
An Accidental Regular

layin low but staying high

Until recently I've never been a regular at a strip club. The reason is simple. I club while I travel, and I travel to many different places. So the most I get to any club in a given year is no more than a half dozen times, often less than that.

This all changed recently although I didn't realize it until after the fact. I went to the club where the DS works. The door girl greets me by name (how did she learn my name?), and she says they missed me last week. I'm taken aback. No club reception girl has ever remembered me before.

I sit down and over the next 30 minutes a half dozen girls stop by that I know well. They know that they won't get most of my money but they're seemingly happy to accept leftovers. Maybe they also hope to replace her one day. In any event it's fun to visit with these nude girls, each of whom is gorgeous and just my type.

Then the waitress comes by, greets me by name, and asks me if I want the usual. As a matter of fact that is exactly what I want. They know me here. Then a bouncer stops by and asks if he should go find the DS. No thanks, I say, she's knows I'm here and there's not much chance she'll leave me alone for long unless I want her to.

Soon thereafter a vision approaches. I get a hard on when I see her across the room. 60 seconds later we embrace. I missed her. Soon she takes her clothes off, and all is right with my little regular corner of the world.

As she is dancing, it hits me. I'm a regular here. Everybody knows me. It's like Cheers with naked women. Wouldn't that have been an awesome show if it had been in a strip club instead of just a bar? Great idea for a new HBO series.

So I love being a regular. It's not just cause she's there. It's the whole package. The service is better, the dancers are more permissive, I know the talent, I know what rules I can break and how to do it, I know where the cameras are, and I feel at home. And this home where I spend many evenings is a thousand times better than anything that Hugh Hefner has with his fake tit blonds in the Playboy mansion.

So I've heard you guys talk about being a regular for years, and I always wondered what that would be like. I told myself I had it better cause I got variety, and there's something to that. But being a regular is better. Far better.


  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Yep. You are officially a regular.

    Norm!!!!!!!! lol.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is cool js69. I have been there and it does have its perks.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Being a regular isn't bad. :)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    JS69: I know exactly where you're coming from. I was seeing my ATF weekly for about 2 years (it's more monthly now) so everyone in the club got to know me well. I enjoy being taken care of like a VIP; naturally I tip well so that helps! You get a feel for the veteran dancers, bouncers and wait staff and see the new ones come and go. I also get to know all my ATF's closest friends too like you do yours, so that's a bonus as well.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I knew I was a regular when I walked into the club one day and the waitress said, "I'm sorry. Somebody is sitting at YOUR table."

    Now when I come in, everybody just yells, "JACK!"
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I'm an accidental regular at Follies. I went once. Liked the beyond full contact $10 nude dances and (then) $142 FS VIPs so much, I went again. I kept liking it and kept going back, until it became a regular thing.

    I never planned for this to happen.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Being a regular definitely has its advantages. Good times.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    You gotta know the promo code for VIP newbies.

    Just kidding. Like I wrote, it was $142 then, in 2012.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    JS69 they finally recognize your greatness!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    You seem to be approaching shadowcast status.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    When JS walks into this club now....

  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Papi that is blasphemy! There is ONLY one master, and his name is Shadowcat.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    * I said "approaching" not "at" :)
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    @papi you sir are approaching the master too.
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    I guess as long as they don't ask if you know Tyler Durden it is okay.

    I dream of the day I can be a regular at Follies and get the VIP dance punch card and the perks.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    He owns the best chair at Follies, he's got retrograde ejaculations, he drives a new mustang GT, and he's met more tuscl members than anybody else. I think shadow's status as strip club Jedi master is secure for a while to come.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I think I'm gonna start watching Cheers reruns. Maybe I'll identify with the show more now.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    When Cheers came to a close, my next door neighbor won a Norm look-a-like contest at a downtown Atlanta bar.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Don't forget that Star Trek: DS9 had a wink and a nod to Cheers with Morn, the regular at Quark's bar.

    And congratulations on becoming a known regular, John. I really enjoyed that sort of treatment 20 years ago at a club in Minneapolis. Doormen and servers would ask if I wanted them to find my regular Pamela for me; even the occasional dancer would. A couple of servers sometimes met me at a table with a drink in hand -- before I even took off my jacket and sat down; nuts, one always asked if I wanted to order a cheeseburger. It was a really great feeling, being known and welcome someplace, especially considering it was the first time I had really moved away from home.

    What sucked was that I was working a couple of minimum-wage jobs at the time. What little money I had -- and needed -- wound up in the garters of many a dancer.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I've favored being a regular for many years, for this type of reason. The tangible benefits can be awesome. I do always branch out to check out other clubs, just so I don't get in a rut, but at my "home" club: the bartender has been charging me for well-drink shots ($4.50) while pouring me top-shelf ($12-$15) shots, she even apologizes to me when she feels the manager is watching and she can't get away with it -- I'll end up buying a round for the whole table, and paying $25+tip instead of $90+tip! The bouncers don't bother me at all in the VIP room, and with the right girl, I get away with a LOT. The DJ occasionally lets me request that my girl be skipped in the stage rotation. Besides my ATF, girls come by to hang out with me for the longest time, and I'll just buy them a shot ($4.50!! Lol) and they'll be happy with it... I absolutely love the "table full of girls" thing, so it works for me. And I could go on and on... This is all aside from the "everybody knows your name" thing, which I don't care as much about, but one of my SC buddies just totally loves it
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