
A Member Commented that My Reviews Read Like an AD

Monday, August 3, 2015 12:53 PM
A member said that my reviews read like an AD. This makes me look bad and I am not employed by any strip clubs. What do you all think? i am just simply telling people what the strip clubs are like. Not sure what he meant by specific dance info missing. I said the girls were physical and allow touching.


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    If your reviews are ads your not doing a good job. Sounds too legit.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    I'm with chessmaster, your reviews are fine. More detail about what constitutes being "pretty physical" and touching "to an extent" would be appreciated -- that's likely the "missing specific dance information."
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    Thanks, I do put a lot of effort into my reviews. Next time I will be more specific on the dances. Normally what I mean is that the girls will let you touch their legs and thighs. I will add that next time.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Your reviews are fine. And you don't need to get too specific as to how much shit you got away with. Ya don't want the girls to get in trouble.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I think they are ok. It's probably just the way you write.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Being the dedicated PL that I am; I peruse the daily reviews – the TUSCLer that commented on your review comments on several reviews everyday often w/ a similar comment; e.g. “Club Ad of the day ...”; etc. The original reviewer never comments back but one reviewer did so I decided to read that particular review to see what was up – I read that review and I thought it was a perfectly fine and good review; I think the guy that constantly comments with reviews being like ads is a bit overzealous w/ his “this is an ad” commenting.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    shadowcat is right about the level of detail. No need to let club owners and the other dancers have information that will let them screw a dancer over. All that member wants to know is who will blow him, and he doesn't want to spend the money to find out. Review the way you think you ought to; the only opinion that matters is founder's.
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