O.T. Balloons

Last week I had my first hot air balloon ride. It was a hoot. Five balloonists from Edmonton came out to my rural area to do their stuff. I let them use my yard for take-off and I was given a short ride in return. I got a big kick out of seeing my house and yard from above. I was surprised at the contrast of noise and silence during the ride - dead silence broken by the huge roar of the propane burner as more heat was needed to provide lift. After my short jaunt the balloonists rode off for their day's journey. I followed the chasers for about an hour but conditions were perfect and the balloonists and chasers continued further south east than I was prepared to follow.
Very interesting day for me.
Very interesting day for me.
As where the baloon goes is entirely dependent on the winds aloft, one must be aware of what is going on around them, and climb or descend to get to where you want to go. I noticed baloon pilot carrying some cans of shaving cream. Wind shifts with altitude, so baloon pilot would squirt some shaving cream downward periodically to observe its drift. If stream drifted to the right, he'd know to descend if he wanted to alter couse to the right, climb if he wanted to alter course to the left. One could also observe which way the baloons above you or below you were going.
Art, you should take a ride in an open cockpit biplane next.
I was up in the air for about 15-20 min; balloon was tethered for about half the time so my 'free flowing' ride was barely 10 min. And, I have been in an open cockpit biplane before. Balloon ride was much more fun.
@jackslash & motorhead,
Fear of heights? A few days working on the monkey board would cure you of that.
If she drops a line, do NOT grab it.