
Advice to Wanna Be Strippers:

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:58 PM
1. You need to start spending time in strip clubs to see for yourself how it is done. If you have not done this, then you probably don't know. 2. In many of these places anything goes. They don't really even deserve to be called strip clubs. 3. Places with Blacks and Latinas tend to be more extreme. Also, membership clubs or BYOB clubs tend to be the most extreme. 4. Looks and age don't make much difference. Girls can be quite fat and still do well. It just comes down to showing what you've got with no self consciousness, and then to pure aggression. I most of these places it is the most aggressive girls who do the best. 5. There are a few show clubs with very high looks standards, and where the girls make good money without doing much. But most clubs are not this way. In most clubs you've just got to please one guy at a time, and so extra stuffings make absolutely no difference at all. Mostly it is just pure aggression. 6. "Wanna Dance" has its limits. In the wilder and woolier clubs the girls use a completely physical approach. That way the guy doesn't have to agree to anything. Very hard for him to say no. So they get their hands where they need to. Some even initiate a front room makeout session. In some of these clubs girls are climbing on a guy before his eyes have even adjusted to the dark. That way the other girls don't even get a chance. 7. Front room action is best because it is hard for the guy to refuse. Also the girl can still be raking in money, but not have to split it with the house. 8. There are in some places clubs with strict limits on front room touching. There are some places where there are no dance booths or private spaces or any touching at all. These are just in certain metros where LE ( law enforcement ) is really tough. Let us know if you want information about these places. 9. Extreme stripper shoes, the ones with straps to hold them on, are mandatory, as is extreme makeup. Thigh hi stockings are also great. Garter belts are good too. These are the apparel items which don't need to be taken off. The rest of it is secondary. 10. So if this is for you, just spend some time hanging out in clubs, to see for yourself, and then audition. Usually you get to keep your stage tips from the audition. 11. Some clubs will hire any girl who auditions, but this does not mean she will be able to make any money. Usually what that comes down to is just pure aggression. 12. Usually dancers and managers will not admit how much goes on in a club. Often a girl will be expected to sign a copy of the rules, even though the management knows that none of the girls follow any rules except their own. If the club has dance booth cameras, they may be fake, or no one might even care what they show. The cameras are often just to give the owners plausible deniability. At the places which hire the most girls, they really can't follow any rules or they wouldn't be able to make any money at all. Even if you don't want to do what they do, you still need to know about it so that you can make a fair appraisal of the situation. 13. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, as these are no good. If you have to be high or drunk to do something, then you shouldn't do it. 14. If you can get to know customers a bit first, it will probably be easier to engage with them. 15. Tuscl has members in most places who will be familiar with the clubs there. But you need to let people know where you are if you want this kind of information. 16. You are always welcome on TUSCL, but you should also know about Stripper Web [view link] 17. If TUSCL members seem rude, don't let them put you off. It's just that we get lots of sock puppets, people pretending to be female. SJG [view link]


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    SJG for stripperweb moderator!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Also, start with the strip clubs closest to home. Don't let people lure you to far away places. Not worth it. Go to your local clubs and see how it goes. If it looks right for you, then audition. No reason to travel far away. Don't send pictures to clubs faraway. A picture is not going to get you hired. And audition will. If you have what it takes, that mostly being aggression, then you can make it work close to home. Find out if stripping is for you without traveling far from home. SJG
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Damn,I thought I was fucked up.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ You did say you missed Alucard
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    C'mon Mickey,who the heck doesn't miss Alucard?He was our Bernie Sanders.Rockstar would have been PM'ing him night a day
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    This written by a jerk who has never stepped into a strip club
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    So if you are a Wanna Be Stripper, you can see how rude so many of TUSCL's members are. It's simply because these guys are Pathetic Losers. But don't let them run you off. You are always welcome and having female members really does help this forum. If you are a woman looking to set up dates, then best if you make a website and put up some pictures. You can do this on Google Sites or Blogger. You don't have to write on the site what it is for, just show some pictures. They don't seem to care what kinds of pictures you put up. But you should still tell us where you are. We have people most places and there will be some who would like to meet you. They just need to know where you are. So with that, all manner of Wanna Be Stripper should have what they need. Let us know where you are if you want info about that areas clubs. And let us know if you want to know about softer core or no touching clubs. SJG [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    And here, if you want to know what the majority of American strip clubs are like, and what their customers are like: [view link] SJG
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    God ole mighty I am truly blessed.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I made it half way through #5
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    I'm headed over to the pink site to post How To Be a PL.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    to all wanna-be strippers, females, children and every variety of barnyard animals too. san_jose_guy is a sick dangerous psycho. don't believe me? the motherfucker has a link to GHB on his profile page. what kind of sicko uses the DATE RAPE drug GHB as his calling card on his profile page? the same kind that brags in his postings about how he rapes women as they sleep that's who
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    JS69: Funny -- #5 is exactly where I lost interest! DoctorPhil: SJG isn't a dangerous psycho. He's an insufferably boring leftwing lunatic who writes about the same few topics over and over and over. This does not justify your posting the same thing 20 times! How is that better than his drivel?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Dice: I never had any use for Alucard (RIP) and in fact have never mentioned him or replied directly or indirectly to anything he posted....are you now that desperate for insults?? Wow....
