
Need advice from DANCERS/ STRIPPERS

Sunday, September 27, 2015 12:37 AM
Ive read a lot of tips for wannabe strippers but one thing I've never seen mentioned is about the initial process of getting an audition. I plan on stripping out of state from where I live, only 2 hours away so I can't exactly visit the club for leisure purposes. When a club has an application for the dancer on their website, is it smart to do that and wait for their call, treat it like any normal job you apply for and call them after about 3 days, or just call and see if they're auditioning girls and then follow their instructions? Also, on the online application, it asked for girls who are applying as entertainers to submit two pictures of themselves. What type of pictures are they looking for? Another question I have is what exactly to wear to the audition? I know it varies from state to state and city to city, so the club is in Philadelphia and is fully nude, hip hop club, if that makes any difference. Should I wear a bikini or a whole outfit like corset dress or something of that nature? like lingerie outfits that aren't just a bra and underware? like should I have something extra to take off or what? Lastly, I've never danced before. ever. no type of dance whatsoever except house party, club dancing, but nothing sexy. I know a lot of dancers say you learn by watching the other girls but is there anymore to that? I literally cannot dance. I can twerk, that's about it. how do I not make myself look like a complete idiot at the audition? sorry this post is so long and thank you to whoever takes the time out to read this and answer my questions.


  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    As long as you offer extras you'll be fine , guys will ask you for bbbj
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I'm not a stripper (at least I haven't done any stripping yet), but I know a lot of dancers and I've seen auditions. Since you have a long drive, I think you should call several clubs and ask about coming in for an audition. You can then ask each club your questions and get their specific requirements. You should fill out the online applications, but don't wait for them to call. Strip clubs are not well-run businesses. You need to call or drop in to the club. You want to be aggressive. As for types of pictures and costumes to wear, those are more questions to ask on the phone. Every club will be different. You say you've never danced before. Don't let that deter you. Clubs always need new dancers, and every new dancer has never danced before. The clubs are used to auditioning new dancers. You don't need to be able to dance well. The customers don't care about your skill. All you need to do is take off your clothes.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "I can twerk" What does that mean? Is that urban slang for "Give a blow job"
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    You need to offer fs or a blowjob to your customers
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Young lady, I apologize for the blow job obsessed among us. We can answer your questions, but to give you the best information possible we need to see your breasts. Please post a link to pics or otherwise give us a detailed description. This will be useful practice for you since you'll soon need to be distributing such pics to drum up business.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ok I can answer one question without tit pics but only one. It does not matter that you can't dance. Guys don't come to a strip club to see you dance. They come to see you naked. And then get a blow job. Seriousl, dancing skills are no big deal and won't keep you from getting a job if you have good tits. But tweaking is great in a nude club. Take everything off as quickly as possible in the audition. Then turn your back to the guy your doing the audition for, bend your knees, and twerk away.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm not a dancer but I play one on TV. So trust me.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    I've seen girls at clubs that can't dance. They kind of just get up on the stage and hang on the pole and sway back and forth, or lay on the stage and roll around. But nobody cares because they are hot. And they give good blow jobs....
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Want a job? Fuck the boss.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You are in the wrong place, but if you want to stay our bylaws have been amended by unanimous acclaim and you are required to show us your tits. Otherwise no soup for you!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I think JS69 was high again.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    to georgemicro He had to be imagine this apologizing for asking for blow job just how pathetic can a PL be ?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It's called sarcasm. And I'm not high on Sunday morning. Ok maybe a little left over buzz from Saturday night with video girl, but it was a joke.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    We got it just having a little fun
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    That was my feeble attempt at sarcasm or maybe it was irony
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The dancers will likely be waking up later, they were out late at night.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Call the clubs during the day and ask to audition. Find out if their nude, topless, etc. so you'll have an appropriate costume. You'll get the job by smiling, being energetic and engaging during the interview; it won't matter if you can dance or not. You might even start right away so they can see you on stage so be prepared. Tit pics posted here wouldn't hurt; you may even get some supporters on your first night.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    you ain't gonna find many strippers on here... [view link]
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Call the club. Send some instagram bikini type pics. 85% will be about how you look. Every club ever is always hiring hot girls. If you're more borderline you may need to shop yourself around.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    WTF - to each their own and everyone can express their opinion as they see fit since I do that myself. But this crap juvenile shit of talking nasty shit to every dancer that comes on here asking questions and her doing so in a proper manner is fucking getting to be ridiculous. I know I know - “every dancer” that posts on here is a shill – no fucking way for anyone to know that for sure – this *is* a fucking strip-club website so how uncommon can it fucking be for dancers or wanna-be dancers to come on here asking for advice (since they are most likely unfamiliar w/ SW). Just my 2-cents – not that my opinion is gospel – just saying.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Papi she said she needs advice from strippers and dancers we aren't being nasty at least I didn't think so but we aren't for the most part either one , we are just playing with her kinda like a cat plays with a mouse but hey that's the way we roll these days ;-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... As long as you offer extras you'll be fine , guys will ask you for bbbj ...” “... You need to offer fs or a blowjob to your customers ...” Thar's a nasty and disrespectful way to talk to a woman whom is seemingly young and just asking for advice – I understand it's probably done in jest but we can kid amongst ourselves and cut each other down b/c we know the deal and know each other and we are dudes/lopaw; but most dancers posting on here don't know the deal (at least the newbies) and even if they know the deal that is not what they come here for (to be talked to nasty) – if they are respectful in their postings we should be respectful to them – just my personal opinion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Your questions seem to be questions that many newbie dancers mostly unfamiliar w/ strip-clubs have. Unfortunately – this is a customer-oriented website and very