
Top 3 hottest women in your city

Sunday, October 4, 2015 4:20 PM
Currently who are the top three hottest women that live in your city that you know of?

When I say know, I don't mean seeing a girl one time at a mall, and it also doesn't have to be you being very close with them. Just basically knowing who she is, and seeing her multiple times. Also when I say hottest, it's just your opinion, not what everyone else thinks.

For me the number one girl I actually met her at a party initially, and then we hung out a few times, but then I didn't see for close to 10 years. Fast forward to last year I saw her at a gathering, and we exchanged numbers. We began hanging out a lot, and I almost had the pussy, but I had a couple slip ups, and she basically told me not to talk to her again. She's currently at school at a local university.

The second girl actually worked in the same building as I did. She was so hot. She would always be wearing sexy shit to work. We're friends, but she has a boyfriend, so I never pursued her. A year ago she left to go work somewhere else. It made coming to work a lot less exciting.

The third girl is actually a stripper, and she is my CF right now.

What say you?


  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I live in a small city, and still think there's way too many girls to answer this question.

    Hottest girls in my circle right now,

    2 coworkerd.
    1 is late 30's or early 40's hella hot white country girl
    The other is 25 latina. I'd pay a grand to nail either on of them.

    The other us a waitress I'm trying to cozy up to. Late 20's I think. Could be early 30's. Fucking hot. Stupid hot. Makes me thinks she's in her 20's.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    3 black chicks
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I live in a town with almost 35,000 college students. I'd say on average about once every two weeks I see a 9 and sometimes a 10.

    It's one thing I've learned though... If I was single and wanted to pick up women... I wouldn't go to a bar, restaurant, sporting event or even a church. I would go to the fanciest grocery store in town and hang out between 5 and 6 on a weeknight. You'd be amazed at all the ass coming through these places, mainly women coming after work. 2nd alternative is a gym, as most women are into fitness now more than ever.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^Good point, one of my coworkers lives in the wealthiest part of town. He says he sees the hottest girls in the grocery stores.

    If I lived in a place like Miami or LA, I would try to pick up women at the gym. Tons of hot ass everywhere.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    There's this one red-haired banking chick I see on the way to work all the time. Then there's this red-haired bartender a few blocks down. Then it's a toss up between a couple of brunettes and a blond at work.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    ...and then there's Taylor Swift.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Oh, wait, I misread the stipulations. I guess see Taylor Swift on TV doesn't count. Ignore my second post.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    It would be impossible to pick just three that stand so far above the rest that they could be definitively called "top 3." Even among the stripper community, there are a couple dozen that fall into my "hot enough" category (the group that contains girls among whom I consider it pointless to differentiate any further than that; they're all hot, just some in different ways than others). Add in the UofL women, the girls from the two other colleges in town, and the chicks attracted by Fourth Street Live venues, and the list is longer than any one person can appreciate anyway.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Part of the stipulation in my thread is just seeing a girl doesn't count, you have to know who she is.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Lol I thought of something funny...

    I have a customer who I usually meet in the morning every few weeks, like around 9am. His place is right next door to a medical billing office, and the beautiful milf brunette has pulled up to go to work at the same time I arrive to meet my customer. You can tell by the way she slams her car door and walks to her job she's a bitch, and she's married saw the ring on her finger. We look close to the same age, but she may be a little older than me. The first time she saw me she kinda gave me the "checking me out look." Then one of the times later she saw me get out of my company car (which is very non-descript) and I saw her stick her nose up like "oh he certainly isn't good enough for me." Made me think "bitch if you saw what I drove as my personal cars you'd be over here sucking my dick right now you materialistic bitch!!!! Lol. Never judge a book by its cover my friends
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Anyone else?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    The three hottest women that I know personally in my city:

    1. DS II. A gorgeous young blond that is easily a 9.5.

    2. A coworker. I have lusted after her for years. Sometimes she wears very low cut shirts that show off her C cup breasts. I find a dozen excuses a day to stop by her office on those days.

    3. A casual friend's wife. Strange cause she's not my usual type -- she's a strangely exotic mix of some type that is an exceptionally beautiful combination.

    #1 is the only if these 3 that I will ever fuck.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @ranukam: "you have to know who she is."

    Between the strippers and the women I work with, that still leaves at least a dozen. I work at a company that has about a 2:1 ratio of women to men, and there's a few hotties I interact with on at least a weekly basis, and a few more whose names I know and have spoken to more than a few times.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I found 1 of the 3 today in my town lol!

