Taking my wife to a strip club for the first time.

Hi my wife finally agreed to come to a strip club for the first time. We are married for over 10 years. She is willing to get a vip room. It took me a long time to get her intrested I don't want to fuck it up. Any suggestions as how to go about it so that she has a good time? We live in NY/NJ area and suggested clubs that will give a little extra mileage to my sexy wife?
last commentI don't think you should take her at all. She is obviously reluctant. You should be more concerned about fucking up your marriage than fucking up the strip club visit.
No idea about the mileage, but make the visit entirely about her. If the girls approach you, defer, and tell them it's her night.
I don't know what you consider "extra mileage" in this context, but are you sure "extra" is a brilliant idea for you wife!
If she was reluctant in the first place some straight lap dances followed by an assessment of her reactions might be warranted! You wouldn't want to start the evening by asking the stripper to give your wife a sloppy rimjob right off the bat! Might freak her out and make her wonder what you do in the club!
No your wrong she is very into it she wants to do it I just want it to be a good experience for her.
By extra I mean a little bit of touching in the right places
"I don't think you should take her at all. She is obviously reluctant. You should be more concerned about fucking up your marriage than fucking up the strip club visit."
Brilliant point!
And a more subtle way of saying "don't be too extreme" than my "don't go for the rimjob right off the bat" advice!
Though I still stand by my advice! And pleasebelieve my advice since I've fucked up LTRs!
So basically you mean petting? Or what? I mean, we all are adults here, please, be more specific.
"By extra I mean a little bit of touching in the right places"
That sounds pretty reasonable! Last time I was in NY was a while ago, but I enjoyed myself in a place called Stillettos! Brilliant evening! ;)
Nothing extreme like the strip club hounds on here like! But the girl I got a dance from said she was 18 (plausible, but I thought 21-22 more likely), had C-ish cups, and was generally a brilliant dancer! ;)
Yes I mean petting and allowing my wife to pet as well. Also I want to make sure the women are really pretty that's going to be important. Are strippers generally ok with women/ couples in the vip?
We don't give a shit as long as we get paid.
I would suggest Penthouse, Hustler, Scores since you need beautiful women AND extra-mileage.
You will thank me later, sir:)
If it took you awhile to convince her and you do decide to go thru with it, you should start slow. Let her get used to the environment and get an idea of how it all works. Crawl before you decide to run.
You won't listen but Jack is right. She is reluctant to go. That makes it likely that she will get jealous of you playing with the dancers. You'll fuck up your marriage and your strip clubbing. It's the rare wife who is genuinely comfortable and fun in a strip club. If you want to take a woman clubbing you should take a dancer instead.
Most clubs rip off couples by charging double prices. This has been discussed in detail before so I won't repeat it. It can get extremely expensive fast, so if you insist upon pursuing this mistake then you should read those threads. I would search for "couples."
I don't need the strippers to play with me IF I wanted that I would go alone i need the strippers to pay attention to my wife and make it a positive good experience
As I suspected, you'll have to learn by experience. Good luck.
Agree with those saying that its not a good idea. Couples have enough trouble getting dancer attention, and mostly it is because the wife decides that she isn't comfortable after all and goes into total bitch mode. If she is reluctant now you are really rolling the dice. All I can tell you is if you do go and she starts freaking out get her out of there asap.
I am not going to push her into anything she doesn't want to do. If money is not an issue and I know I won't fuck up my marriage which club would you reccomend even willing to drive an hour or two
Fyi she brought it up. She suggested it now. I asked like ten times in the past and it was always a maybey. Yesterday she suggested that she has been fantasizing a lot about it and wants to try it. When that happens I really don't think it's going to fuck up our marriage.
It's really nice to know that $$$ is not an issue. Then my suggested clubs suit you perfectly. Stay away from Queens cause clubs there are mainly strict with extra shit. And even those that are not - your wife will hardly like them if she is not into worn-out aging Spanish hags.
I personally have never been to a club in New York or new jersey that I thought was worth a return visit except maybe Flash Dancers but it's not really what you want. I would go with dancer95's suggestions cause I think she dances in that area.
"Fyi she brought it up. She suggested it now."
Right, women never say the opposite of what they really mean. They always speak literally. They always know in advance exactly how they will react emotionally to a new circumstance that that have been reluctant to face. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.
Well, Penthouse/Hustler/Scores are definitely not cheaper than Flash. It's just extras there are easier to find. You would have to build rapport with hosts at Flashdancers for a while so eventually they could bring an extra-girl. Of course, you can try your luck with asking girls on the floor but there is sooo much money purely from lap-dances, nobody has to resort to prostitution. And cuts from private rooms for dancers are pure robbery at Flash. So yeah.
