From my high journal
layin low but staying high
What if you couldn't tell the difference between ugly and hot dancers? They were interchangeable. How would clubbing be different?
Dancer comes by. Cute natural breasts, we hang out. I invite her to go out to the porch and smoke weed. She smokes me under the table. She wants dances. I say ok but gotta go to the bathroom.
As I'm walking in the men's room the lights are brighter. I look at my dancer. Holy crap. She's ugly. She's a 2. Hideous. I can't dance with that. I won't dance with that. I thought she was cute. What happened?
At the urinal I formulate a plan. Coming out I tell her I'm too high to dance, I need to sit down. I keep telling her I'm soo high I can't dance. She won't leave. She alternates between hideous and kinda cute depending upon the light. I'm confused. Finally I man up and say no dances tonight. She looks like a sad little puppy. A very ugly, sad little puppy. I give her $10 and she leaves. That was close.
It happened again. Gorgeous blond. Very hot. She looks like DS2. It's her twin. I like her so I eye fuck her while she talks to other guys. Then the light hits her face a certain way and she's ugly. Horrible long black shadows on her face. WTF?? I'm so confused.
She walks towards me. What should I do? If she's hot I wanna stare. If not avoid eye contact. I can't tell.
She sits down. She's hot. Thankfully. We talk, I lust. Looks kinda like DS2. Then, you probably guessed it. The light hits her a certain way and she's ugly. Looks like a witch. I'm so confused. I send her away.
No more dances for me tonight. I call for an uber car. I go back to the hotel. Ranukam, you should've come with me. I can't tell which girls are hot. It's a horrible feeling.
Despite opinions to the contrary, under normal circumstances I do have very good taste in women. And once I got used to it, it was very funny to try and figure out who was hot and who was nit cause they kept changing. I just couldn't risk getting dances in this condition because I've got a reputation to uphold.