Stripper cliques.

avatar for shadowcat
On a recent thread it was mentioned that word of mouth about customers does happen between dancers. Whether it is a lap dance or OTC. I believe that it does happen. Especially at clubs with a dozen or so dancers but at my favorite club there may be as many as 80 dancers working at a time and the girls do not all know each other. But in these bigger clubs there are cliques and I have seen them gang up on dancers that are not a part of the group and run them off or rat on them to management. If you visit the same club often enough you will spot them always hanging out together. IME the members of these cliques are not my kind of dancer(think stripper web) and I avoid them.


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avatar for twentyfive
10 years ago
Check out my comment on bullshit excuses there are definetly stripper cliques
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
They probably share info with each other about which guys are easy marks and which ones to avoid. They probably have their own interests in mind first and foremost and anybody not part of their clique is against them.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Girls are insanely cliquey in general, and strippers are women who often have the maturity level of girls -- they are INSANELY cliquey at times.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Clique is a polite way of putting it, Shadow. They're probably stablemates all working for the same pimp.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
shadow & chandler... you guys are point on .. And i also avoid those dancers...
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Scat,you don't know the half of it.It's a jungle in there.You're girl "M" once whacked a dancer in the chops with a combination lock.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
These group attacks on other dancers are often (maybe always?) motivated by jealousy. Case in point. Last time at the club where the DS works some of the dancers spread a rumor about her, and told management a blatant lie that would've gotten her fired. Three different dancers told me this crap about her on the same night, and then she was harassed by management about it that night to the point of tears (never seen her cry before). I know with certainty that it was all made up crap directed at a dancer that makes more than a lot of the others combined. I know the birches be crazy and all that, but even to a strip club veteran I thought this was particularly vicious.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
It probably happens at any job – particularly w/ women since they seem to like to socialize more.

In general I don't like dancers that bad mouth other dancers whether clique or solo bashing.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Strippers always form cliques. They are mean girls.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I've been told by dancers that another has HIV. No foundation; just story telling to hurt a co-worker,
avatar for Dancergirl95
10 years ago
Girls definitely do form cliques. They tell each other about bad customers and keep good customers to themselves. Chances are that if they're talking about you, you've done something wrong. It can be a jungle in there if you aren't part of a clique.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
It's not exclusive to strippers, but I'm sure that's the most prevalent "in your face."

Getting a little older what I see now is soccermom cliques. These cunts group up and go out together blowing up social media with 240 photos of them going out on a Thursday night to a bowling alley or a weekend trip to a spa. You'd think these girls would be at the opposite end of the spectrum as strippers but really they aren't. Only difference is they married the doctor, which is the same doctor that's fucking the stripper in the other clique. See how I made that full circle? Yes I know, clever! Lol
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
SC- Interesting subject, though I'll confess one that I haven't given too much attention to as I'm mainly concentrating on finding dancers who can provide me with the most enjoyment, regardless of who they may or may not be friends with.
That said, I have very rarely seen more than 3 dancers congregating together at any one time. What I've most often seen are tag teams, whereby one weak, or otherwise mediocre dancer teams up with a hottie in hopes of getting some of hotties customers. No thanks, I want the hottie only. I did note on my last winter FL visit that the dancers who spent a lot of time (compared to other dancers) talking to management/staff (shift manager, floor host, etc) when compared to other dancers were the ones with the weakest mileage, or bitchiest personality.
avatar for coolguy111
10 years ago
I know they talk because my current CF, my former CF and another girl I have spent time with and gotten dances from a couple of times all stood at the bar together one night talking for about 5 minutes. I had just gotten done getting dances from my CF and she was getting ready to go home and my former CF was getting ready to come over. My CF had told me something my former had said about me and so when my former came overand started talking to me I asked her if she said that about me and she said no that she doesn't tell the other girls anything which I call BS on because I know what my CF told me was true that she would have said. I see really bad jealousy where I go because there aren't alot of dancers and only so many customers so they want all the money they can get from the pot available for that night.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“... Girls definitely do form cliques … It can be a jungle in there if you aren't part of a clique...”

Sounds like what goes on in prison; i.e. one needing protection

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