Johnsmith69 you may be saying some truth but the opportunity is too golden I will go to penthouse and scores like dancer95 suggested. If anyone knows of any place in NJ or upstate ny that's worth the drive please let me know.
From what other couples have posted; these are some possible issues:
couples getting ignored – many dancers have a hard time reading a couple; primarily the female – dancers don’t know if they are there just to drink and watch; whether it’s the husband that wants to be there and not the wife; etc – i.e. you, and perhaps even better the wife; need to be proactive about approaching dancers and tipping them and asking them to join you for a drink where you can talk about what you want
couples will often get charged 2x – i.e. if both the husband and wife want to get dances from a dancer at the same time, they may often get charged 2x even if you are just there watching – from what I’ve heard; NYC clubs can be ultra-expensive and many custies can get ripped off into paying big $$$ and getting little in return – additionally – I would not use my credit card in a club b/c at times bogus charges in the hundreds and even thousands can appear
I have not clubbed in NYC/NJ; you may have to read some reviews on here and do some homework. One place in NYC that seems to get decent reviews is Gallagher’s 2000 (you may want to read its reviews and see if it’s your speed) – The Lido Room also seems to get good reviews but this seems to be more of a private club where one needs to get an email invite; but it sounds like a laidback place which may be better for a couple (read the reviews).
In NJ; Playhouse in Burlington seems to get a lot of reviews and seems to be good mileage (contact).
Oh, and I forgot to say that I agree with guys. C'mon, it's rare that we know what we want and it's even rarer when we express it. From a girl's view, if I acted like her, I would do it simply fishing for your reaction and looking for a reason to fight with you. And the reason why I would do it is cause you seriously could have made me mad by pressuring into something I don't wanna do. And if I were her, I would get suspicious that you are sick of me or something hence you mention strip-clubs. Also I would get paranoid that you will visit certain clubs again and alone to get laid(after finding out about availability of extras there). Aaaaand I would start comparing myself to strippers(they are gorgeous in PH/Scores).
Oh, gawd. No. Don't do it. Well, hopefully she is not so crazy as I am, I am just giving you insight of female's point of view. I strongly suggest you to hug her and say something like "Oh, I don't even want to be around these harlots and watch you doing anything with them. Baby, you are so beautiful. You are seriously the most amazing woman I ever met in my life. Do we really need anyone else around us? Let's get away from everyone and spend weekend together, just me and you". It might sound cheesy, but whatever, I bet, it will bring better reaction. However, it's up to you.
Fuck, I would be a perfect husband!
Gallaghers is really nice too. Beautiful girls, reasonably-priced rooms unlike Manhattan. There are few rooms with no cameras. But it's not an extras-place at all. You will find someone willing, for sure, but it will be, as I said, "worn-out, aging Spanish hug". Pretty/cute girls are mostly clean at G2000.
That "perfect husband" approach ain't gonna work, Dancer95. For most women the damage has already been done just by asking her to go to the club in the first place. No amount of reassuring after the fact will change that.As confused as I still am by most women (and if I can't figure them out, what chance does any guy have?), there are some important lessons that I have learned about them....the main one being to try and never put yourself into a position with them where you'll have to explain a desire to observe scantily clad young women. It won't end well.
Lopaw, I agree with you that damage has already been done but hey, he didn't fuck up completely yet. She will not forget it, of course, and deep down she will feel resentful regardless. He still has a chance though. Women love through ears, so sugaring will help him to fix his mistake a bit.
Right now there is nothing else he can do.
I disagree with all of you my wife is not upset at me she wants to try it. Also every guy here will agree that she is the best wife ever for suggesting it
I also don't think my wife is as complicated as that. If she says she wants to go she really does there is no hidden agendas or anything like that.
Dancer95 you probably would be a perfect husband but would you be a perfect wife. My wife is the perfect wife for suggesting to go to a strip club. From my perspective going together will only strengthen our marriage. It's much better than going alone behind her back.
Well, it's not like she was the first to suggest going to a strip-club. You kept asking her about it. So finally she got sick of saying no to you. She might be afraid to come across as jealous/prude/boring, whatever. She decided that she is better off going there with you rather than you sneaking out of home for that.
And no, I don't think I will be a perfect wife. I would be rather be just myself than letting my partner to pressure me into anything.
Um, saying that your wife suggested going after you bugged her about it 10 times isn't exactly the same as her "wanting" to go. As Dancer95 says, it sounds more like she said yes just to shut you up and, incidentally, get a chance to see what you're up to in the club.
For this to have any chance of working out to be anything but a disaster, you must, as I said before, make it all about her. Let her pick the club. Let her pick the time. Pay attention to her body language. Listen to what she's not telling you. Don't talk to the girls unless she wants to. Don't tip the girls unless she wants you to. Don't make her tip the girls unless she wants to. Don't buy dances unless she asks. Don't let any of the girls pay attention to you. Don't get any dances for yourself, even if she says it's ok. And leave when she wants.