few dancers post on here – you wanna go to [view link] which is a dancer-site for dancers – they have many different sections in that website including a Newbie section with a good amount of info posted on there already – and they also have a message-board where you can post questions for other dancers to read and answer. As others have said – strip-clubs are more about sexuality than actual dancing – custies are not sitting their taking notes on your dancing skills like judges at the Olympics – a simple rule of thumb as far as I'm concerned is that a dancer should try to turn-on a custy like she would try to turn-on any other guy or her BF – custies will spend $$$ on you b/c they get turned on by you – not b/c of your professional dancing skills. Having said this – black strip clubs are a bit different – especially the big and more upscale ones like Onyx and Vanity Grand – in many a black club; especially the big and more upscale ones; the stage-thing is a bigger deal but that does not mean you won't get hired if you are not a master stage dancer (in some of the big and upscale black clubs I've heard from some dancers that they'll still hire you but if you don't yet have the stage-skills then they won't put on stage alhtough you can still work and give dances – just what I've heard so not sure it's absolutely true since I'm just a custy and not a dancer). As others have said – most strip-clubs don't operate like normal businesses – even in a normal business one often has to be persistent and not wait for them to contact you – I've heard dancers on [view link] often say that it's hard to get hired w/o going there in person (i.e. one can call ahead and say they want to audition and ask when they can come in; and then come in and say that you want to audition; i.e. don't wait for them to hire based on you just submitting an application or just talking on the phoen; at least that is what I hear is the case most of the time). Lastly – the best way to get a feel for a club is to visit as a custy but seems you don't have that option – I'd check on YouTube or [view link] and see if there are vids of the club you are interested in (or maybe on the club's website) – and also a lot of newbie dancers think they can just show up to a club and say the wanna be a dancer and the club will hire them on the spot – often times the better clubs is where all the dancers wanna work and thus these clubs get a lot of girls wanting to work there – some clubs are often already booked w/ dancers and will not hire you on the spot – although many will.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Papi that wasn't me with the family or be remarks I do agree that's borderline rough but that's the guys in the locker room if the girls can't handle that they are not going to do very well as strippers cause that's going to go on on the best of days
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Freaking spell check it should have read fs and bj remarks
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Papi that wasn't me with the family or be remarks ...” I know – often times comments are made as general comments in a thread and not directed at anyone in specific (mine was a general comment to the board and not anyone in specific) but we sometimes get confused and think a general comment is directed as us.
  • paperdaisy
    9 years ago
    To papi chulo and jack slash, thank you. and papi, I was actually looking to audition at vanity grand btw lol. thanks for the tips and info.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Papi, Perhaps we are rough on new dancers but two things come to mind. 1. If a dancer comes here (to a customer oriented site) to ask if "she can make money" of course we're going to want know what she look liked. An opera singer doesn't apply for a job with an audition. 2. I've had dancers tell me - even in clean clubs - they get asked for extras multiple times every single night. If they can't handle a few jokes here, how are they gonna get by in a real club.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Sorry "without" an audition
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    And in regards to this particular poster, it almost seems she has never been in a strip club in her life. How can she decide she wants to be a dancer without visiting a club. She needs to go with some friends (male or female) and get the feel of a strip club before asking such newbie questions
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    A number of clubs have amateur nights where a girl can sign up and strip on a designated day or night. I wouldn't be surprised if some particularly good looking amateurs had a job offer afterwards. Other than that, if enough friends cheered, she might win money. knowing how to get a crowds attention helps too. Good looks, sexy outfit, nice music, pole tricks, can all get attention. smile at the tippers.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I suspect a lot of dancers read comments on here but never post. the usual routine from unsuspecting would be dancers who ask questions here, remember they may only be 17 or 18, from the guys is 1. Show us your tits. 2. You need to suck dick. If you're good with that you can make it. 3. You need to show us your tits for a proper evaluation. 4. You need to go ask at another site. I might not post here again if I got greeted like that as a young female. Some of the guys here act like an 18 year old girl stepped into the men's locker room and asked them if she could make it as a stripper. It might seem amusing to the guys but they just scare almost all the would be strippers out of the so called room. If you scare her away, you definitely won't see any pics. I'd rather everyone didn't get scared away. Any pics posted have to be better than some of shadowcat's links.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    She is going to be asked for extras every night
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Man, Papi_Chulo is getting all philosophical on us!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Hey – she said she was not a dancer yet – let's wait until she becomes a dancer b/f we disrespect her :)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    So you guys want a moderator that would be the end ofTUSCL as we know it
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never said I wanted a moderator. I was just describing doing the same ol same ol results in no tit pics. Act more like wolves. Welcone the girls. Then after they get comfortable, inform them tit pics really help. Try not to scare them away. If she becomes a stripper, at that point she may not think it's any big deal and show her appreciation. I guess that's too much work. ok back to the men's locker room.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To sharkhunter I get your point but I like the locker room, its comfortable in here, if the girls want to be welcome, let them show us their tits, that's how I roll I don't mind them coming in, but this is the boys side. When we go to the girls locker room then we need to behave.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Paper Daisy, I've been dancing a long time, and surprisingly enough I remember being a newbie about a hundred years ago:) I'm going to assume you get hired. You are not out of the woods at this point. Most newbies don't make it because the veterans try to intimidate them and scare them off. I'm the rare dancer that is cordial with the younger prettier girls, because I remember what it was like. You will get dirty looks in the dressing room and be told to stay away from "their" regulars. So not only will you have to put up with guys (not all guys) disrespecting you in exchange for money, you will have to put up with a lot of catty women. My point is that if you are going to get into the business, in addition to being attractive, you need to have a thick skin. Good luck and goodnight:)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Diva, are you out???
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Diva posting from the Pokey?
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