
situation, a nice looking dancer seems to remember you but you can't remember he

Do you just play it cool and act like you remember her or ask her questions?
last night was kind of weird for me, lots of hot dancers and one girl I could not remember. maybe I tipped her at a club two or three years ago. seems like ages ago to me. I just played it cool thinking I would hear her stage name when she went on stage. never saw so many dancers working in a small club. parking lot was almost completely full at an early time but half the cars must have been dancers.
I decided to just take in the view and not talk a lot. The dancer I was referring to sat with me for almost an hour. I think she liked the spot I was at. The other dancer before her either got a buzz off of one drink or really liked the spot I was sitting at. I did ask the other dancer her club name. She didn't indicate she knew me from anywhere.


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I have no shame; I would just ask her when/where we met.

    I did once have a waitress come up to me and she said she knew who I was and just wanted to introduce herself. I had NO idea who she was; she wasn't very pretty and I would never have hit on her. I was flattered but I had zero interest in her. Luckily she hasn't shown up since. But I've had dancers I spoke to once remember me months later...I do remember the dancers! I'm amazed they remember me if they're not friends with my regulars.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never know if I'm going to see some dancers again next week or much at all so sometimes I never ask many questions.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    I would play it cool.

    My last experience I can remember was doing a gal in itc for the second time after I had done her a week before. When got up there to fuck, she said "where do I know you from?" We had a good fuck but from some convo it became obvious she was too drunk to remember guys....sometimes. Maybe next time do her bareback and she will be too drunk to remember my hot load filing her? Guess I don't need throw down phone w her.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe I will see her again. She told me she was in the new club tv commercial. I doubt I will see the commercial except in the club. I never see strip club tv commercials here in the south. I guess they want more early afternoon customers.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I have one girl who isn't my type (slim asian) but swears I got a dance from her once.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    most of the time dancers say they know or remember me, they have told the truth.
    The biggest surprise I ever had was one dancer who told me she remembered me from the time I lived in NC. I found out she wanted to jump me and she was very aggressive as soon as she got me alone. I never remembered her but she knew things about me from over a decade ago in clubs I hadn't visited in over 10 years at the time.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Sometimes it's creepy how much dancers remember. I'm so used to girls remembering nothing about me even if we spoke for 10 minutes a week prior, it's weird when a girl remembers a lot.

    I do get that I'm a lot more memorable to the girls I spend on.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Depends. If it's crazy busy I'll just play it off and try to stall to figure out her name and when I met her. But if the club is really slow I'll usually fess up that I have forgotten her name and ask what it is.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'll just wait till the next time I see her and then maybe ask if necessary.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Whenever someone recognizes me but I don't recognize them, I'll be up front and admit that I don't know them. "I'm sorry. I'm just a walking brain fart. Where do you know me from?" If they can't remember either, I just chalk it up to having delivered a pizza to them before.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    It really depends on the situation, but most of the time I just flat out ask even if I feel awkward doing it. During a recent sc visit a honey slides up next team and starts talking about all kinds of stuff that we talked about and were going to do together. I couldn't remember her. Finally, I ask her name and it turns out we had actually gone out to lunch together a couple months back. She had lost some weight, changed her hair color and made a few other changes.

    And, it is creepy how much these dancers can remember. Sometimes they bring some irrelevant shit up that happened long ago. I think - you meet so many different dudes every single day, how can you remember all this stuff.
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    I have had several dancers greet me like I know them well, almost like there is some other guy that looks like me. Sometimes I ask how they know me and they will cite something very specific that I know I did not do. One girl said you and that big black dude you hang out with both took me to VIP last week.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I also am amazed how much dancers remember. It's ironic they forget date times, the date itself, your birthday, to pay bills...but they remember your jokes and conversations from months or years ago.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Most of the time they say they remember me it's just a line to build that connection.

    Which is why I call it out each and every time. One the rare occasion they were right, I blame the alcohol for me forgetting
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    When we've had dancers chat us up and say they remember us I'm lucky to have mrs sea there. Mrs sea remembers shit from 15 years ago. She can tell me what shirt I was wearing and what song was playing on a Tuesday in 2002. It's really fucking annoying sometimes but she does remember strippers. She does't always remember their names but she always remembers what we did with them and whether or not we liked them.

    I, OTOH, have a horrible memory for names. I'll just flat out tell people that I apologize but it takes me forever to remember someones name. When a dancer comes up to us I'll just apologize and ask her what her name is again. Never had anyone get upset. If you act really sorry and apologetic and let them know it's your fault for not remembering their name people are very understanding and forgiving. It's when you give off the whole "should I remember you" attitude that puts people on the defensive and things can turn south.

    I know it's me though and it's not just strippers. Unless I interact with someone on a daily basis I just can't remember names. Hell, sometimes I can't even remember faces...lol. Something I do a lot of volunteer work with (which I won't talk about here because it's not appropriate) I meet thousands of people all during the year. I'm easy to spot and I guess remember because of what I do and the fact that I always wear a certain hat (mrs sea HATES my hat for some reason) and I am literally the ONLY guy with a ponytail. I have people stop me all the time to talk to me or say hi and I simply don't remember them. 99% of the time i just say hi or chat with them for a bit but I don't feel the need to tell everyone I don't remember them.

    There are people I see a couple times a year and have worked with for 5 or 6 years now and I still have a hard time remembering their name. On the spur of the moment last week I decided I wanted a breakfast sandwich and went into a fast food place. I rarely eat fast food so this was just a fluke but someone I have done volunteer work with over the last 2 years and given a lot of advice to when he started was waiting to order as well. He saw me and we started talking. I would've never asked him his name because I would have no excuse. Besides, I could ask mrs sea later and she'd know it. It took me a good 30 seconds before I did a mental head slap after his name came to me.

    A couple weeks ago I stopped at a random yard sale and the people knew who I was because of my volunteer work. i had no clue who they were and just flat out apologized for my horrible memory. After they told me some info it came back to me and I knew who they were. We chatted for a good 15 minutes. Most people realize I interact with thousands of people a year and they'll volunteer their name and where they last saw me though because they don't expect me to remember.

    Sometimes you need to fess up and sometimes people just want to say hi or chat for a few minutes and going through the whole "who are you? i have a horrible memory" just isn't important. When it comes to strippers just be apologetic and humble and say it's your fault for not remembering and ask them what there name is again. Strippers meet so many people I'm sure they don't remember everyone as well and no one in a SC should get upset.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    This is just a line. Many times I have walked into clubs, often in a city I never visited before, and a dancer sat down and acted like she has known me. She's likely hoping I would think I had gotten some dances from her before and therefore be more inclined to get a dance with her.

    If you play your cards right and call their bluff, this can often play in your favor. I like to reply with, "Oh yeah, your the one who give me a 4 for $60 special." Or if it's a known extras club I'll add something like, "Didn't you get me off for $80 last month? I'd recognize those lips anywhere."

    Often they'll say, "no that must have been someone else," but several have agreed and went back. A few said something like, "no that must have been <insert dancer name>," often in a disgusted voice. I usually try to find the name of the dancer they give. Most of the time that dancer has been worth it.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    That should say. A few said something like, "no that must have been *insert dancer name*"
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    to Rockstar666 your right it is amazing ain't it
  • Experimental
    9 years ago
    I never forget a pretty face so when strippers pretend to know me I roll with it. If it leads to a good time I don't care what lies they tell.
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