
OTC adventure with blackout drunk dancer

Scenario: After mind blowing p4p OTC session with a dancer (let’s call her Bambi), I ask Bambi if I could take her to lunch. She eagerly accepts.

Bambi is dark haired beauty. Ultra feminine with a quick, cute wit. She leans closely to an 8. With enough war paint and right sexy clothes, Bambi can often pull off an 8.5.

I take her to a small independent Italian place where we had a great time drinking wine and eating delicious food. Scratch that, I was eating but, to my chagrin, Bambi barely picked at her Lasagna. Regardless, the wine flowed freely leading to fun conversation and laughter.

Neither Bambi nor I were ready to quit partying so we drove over to a neighborhood dive bar that was mostly empty except for a few old drunks minding their own business sitting at the bar.

At the dive bar, Bambi and I thought it was best to switch from wine and start drinking margaritas and shots of Patron. We played pool and danced to slow classic love songs playing on the box. It was that rare magical combination of right music, mood, location, service, and drink that I’ve come to expect when taking one of these honeys out.

After a couple hours at the dive bar, to my surprise, Bambi wanted to keep partying. Bambi’s face lit up in delight when I suggested we go to nearby dive strip club.

We take an Uber to the dive sc and sit at the tip rail. We order a couple drinks and shots and I get 100 in ones to for Bambi and I to tip with (taking a stripper to a club is not cheap).

All starts off well with Bambi playfully tipping the average looking MILF’s on stage. Each dancer on stage attempts to kiss Bambi when she tips but Bambi turns her head each time. Good times.

I notice Bambi is starting to tip these very average looking dancers about ten per song. I playfully and gently tell Bambi she can tip what she wants but if she continues tipping 10 per song we would have to leave soon.

When Bambi looks up, I am stunned to see the look of glee on her face and the happiness in her eyes has somehow turned into vile anger and hatred. In mere seconds, Bambi has changed from happy and playful to a miserable pissed off bitch. Bambi’s whole demeanor had changed.

“What the fuck is your problem? I’m just having fun.” Bambi says with anger and emotion. It is like she no longer recognized me and has forgotten the fun day we’ve had. This is followed by Bambi loudly spewing hate filled gibberish that made no sense.

Oh shit. I knew the party was over. Bambi had crossed over into “blackout ugly drunk” status and there is no coming back from that without sleep.

I calmly reminded Bambi who I am and where she is at. I assured her I care about her and will ensure she gets home safely. This seemed to calm her down a little. After what felt like hours (actually about ten minutes) the Uber arrived and I helped Bambi to the car.

In the Uber, Bambi expressed further drama by going on a hate filled diatribe about events in her life that I could not understand. At one point, I thought Bambi was going to get violent even. I had the driver take us through a fast food place so she could get a little food. Eventually I got Bambi home safely where she could sleep it off.

I blame myself for Bambi’s actions as I was the one ordering the drinks. I should have been more cognizant of how much she was drinking. Most of my favorites handle their drink very well so I was not thinking about Bambi having too much to drink at the time. I look forward to spending time with Bambi again. Next time I’ll keep an eye on how much booze she drinks.


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Wow! Great story! I've had some vaguely similar experiences with my ATATF -- a fantastic night, that all of a sudden took a shocking alcohol-based U-turn, as if I were dealing with a completely different personality. I don't think "keep an eye on how much booze she drinks" works, in the sense that, if you're in a place that sells alcohol, she's going to continue wanting more and will not be happy if you cut her off or slow her down. Instead, you just have to leave the bar and commence to fucking when she's had enough to be pleasantly buzzed. There's no managing her at the bar, other than getting her out of the bar completely.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I've seen this happen many times. Too many times.

    Different kinds of alcohol can turn some people into completely different people.

    My Ex could usually keep it together if she drank Rum or wine. But if she was drinking Vodka? Or mixed in vodka with other drinks? Whoa... Hold onto your seat, because the claws and a totally different personality came out. It at times could be truly frightening. And I'm so glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Wow, Bambi sounds like my wife, except she's never drunk. Just crazy.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Lol my wife had a similar incident when I let her drink way too much recently - but she turned into happy drunk where Bambi turned into angry drunk.

    I'm not sure how well you know Bambi, and I'm sure since she's a stripper it's likely her level of craziness is higher than the average girl but it appears her outburst(s) that might were mostly fueled by alcohol and not her normal personality. Don't look to deep in to this incident and she may never even bring it up again because I'm guessing she doesn't remember much about that night.

    You gave hints as to what made her turn. 1. You said she barely ate at dinner, so even if you drank the same amount of her throughout the night she was going to get drunk much quicker than you regardless of tolerance levels. You also mentioned tequila. When you hear of people getting crazy drunk or doing stupid things while drinking the drug of choice I hear the most is tequila followed by vodka. Those two spirits seem to being the crazy out in people the most.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    This kind of shit doesn't happen if you get them high instead of drunk. People who are high don't go on angry rampages. They don't loose control. They might fall asleep, but they wake up happy. They might temporarily forget where they are, but regardless they'll be happy to be with you. They might have trouble making decisions, but the one decision that will be clear is sex cause they'll be horny. Any they aren't so worried about their fucked up lives when they are high. And even if the high goes poorly, which is unlikely, it'll wear off quicker than being drunk will. Next time get her high and limit it to 2-3 drinks.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Typical Psycho !
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Sounds like Kim Basinger in Blind Date!
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Bitches be crazy.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Not brilliant!

    Lone_Wolf, have you seen her since? Do you think she really didn't recognize you or do you think she was just pissed that you asked her to slow down on the spending? If the former, it's scary that she got in the uber with you!
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Moral of the story is, carry monopoly money hundreds to give to Bambi when she's in drunken overtipping mode. She will accept them as legal tender Benjamins. You can let the bouncer deal with her when she goes booze beserk when the dancer on stage snubs her.
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