
Best Way to Train New Strippers

Friday, August 7, 2015 7:11 AM
Was discussing the influx of new strippers with the master and our efforts to train them correctly. New strippers think table dancing means dancing, but we like grinding, touching, and other high mileage activities.

Wouldn't it be better training, if the house mom said to the new girls "Remember that shit you used to do for free in the back seat of your boyfriend's car? That is what the PLs expect and the good news is they will pay you for it." Then the stripper would reply "Now I finally understand table dancing!"

Your thoughts? As I am getting tired of training the new girls.


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I train them by stopping after one dance. If they see I then go to another dancer with preferred grindage then I think the air dancer gets the picture. Of course she grapples with the morality for a few shifts, maybe even for a month or so, but eventually the air dancer learns or finds another profession.

    I've had a couple air dancers come back to me after a year and then become my regular because of how excellent their skills have been honed.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Most new girls don't have the mindset to be successful dancers and they're not going to change that no matter what you tell them. They have to get there themselves or they'll be like the pathetic women on SW. The girls who learn the ropes quickly usually have good careers as dancers. I met my ATF on her 3rd day as a dancer and she seemed like a veteran even then, so it's natual ability that counts the most IMHO.

    As for the mechanics, the best traing is if newbies got lap dances from the veterans. My fave girls are all completely different. Some are very athletic while others go for a more sensuous approach. Some girls will do what it takes to get the guy off while others just want you to be hard. Most new girls lack the skill set to do good lap dances because they've never had one and don't know all the different techniques available to them. They think bouncng on your lap or an air dance is fine because they're hot.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF recently went to work at a new club and the House Mother gave her a tour. In the lapdance area she said, " keep you feet on the floor. Keep his fly zipped, but two way contact is ok." Then they got to the VIP area. " bring the guy here if you want to give him a blowjob but if you want to have sex with him, meet him somewhere else"
    Now that's how to break in the new help!
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I have met a few that started dancing recently(within a couple weeks of meeting them). They didn't seem horrible but I didn't expect a blowjob ITC either.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Bet RicktheLion would use a whip and chair
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    VBD - As I was saying. Yesterday 2 established strippers brought over this new girls that had never done a lap dance before, They brought her to me because I was a regular and a "nice guy". They asked me to do her a favor and let her dance for me. The teacher started out giving by getting naked and giving me a dance. She allowed my hands to roam and the let the newbie take over. She coached her throughout the whole song. "now take off you bottoms. move to the rhythm of the music, ask him if he wants another, ask him if he wants to go to VIP". She was a cute 23 yo mother of 2 that didn't look like she had any kids. She allowed my hands to roam but did no stick shifting. I would have accepted a second dance to see if we could move forward but she didn't ask and I just let it go.

    Now to see if it was her first and last day on the job. Maybe tomorrow.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Nothing the housemom could say will change the need for new strippers to learn by doing. Preferably, doing me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... They brought her to me because I was a regular and a "nice guy" …”

    shadowcat – aka “the stripper whisperer”
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    How you train anything else – you reward them when they do well – if they are not grinding I ask them “do you grind?” - either she starts grinding or we stop at the end of the song.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Lots of good points. Stopped them at 1 dance, yep done that. Liked the ATF at new club and house mom giving her lay of the land. Yep, some of them don't have the mindset and nothing will help. Chandler keep training em for me.

    Papi & Shadow, when they make “the stripper whisperer” movie can I get a bit part? Actually that new movie studio they are building in GA is not far from Shadow's house, so he will have short commute. Not to mention Shadow has his our personal fluffer girl! :)
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    VBD - You are referring to Pinewood Studios. It is already in use "Ant Man" starring Michael Douglas , that was just released was filmed there. Actually phase 2 of construction is in progress, doubling the number of sound stages and adding 1000+ units of housing. And more.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    its not all bad when they don't know how to dance. When mine told me in VIP that she had never done a lap dance before, and when she did horrible despite my coaching, we just had sex instead.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    As others have said, if a dancer doesn't figure out quickly how to give a good dance, she never will. Which is why unless she is smoking hot, I wait until she has danced for several months before getting a dance from a new dancer. By that time if she is popular she has knows what is expected and her dances moves while maybe not fully polished, are usually at least decent.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    ^Several months?? By that time, the best have passed their peak and begun to burn out on stripping.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    There's no point in *training* a dancer. I ask her to do what I want. If she does it, great. If not, I move on. If she comes back later, she gets the same request.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I must be a good trainer. That dancer that I posted about above, came up to me today and brought another dancer that had never given a lap dance before and they requested my assistance again. Well, It's a dirty job but some body has to do it. :)
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Shadow - were these dances gratis or did you pay? If they are bringing you newbies to break in free of charge that would be brilliant!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    If I have to train a stripper, she better be INCREDIBLY hot to begin with and we really have to connect so we can both enjoy the dancing experience. This also means getting monkey huge on my end as well.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    I want to grow up to be Shadowcat!
  • TheFword
    9 years ago
    I have found that what she did before makes all the difference. In a Reno club I was talking to a dancer who told me that it was her 3rd day working as a stripper. After more talk it came out that she worked at a local brothel. Bingo, the jackpot bells started ringing in my head. I asked about extras. She didn't think they were allowed. They are not I replied, I've done them lots of times we just have to be discrete. So I popped her SC extras cherry for much less than she would have made at her old job. She didn't even ask for a tip. It was so good I would have given her $50 more. I didn't offer hoping that she wouldn't expect it in the future.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    rh48hr - Part of the training is asking for money. So Yes, I paid. I've had worse lap dances for $10.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Drop The System on her; chapters 1-4 only; you know; cause she's a newbie
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