Lazy dancers
This is not the norm by any means but sometimes when I go to clubs there are girls there who just sit around at the bar or at one table and NEVER give anyone a dance. Some of them at the bar don't even TALK to any guys! I thought their purpose for being in the club was to make money? Shouldn't they be chatting up guys and "hustling"? Why are they so lazy?
Yup, greatest hustle ever.
1) they have a regular whale (or whales) that spend so much on them whenever they show up to cover whatever the dancer needs
2) they suppliment their income by selling drugs
3) they make most of their money otc as a hooker and use their time at the club to either meet and vet clients or as a way to launder their otc income
Au contraire - sadly it is all too common.
Also – dancers sometimes lose the motivation of going up to custies b/c it may be a club with not a lot of good spenders and thus they get tired of getting no's for dance requests.
Read my post in your other thread about being proactive.
Some just rely on regulars. Some rely on guys approaching them for dances. Many are lazy and will complain to.oyher girls about nor making any money.
The fact is, one loaded whale can often make a girl more than hustling 20 guys. A lot of girls hunt the whales, but some let the whales come to them.
Anyway, through the wise old PLs here, I learned that they may be waiting for their regulars, arranging for OTC activities, already made enough money just waiting for shift to end.
In addition, they may be too embarrassed or cannot handle repeated rejection.
BTW, there is a blog at written by a former strip club manager that offers great insight, Q&A, and advices. Unfortunately, due to his waning interest and running out of topic to discuss, he is going to discontinue the blog. But the precious blogs are archived and still available for viewing. I gained a great deal of knowledge by reading 5 years worth of material.
Hope this helps. and again I'm NOT complaining but trying to s
Sometimes, the oposite occurs.
I've had experiences at clubs where dancers wouldn't leave me alone. Which can be very uncomfortable as invariably the ones that keep coming up to you are the least attractive/most desperate ones in the club. And when dancers see you talking to a girl or a girl talking to you, it can cock block you from the other girls as they don't want to take someone's "customer."
I'd actually prefer a club where the girls hang back. I have no problem going up to the ones I'm interested in going to VIP with. That way, I'm making the decision on who I'm talking to and interested in.
As far as just asking, I've always had terrible luck with that. Nearly every time I've approached a dancer I ended up regretting it because the dance was so lame.
What surprises me is all the cell phone talk. In my club, dancers aren't allowed to have their phones on the floor, and a new rule now is no customer cell phone use either. They say they'll boot you out if they see you on your phone! I guess guys were taking pictures...