Variety hunt question.

I have some time off next week and I would like to gather some opinions from everybody I trust on here. I usually go to the Criket but I would like to see some new territory. I can get to Ohio clubs in the Toledo area but the reviews are off putting at best.. I have been to PH and Flight Club and am not interested in thug clubs. I am a day time visitor and an older white guy. Any ideas where I should go? I have also been to Bogarts and Henry the VIIIth. Not interested in dives. Assuming it would be a first time for me at this place keep in mind that I look like a cop. Any help is appreciated .
Players during the day usually has a pretty good afternoon shift.
As mentioned before, Coliseum can also be decent in the afternoon.
Both clubs are pretty close to each other along 8 Mile on the East side.