I'm surprised that neither JohnSmith69 nor the lion guy have posted this!

avatar for 4got2wipe

I thought the daily mail was JohnSmith69's favorite and I'm sure the lion guy would spin this as evidence for the badassery of lions! That said, I'm not sure it is the best evidence of lion badassery given that the croc got away! So I guess the scorecard is: brilliant for the croc, so-so for the lionesses, and not brilliant for the elephant! :(


last comment
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I notice the lions eat the brains first. Shows how important fat is when it really counts.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
While I realize that some may disagree, I do make an effort to only post links to articles that are at least indirectly related to our hobby.
avatar for rickthelion
10 years ago
Are you making fun of lions wipeless asshole? You don't have long for the world. Soon you'll hear a growl that sounds like "wildebeest", then you'll hear a roar, and then you won't hear anything at all!

Fear the lion wipeless. Fear me!
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
Typical. The Daily Mail is not very accurate at reporting. One of the "lionesses is a male, he's in every pic posted.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
That's a lot of zoological knowledge for a Buckeye to have!

Were you told that by a Wolverine? ;-D

ATACdawg, native son of Detroit
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
I know, it's tough.................................

Definition: wol·ver·ine


noun: wolverine; plural noun: wolverines; noun: Wolverine
a heavily built short-legged carnivorous mammal with a shaggy dark coat and a bushy tail, native to the tundra and forests of arctic and subarctic regions.

a native or inhabitant of Michigan. a perennial loser aka Buckeye fodder.

avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago

avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Ouch! Aaaaaagh! The pain..... ;-)
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