Variety hunt question.

I have some time off next week and I would like to gather some opinions from everybody I trust on here. I usually go to the Criket but I would like to see some new territory. I can get to Ohio clubs in the Toledo area but the reviews are off putting at best.. I have been to PH and Flight Club and am not interested in thug clubs. I am a day time visitor and an older white guy. Any ideas where I should go? I have also been to Bogarts and Henry the VIIIth. Not interested in dives. Assuming it would be a first time for me at this place keep in mind that I look like a cop. Any help is appreciated .
last commentI'm not a D guy but off the top of my heads have heard others mention Subi's and Coliseum.
Landing Strip, Subi's, BT's.
Have to agree with the Coliseum, although during the day it appears sparse with dancers.
Not a Detroit guy but I have never been to a club in the afternoon that felt like a "thug club" to me. I have been to lots of clubs that some people feel are sketchy (especially in East St Louis) but I've never had a problem at any of them in the afternoon. I have felt less than welcome at night a few times. There's a lot of fun to be had in these clubs if you're open to it.
Canada? eh?
As an older white guy myself who has already been to Bogart's, both Henry's, Flight Club, La Chambre, and Silver Criket, my recommendations in your case would be the next two Detroit-area clubs that I plan to try: Subi's and Landing Strip. They're not that far from Ann Arbor -- when I'm staying in Romulus for a club binge, my cruising range usually extends from Ann Arbor to the west (the State and Michigan theaters) to midtown Detroit (DIA etc.) or even Grosse Pointe to the east.
Players during the day usually has a pretty good afternoon shift.
As mentioned before, Coliseum can also be decent in the afternoon.
Both clubs are pretty close to each other along 8 Mile on the East side.
As a 58 year old white professional I would drive to Detroit; take Southwest to providence and spend my dayshift at Club Desires.