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Rockstar: Yes, TD is a bitter old man who revels in insulting people.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I thought last time we tangled, and I humiliated him, his subsequent ignoring of me meant a truce which I was willing to accept. Apparently I was wrong, but in the spirit of peace I won't attack unless further provoked. Dice...you are not equipped to deal with me so just put me on ignore now. Please.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    MrDouche,apparently you don't know the difference between bitter and ball [view link] house and vehicles are paid for.I retired at 52 years of [view link] Investments adores me and I have a beautiful fiancé,what do I have to be bitter about? Rockstar,you're a different animal.Tell me,how much can a member of a Cheap Trick cover band gross in a year?Your wife hates you.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    We have a Stripper Training Manual: Reading: Sexuality and New Religious Movements [view link] It talks about Anton LaVey and his Satanic Witch (1971) [view link] "A male should proclaim, 'My rod is athrust! The penetrating force of my venom shall shatter the sanctity of that mind which is barren of lust," and so forth, while a female would declare, 'My loins are aflame! The dripping of the nectar from my eager cleft shallact as pollen to that slumbering brain." "LaVey explains about stananic rituals in general, that 'sexually appealing clothing is worn by women for the purpose of stimulating the emotions of the male participants, and thereby intensifying the outpouring of adrenal or bio-electrical energy which will ensure a more powerful working'". "In The Satanic Witch he elaborates on The Satanic Bible's ritual masturbation and combines it with the affirmation of sexual attractiveness also familiar from the book. After climaxing, the witch is to proclaim, "I am a witch; I have power over men!" over and over again. The innovation in this ritual is what Urban has called an "internalization of the make gaze", where the witch looks at herself nude in a mirror trying to feel "as though you have a male sexual response as you study your reflection."" "Internalized male gaze"? If that does not describe how strippers think, then I do not know what does. He always talks about female dress and the details of makeup. And he explains that this is because women are dependent on men and so it is for manipulating men. LaVey was always photographed with naked women, often very buxom, they seem like they were strippers. [view link] This hella heels, they call the ones who wear their shoes Hell Girls. So they should be selling LaVey's Satanic Witch, and billing it as the Stripper Training Manual. SJG Woman in Restraint Harness and High Heels, Ready to be Hitched Up! [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Anton LaVey being quoted in Magia Sexualis by Hugh B. Urban from Satanic Witch " I'm a confirmed misogynist, but only because I'm such a pushover for feminine women. " " Women can exploit their differences to gain more power...Advanced, Satanically-oriented women can choose their own lifestyle rather than have it thrust upon them. They dcan participate in all kinds of exercises, rituals if you will, to break down the brainwashing feminism has done on contemporary young women. Sadomasochistic revelries, shape-changing deviltry, disipline games--women are looking for more of that sort of thing in their private lives because it's the ideal therapy. " "Because their sexual energy is potential magical energy and nature intended that they be attracted to you, men are your best source of witch power...by your own sexual self-consciousness, you can draw this power from the men who need only to be placed within your magnetic field--produce an accelerated change of sexual self-consciousness. " " She might, for example go out in public, highly made-up and wearing nothing but a coat over her naked body; she should then flaunt herself before every man she meets, imagining that she is totally naked. She should then go home, remove the coat, and stare at herself naked in the mirror, imagining herself from a man's perspective, feling "completely exposed" as she "shamelessly flaunted" herself, imagine handsome men grabbing her, arounsed and excited at the outrageous display of the sensual naked body: Allow yourself to build as high a peak of sexual excitement as possible, masturbating yourself to a climax, attempting to feel as the man would as he watched the girl (you) perform such an act in public. As you are overcome by your sexual responses, close your eyes, fall to the floor, thrash about in wild abaondon--or do whatever will contribute to the most intense orgasm.... As you are coming down from your climax, say to yourself, "I am a witch; I have power over men! I am a witch; I have power over men! " I add here my own take. Feminism is not really the enemy. It is really a type of feminism which has adapted itself to social conservatism and religion. I like what LaVey is saying. I like women to dress sexy, and I like strip clubs. But all of this could be considered pro-sex feminism. SJG
    2 years ago
    HEY SJG, Man am I in trouble at the Pink Poodle. I really do not know WHY! Bart
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