All nude clubs in texas

It is mind blowing that the clubs listed in the top 100 in Texas are not fully nude. The reviews all mention limited contact and low mileage. How are they there then? Are they really that much better than those that are fully nude? Do you guys think that the top 100 is legit? Good starting point but thoughts appreciated.


  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I pay no attention to the Top 100 any more. It was what first drew me to TUSCL several years ago, but it changes so fast and has so many anomalous strip clubs (or brothels!) near the top of the list that it has no value to me. I frequently use other TUSCL features, especially Reviews, Hotlist, Discussions, and Messages, but never the Top 100 lists.
  • Bigfish9111
    9 years ago
    I thought it would be a great place to start when visiting new places. But like you said, some of the places on there do not sound like they should belong. do you guys really think a titty bar should outshine an all nude club. Sure the girls who are unwilling to bare will most likely work at the bars and will most likely look a little better. I myself am a visual kind of guy.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Not just a little better, a whole lot better. I would rather see a topless 9 than a nude 5.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    what bavarian said. but i have found if a clubs in top 100 dancer quality they usually have the best looking strippers. value basically means cheap and atmosphere is self explanatory. the overall top 100 may not mean much.
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