If you've been to the club, make sure nobody gives away that you've had your dick sucked, or whatever you've done there.
Originally, I thought you might have a shot, but based on what you've posted, I think you're lying to yourself about her interest. Good luck. You'll need it.
^ that's a lot of "don'ts"
Generally any plan with that many "dont's" is fraught with potential problems.
Georgemicrodong you sound really scared of women. But I will listen to your advice I will make it all about her. That's what it's all about. I know she likes women and that the only reason I have been bothering her because I am completely willing and excited to let her fulfill a fantasy of hers. I don't care of we walk out of that club and I have not gotten any attention from a dingle dancer. All I want is the visual of her getting a lap dance and getting turned on by it.
@hobnoby- please write a review for us after you do this. We are curious as to the outcome.
He ain't scared, lol. He just seems more considerate than you. It's not about fulfilling her fantasies, it's only about you, getting horny from some girl-on-girl action, smh.
Your right i admit it i cant help it i really want to see my wife having some girl on girl action it will make me really horny. I think it will make her horny too. I will let you know how it goes. The wife is coming have to go. Thanks for the advice everyone
Before you do this you might want to check out this movie. Watch the whole thing. The ending is, well, educational . . .
And all my issues with relationships role into one thread. Thanks for the reminder
OMG, is this the "other half" of the Arden 95 couple that posted on the pink site recently ? Has OP ever been to a stripclub ? Why hasn't he posted any reviews ? That would give him 4 weeks to study up on the best clubs for couples in the (not so) greater NY/NJ metro area.
I just heard a dancer tell me last night she doesn't like to approach couples because the female can be hard to read whether or not she wants to be there or if she's mad and doesn't care to be there. I would suggest if the wife doesn't appear upset at anything after a while but complains or says something about no one approaching, that it might help for her to tip dancers on stage and appear to enjoy it to let dancers know she is actually happy to be there.
I remember sitting behind one female couple before and I could tell she was mad. Hopefully it works out well for you.
First time out I'd go with low expectations. No plans for VIP (but bring the cash). Let her take the lead.
A lot of PLs just watch their first trip to a SC. You should be willing to let her do the same if she wants.
Good times, titties and beer
I've had some ridiculously fun experiences with my S/O in clubs. Here's what I've had luck using:
Let her know she's in charge and if she's not comfortable you're fine with leaving.
Most contractors want nothing to do with couples for reasons that probably need their own seven discussions. If you and your S/O see a contractor you like, have a server bring that to the contractor's attention.
If your relationship is already messed up, it won't fix anything. In fact, it'll make things much worse.
I don't know anything about the venues you'd mention, but if there's a tip rack, both of you have to tip at the rack.
Some people, especially women, seem to think 1 tip per couple is enough. If you're financially strapped to the point where you think that's an option, try some entertainment you can afford instead.
Some contractors will expect to be paid at 2x the rate for private entertainment. Get that issue hammered out before agreeing to anything.
If don't get fucked up and don't use plastic make sense when you're flying solo, it applies 10x more when you're a couple.
Above all, KNOW WHEN TO LEAVE. Don't think more of the same is going to make your experience even better. If you had fun, take it and run. Moderation in all things.
Excellent write up, mroo.
Don’t do it.
I don’t know the first thing about you, your wife or your relationship together but every sentence in your first post screams to me that she’s doing this to pacify you. You shouldn’t have to CONVINCE her to do anything she really wants to do. You wouldn’t have spent “a long time to get her interested” for her to “finally agreed to come to a strip club” if she was “very into it” and “has been fantasizing a lot about it”.
Everything you post on the subject just keeps telling me you’re trying to validate taking your wife to a SC. Do you go to SC’s by yourself now? If so, then take that $100-200 you currently spend and double or triple it and remove any and all attention you may now get from strippers. A couple is going to spend $300-600 and MAYBE get some light action. Honestly though, unless you’re going to a known VHM upscale club it’s going to take a little while, maybe even several visits before the strippers get comfortable with you as a couple and are willing to go farther. I say an upscale club because everything you’re saying tells me she won’t have a good time at a dive where mileage may be cheaper and easier to come by.
This isn’t a way to make your marriage more thrilling or exciting or sexual if it isn’t off the scale already. If your looking to increase the spark or bring back the spark you’ll probably just end up with your wife thinking you think the strippers are more desirable than she is and she’ll end up sitting there all night with a sourpuss look on her face and y’all will be bored because no one will stop to chat you up or show you any attention. (phew, what a run-on sentence that was)
If you get LD’s for $20-25 now then it’s going to run you $40-50 per song as a couple. If this place actually has rooms then you can maybe negotiate a better deal with the dancer. If you’re both sitting at the stage then you both need to tip. If a stripper plays with your wife and she tips you better put up several $$ as well to show you’re both willing and able and will spend.
