Should a Guy Named Jim Bob Cooter be Allowed to Coach in DEE-Troit?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Today, the Detroit Lions named Jim Bob Cooter as their new offensive co-ordinator.
Let's all pray for his safety as he drives the General Lee thru the Big D.
Let's all pray for his safety as he drives the General Lee thru the Big D.
Boss Hogg just got named the Defensive Co-ordinator.
But isn't being named to the all-academic team in the SEC an oxymoron?
For the record it was a great week. When I gave up on the lions in the mid 90's due to family loyalties I became a Vikings fan and couldn't have been happier with Sunday's game. The VIKES are often the underdog over the years, true- but at least most years I can keep my head up and still hate on the Packers! Life is good, and Piss on William Clay Fords grave-- the Lions will never amount to anything as long as they have the same lame front office and the Ford Family runs the team.