9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.So last night we went out to saphires. The women were gorgeous and they really knew what to do when it comes to couples. For example a lot…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.Your right i admit it i cant help it i really want to see my wife having some girl on girl action it will make me really horny.…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.Georgemicrodong you sound really scared of women. But I will listen to your advice I will make it all about her. That's what it's all about. I know…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.Dancer95 you probably would be a perfect husband but would you be a perfect wife. My wife is the perfect wife for suggesting to go to a strip…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.I also don't think my wife is as complicated as that. If she says she wants to go she really does there is no hidden agendas or anything…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.I disagree with all of you my wife is not upset at me she wants to try it. Also every guy here will agree that she is the…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.Johnsmith69 you may be saying some truth but the opportunity is too golden I will go to penthouse and scores like dancer95 suggested. If anyone knows of any…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.Fyi she brought it up. She suggested it now. I asked like ten times in the past and it was always a maybey. Yesterday she suggested that she…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.I am not going to push her into anything she doesn't want to do. If money is not an issue and I know I won't fuck up my…
9 yrs ago •hobnobycommented onTaking my wife to a strip club for the first time.I don't need the strippers to play with me IF I wanted that I would go alone i need the strippers to pay attention to my wife and…