girls are all trying to make their nuts after a slow holiday weekend in the clubs.
Went to Follies yesterday and the A team was not on. Left early. Club will open today at 4PM with a free buffet. Quite a few dancers told me they would be working today but they were not A team members. Family dinner today but will probably hit the club in the next couple of days.
Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone.

It's a decent weather day. Food. Football. Family. It doesn't get much better than this.

You guys (including the females) are great.
avatar for jestrite50
9 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone. I'm just chilling the rest of the week. I had a great GFE OTC date on Tuesday with my dancer from Toledo. A nice dinner at a little Mexican Bar. Then a romantic evening at the hotel. It don't get much better than that. Next week it's off to PA to see what I can get going over there. Enjoy your week !
Careful Jestrite. With those kind of paid sex details, you're gonna make ColdnShallow all HotnWet.
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