
This One Is A Little Different

Saturday, September 5, 2015 12:34 AM
I had a tough time trying to figure her out how she would handle me as a customer. As it turned out, she gave me a pass and let me in to her inner sanctum. This girl is beautiful, like what my compadre has said "She is much much beautiful than the dancer you are chasing right now," We text alot, like everyday. Not a single day passes by we exchange pleasantries and sweet little nothings. It's like she is a civilian and not a hustler trying to set up a visit. But I know deep down in there she is still going to hustle. It's complicated now, because we are going to go out and do it. Yeah, that's right, no mention of money yet. That's what making me scratch my head.


  • Capatine
    9 years ago
    Don't worry the mention will come soon lol
  • grinddawg
    9 years ago
    Not to be a contrarian, but don't think you're in her "inner sanctum", sporto. More like the multi marketing list. Contemporary definitions for inner sanctum noun a private or secret place known only to a few people [view link]'s 21st Century Lexicon Copyright © 2003-2014 [view link], LLC
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    heh funny... I keep wondering if our uber-naive posters are for real. I hope they are. alab: Occasionally, I've done OTCs with women and we've never discussed money before. It's a calculated risk, and one that can seriously bite you in the ass if you don't know your girl well enough. A buddy of mine once did a dual-OTC -- we each took a stripper from the same club, we got hotel rooms in the same hotel, then took the girls eating and drinking for a couple hours, then back to our separate hotel rooms. Neither of us discussed price -- in the end, my girl wanted $250 which I got down to $200, his girl wanted $1000. He paid her $250, she was FURIOUS and never talked to him again. He didn't care, but it sounds like you do...
  • grinddawg
    9 years ago
    If I was going to do an extra, I think the price would have to be negotiated up front. Your post shows that girls will be all over the spectrum in terms of how much they want. And who's to say things may not get ugly? The dancer could get mad and call in some muscle, threaten to call the cops and say you raped her, try to blackmail you, etc. A lot of bad things can happen. Best to trust the dancer as much as you can and make sure price is firm. They may try to renegotiate and try to make a little extra tip while stroking your johnny but I guess that comes with the territory.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    And then there's the "long con". I've known a stripper for years and have done the dirty deed with her in VIP and she never asked for more money for extras, but I always added a $50 or $100 tip after a one hour Champagne Room visit ($175 to the house and $200 for the dancer) She stopped dancing at the club and asked me to come to her apartment. No mention of money. I was doing her doggy bent over her bed when her mother walked in. No problem. As I was leaving, "could I borrow a couple oh hundred?" Sure. The next time I saw her, full GFE and a HJ in a store parking lot. Then a day later: could you Western Union me a hundred? I need a prescription filled and cigarettes. Then I saw her "just for coffee" and got road head. Then, "can you help me out a little?" More and more often, but always with the GFE and many remonstrations of undying love and fealty. My theory: she has two PL's who send her $$ weekly and another disabled man who she gets naked and snuggles. One of the other PL's she has sex with and her primary benefactor (about $500 a week) is a religious nutcase who gets off when she touches him. This way she's not a whore because there's no quid pro quo. Just unrelated gifts and unpaid loans. Frankly she's an enjoyable 26 year old who was HOT when she was 22 or 23 and could be again if she made the effort. I suspect she's trying to get me to be a regular contributor but I prefer to pay for what I get rather than for what I might get.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    When you wake up...
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    Yes! Finally, we got the deed done. Signed. Delivered. I feel so much better now. I am a definitely a happy man right now. I'm looking at the pics I took while we were doing it. Awesome!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm glad you enjoyed yourself
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