2045 the year man becomes Imortal

avatar for 72_os

If this holds true I wonder what impact this will have on strip clubs


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avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago

the future timeline = up next is World war 3 it lasts 20 years and kills 2.5 billion and begins with china&pakistan versus india. Russia is a huge ally of india, india is russia's largest armaments customer. China wrecks india and defeats them. but decides it wants to finish india off completely, So PUtin threatens china to back off, but china ignores his warnings then about 5 yrs after the war began russia invades china in a punitive attack of some kind as a warning. But it does not work China finishes conquering india and proceeds to take russia.
While russia is being defeated. Putin begins calling on the west/Nato to help them. But a woman US president refuses(because of the ukraine stuff happening now. (if you watch american political news they keep promoting HELLory clinton and sarah pale horse palin, 1 woman for each the repubs and the dems. for next president after obama) then when russia is lost the west finally enters the war. There are several large battles which i can describe. the chinese army is finally destroyed in spain through starvation (can explain that too). The bible calls the chinese army = the Locust army. and numbers it's size at 200 million. hitler at the height of germanies power only had 18 million in uniform.
It is called the locust army because they will behave as locusts do. when locusts are on the move they will strip all the land of all vegetation(food) leaving nothing behind. since the army is so huge. there is no way to adequately supply them along 10,ooo km's of road to europe. so they only supply the armies with ammo and fuel. the food the soldiers have to forage for themselves. so they will raid the food of every house and town they conquer leaving nothing. the war destroys so much after it passes by (front lines) the people have no means to grow more = mass starvation in the conquered lands = 1 reason the war death toll is so high.
after the war comes 7yrs famine plagues killing another 2.5 billion then the NWO(one world government) is established in 2048. god casts satan to earth then. he comes pretending to be god and rules 3.5 yrs. then around 2052 god himself returns he destoys earth completely by fire not a single carved stone of man will remain its all melted to liquid rock. he then rejuvinates earth as it was (as he did after the first age destruction of earth in geneses = after satans rebellion war had made earth void and without form) garden of eden style and places his city where jerusalem is now between 2 continents (the only 2) called gog and magog. we are all there in our true spitual bodies. a short 1000 yr test occurs for those not properly tested in this flesh life (such as those died as children or those born into handicapped bodies) while that test is happening the rest of us are just waiting people that did badly in the earth "flesh test" are in a holding area across a gulf awaiting judgement day, the ones that did well are in god's city also awaiting judgement day. At the end of that test (some call the millennial year of the lord) satan is released from jail again to cause armageddon aka the gog magog war. there will be no fighting though (satan forms his army through lies. like he did in the first earth/heaven age rebelion). satan is turned to ash from within as he nears god's city(there is no battle it's more like a protest march) then the white throne judgement happens. those failing recieve the true death those passing recieve eternal life. and its fun times no more testing and god;s children become adults the only condition placed on us is we return to earth and god once every 40,000 earth years or 40 of god's years. i left alot out thats just a rough timeline of whats coming. and as far into the future as the bible tells us.

Holy shit!!!!

I better get to the strip club before the end of the world happens!!!! I need to toss one off on a 20 year old before Armagedon.

Good God. Get me a ton foil hat while you are at it....
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
We are all doomed...Dougster said so
I find 72_os's vision of the future to be the more brilliant of the two that were offered, even if he did misspell immortal!

mikeya02, did somebody hack your account? That is some weird stuff right there! :/
Send me your money! God wants you to! More importantly, I want you to!

I just hope and pray that God will forgive me for ending sentences with prepositions.....
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