Fellow Employee Dating a Stripper

avatar for chukko
A buddy at work came up to me and said that he's dating this smoking hott chick. He showed me a picture. She was indeed hott and my first response without hesitation was, "Is she a stripper?" His response "Yah!!!" Go figure. You know you've been at the hobby awhile when you develop a "Stripper Sense."


last comment
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
Haha, yes, I think I've developed it too.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I remember a guy at work showing me pics asking if I remember any of the girls working as a stripper. As if I have a perfect memory. I just told him I didn't recognize anyone.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Strippers really have a "look", even in their civvy clothes.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 years ago
Too bad there are no stripper terrorist organizations you guys could work for the TSA.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
If a stripper would be anything she would be a spy, and not a terrorist. You would be surprised at how many secrets are accidently revealed by a drunken mid level corporate or government worker, who is in the arms of beautiful sexy woman, and that woman is most often not even a spy. Now imagine what a similar woman who was also a skilled spy could get out of that same drunken man.
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