    Gorgeous brunette, early to mid 30s probably a size 2 with c cup average size bust. Skin tight jeans, long dark brown hair to her should blades, brown eyes, minimal makeup, wearing a purple sweater. OMG hot - the buzz kill: a kid in tow, but I guess I could become used to being a dad if I got to fuck that everyday.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    This is actually pretty easy for me: a policy analyst at the Capitol, the receptionist at the office where my place of employ does its banking, and this one attorney at the place I used to work. Saw a guy almost get hit by a car gawking at the attorney once.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Me, my twin sister, and my mom.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^Can anyone on here confirm how hot Nina is? If she's a 9 or above, I might need to make a Detroit trip in my future.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    The pic alone is worth at least 300 miles, in terms of a trip one way. Assuming she's as cool as she seems, a business transaction on the Delta website might be in order.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Nina do you dance in Chicago too? Thought I read that somewhere on that other site?
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    ^I danced at Admiral but haven't been since like the summer before last. :)
  • DivorcedDude
    9 years ago
    IHearVoices: "The pic alone is worth at least 300 miles, in terms of a trip one way. Assuming she's as cool as she seems, a business transaction on the Delta website might be in order."

    Ha ha! I've been thinking the exact same thing. :)
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Ok Rech. I put you on ignore because I feel you have consistently demonstrated troll like behavior, as well as your previous handle. I have little to no patience for trolls. I'll tell you what though, I'll take you off ignore for now.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I'd like to have a link to that pic, please.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Well Nina I definitely approve!! If only you weren't so far away :( Are you Latina?
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    My dad's white, mom's mixed/black. He's mostly Ukrainian and she's mostly North African with a little white and Indian in there too. So I'm all kinds of things but not Latina :)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^correction: All kinds of HOT :) Just not Latina
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Thanks guys. ;)
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    Back when I was still in college, there was this girl who became the queen in the seniors ball. She was frigging hot, sexy, drop dead gorgeous girl. I never thought about even having a discussion with her but she found a way. Man, I was so embarrassed the first minute we started talking. People would look at her first before looking at me, and I would see smile on their faces.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I don't understand how to answer this question. I live in a city with over 1 million people. The very nature of the subject favors young women coming of age. With most of them I have no idea who they are.

    In the surrounding majority white and well off suburbs, there are all sorts of Barbie Dolls. Their worlds revolve around high school and college culture. I don't know who they are and I don't care.

    In San Jose there is a cadre of car show models, many Asian. There have also been men who provide models to promote events, mostly Latina and Asian.

    The ones most guys drool over are the Viet Coffee Girls, but these too are an always changing cast.

    At some of our strip clubs there are some real hotties, like Cheetahs in Sunnyvale and the Pink Poodle. Only need to be 18 to dance there since they are nude and so their is no alcohol. These are no touching clubs. Those who want harder core work environments go to San Francisco.

    San Jose is not a major part of the entertainment industry. So our hotties don't have famous names. They are just there if you go to their venues. But these are working class situations, women of color.

    I went to one model talent search. Lots of them there, including one extremely pretty black girl with huge tits who was really coming on to me, about 18yo. Very few white girls. It is very much class based, and hence race based. Girls who have well of parents don't do stuff like that, they go to college.

    The headliners at the strip clubs are not locals, they have names, so it is from porn or things like Playboy.

    It is some face to face venues that have hotties, Viet Coffee, Strip Clubs, and these Car Shows and related. But the girls change very quickly.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    To have some hottest women, there has to be some sort of a venue in which they are on display. Silicon Valley is not Hollywood. It is dominated by well off realtors, attorneys, financiers, and industrialists. Their daughters do not apply for jobs working in Hooters. They go to colleges and their social lives revolve around sororities, like that Alpha Phi house in Santa Barbara that Elliot Rodger tried to shoot up.

    Usually if she is on display, it is because that is her job. So to find women that are on display, you have to look to the ethnic working class. So the ones the most guys drool over are the Viet Coffee Girls. There have also been a few White girls who work in those places, and they are extremely hot looking and with huge tits, and they have come to learn to love extreme makeup. These girls are icons of a sort. More guys in San Jose would recognize them than any others.

    Not sure what Ranukam was thinking when he posted this. The answer to the question depends entirely on the venue.

    We are not Hollywood, but for a long time a hottie with great public exposure was the TV news anchor Thuy Vu.




    B. B. King
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