
Offtopic Problem with all these worst case survival scenarios

They talk about survival, water, food, gangs, staying out of sight but they keep ignoring one big problem.
hundreds of nuclear power plants undergoing meltdown releasing radioactive clouds.
Isuppose it might be game over, everyone dead if all the nuclear plants around the world lost the people and fuel to stop meltdowns.
Would people underground in bunkers be able to outlast the radation? I don't know.

Watching a show on history channel called after Armegeddon.
I guess the assumption is that all the nuclear power plants are still operating preventing meltdowns or they just ignored the issue. I think they just ignored it because they have a worst case scenario witha global pandemic killing almost everyone prober half the people and no power anywhere because not enough people to keep all running.

Show would end with everyone but those in bunkers dead.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I guess if it looks like it's snowing when it's warm outside, you don't need to worry unless you have a bunker you can get in quick. If you start vomiting within an hour, you'll likely be dead within 2 to 4 days if I remember correctly.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    As long as the strip clubs stay open, I don't give a shit. :)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I guess water, food, etc, are or would be the biggest survival concerns for most to start with.

    getting society back and then strip clubs, unfortunately low on most people's list.
    you would think if we have a dept of homeland security to help stop or prevent americans from getting killed, they would be assisting with prepping the public on how we could get power and everything running again as quickly as possible. this could save millions of American lives one day. if the public including cities need to buy emergency equipment,generators, extra electrical equipment, it shouldbe thought of as spending on insurance. countries like north Korea would like knocking out our power for years. no more strip clubs. we need to spend money to prep as a country to get power restored quickly.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    why spend money on insurance? to mitigate catastrophic losses
    potential loss due to a year long national power loss? over a trillion dollars and millions dead
    sounds catastrophic to me
    how much insurance is spent by cities and governments? to mitigate effects? not enough in my opinion.
    I would like to see full ppower restored within a month of an emp attack or catastrophic solar flare.
    how long could Shadowcat go without strippers before going postal? hmmmm.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Ahh, make that time less than 7 days in key electrical manufacturing areas. the government will need to stock equipment and train reserve forces for all essential services including restoring power. also need to get fuel supply areas running quickly. under an emp scenario, we might be at war and one month is way too long without power.
    now what will that take to get it done? 200 billion? it would be insurance and possible war prepping. we don't have much of a country without power.
    ok, I'll stop today's rambling.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    We're all DOOMED!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ok one little bit more, a surprise emp attack could leave most members of congress and all other elected leaders at home away from all their fallout bunkers and shelters. they would be stuck with the general population with probably no means of communication. no working government. I don't know if land lines are protected or not. getting somewhere on the roads could be a problem. just posting in case someone suggests something to someone who then thinks, hey maybe we should prep for this.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    lol,I had wondered if someone came up with the plan requiring humans to keep nukes from melting down to prevent an alien takeover. if any alien species was stupid enough to wipe us out, the nuclear radiation might kill, them off after we are gone.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    If I were bitten by a radioactive stripper, would I become Stripperman?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    The lions, led by rickthelion, will battle the aliens for earth after our impending doom. Who will win?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Best not to watch such programs or to start thinking that way.

    Their views are not sensible.

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