Your wife might want to drink to feel more at ease. Make sure you have her drink a bottle of water in between every 1 or 2 drinks. The last thing you want is a hammered wife to drunk to do anything and passing out on you. She def won’t have fun and will wake up the next day feeling like crap. All she’ll remember is she got drunk and woke up feeling like a truck ran her over instead of how fun her night was. Besides, the ENTIRE point is both of you not being able to make it back home without ripping each others clothes off.
My suggestion for you is to just drop it. Do your research. Find out where the clubs are and read up every review you can on all of them. Put a stripper money stash somewhere in your house with $600-800 and just leave it alone. Forget about it. If your wife REALLY wants to go then if and when SHE actually says, “I want to go to a SC” that should be the first time you ever mention anything to her again about it.
I could keep going but I’ll stop my ramblings because I really don’t think you’ll listen anyway.
^ Nah, 600-800$ will give them no extra-action. Since he wants stripper to "play" with his wife, they will have to take it to private room which cost around 1200-1500$ per hour in those Manhattan clubs where extras are easier to find. Double price for a couple. Plus they will have to tip host. And whether dancer will want extra for her services. Also girls in the city are trained to push custies to buy champagne bottles.
They can go to boroughs but as I said, they would have to settle for loooow quility.
NYC strip clubs sound awful
I see a lot of couples in a local club. That must be one big reason why I always seem to have a dancer sitting with me all the time. Just having a dancer sitting with you stops all other dancers from approaching unless she's friends and wants to chat and doesn't mind.
I was hoping that seaboardrr would post here.
Awesome read there. Thanks for your valuable insight on this topic. You & mrs seaboardrr are the couples gurus of TUSCL.
@JamesSD, well, we do have a lot of fun spots here, it's just you will have a hard time finding cheap extras with someone hot. But not that it's different from most American cities. However, if OP would be okay with just lap-dances, I could offer way more affordable options to him.
I think this is a bad idea and this might start issues you can't fix...divorce will financially fuck you over...took me 5 years to get back on my feet....
Here is something I haven't seen mentioned. A friend of mine and his wife visited a club when they were out of town. She entered an amateur contest and make some good bucks.
When they got home, she started dancing in a local club. Yes I saw her there when him along and without him. All was great in the beginning, but went to hell over time.
Something you might think about!
So last night we went out to saphires. The women were gorgeous and they really knew what to do when it comes to couples. For example a lot of women came over and first offered dances to my wife. My wife proceeded to tell them to dance for me. We were so close together that the strippers were basicly giving us both dances. They really knew how ro proceed slowly and with caution. Throught the night We got a couple of dances on the floor but no vip. The dances on the floor was as far as my wife was willing to go. It was a lot of fun we drank we laughed alot we definetly want to do it again. It wasn't a sexualy fulfilling time for me but it was a lot of fun it was a good laugh for bother oF us. My wife was very shy and laughing when the dancers danced for her. I was hoping my wife would be more into it but Like you all advised I will need to take it slow. I am a very lucky man that my wife was willing to take ot this far. Also it was a big turn on to watch my wife touch another hot women. Overall we both had a great time and my marriage is still intact. We came home and had really good sex my wife was very turned on. I guess you have to know your wife. I knew my wife is not the extra jealous type so this can work.
Thanks for the update. Wish I would have seen this earlier. I am the wife and we went about 10 years between sc visits. And like your marriage. i WAS the one who "agreed" to go! The clubs were not doing it for me 10 years ago. (I wanted sex really and not to watch) And even now my H makes it really clear the I am the one who gets attention. And then it's funny because when we are there I insist he gets the attention. He gets off in the fantesy more than I do but I think we get off equally on the real thing. Let's see if your wife escalates quickly, like I did, after a 10 year hiatus. Don't be surprised if she does. Just hang on for the ride.
Thanks for the update. The dancers clearly knew the right approach for couples; go through the wife.
It's good that you two had fun, and it sounds like the situation did arouse your wife, even if she had pretty serious limits :)
If I'm wrong then I'm glad you guys had such a great time but I'm just not drinking the kool-aid. Everything you're still saying is how you're wife was hesitant and not completely into it YET you've got strippers coming up to her left and right paying her attention? This must be a twilight zone SC. I'd like to know when "she" suggests y'all go to a SC the next time. What I really don't understand is how you and your wife went to a SC, went home and had great sex but it wasn't sexually fulfilling for you? Sorry if this is coming off as mean but couples have the hardest time getting ANY attention even when they're actively trying to engage with strippers and openly telling them anything goes so this is coming across to me as fantasy.