
Sorta an interesting review from a Detroit dancer w.r.t. a Detroit SC

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Dancer visited Legends in Detroit and wrote the following review:

Dancer's perspective review. As a dancer of the rival (but not so rival) club down the street from here, I decided to finally check this place out. My friend and I were out and remembered some of the other girls from work had gone to Legends to see what it was about. They were given a tour and free drinks from the manager. We figure "fuck it, let's try to get free drinks." I don't plan to leave Bouzouki, but I really wanted a free drink lol. Our visit was on a Sunday, Father's Day at approx. 9pm. This was the same day as the second shooting in Greektown, which occurred around midnight.
I'm not going to go into detail about the exterior of the place too much. Some of the parking spaces across the street are rented by Legends for valet to use. It appeared incredibly empty. Meh. We walked into the giant doors and the door girl photocopied our licenses and cabaret licenses after we inquired about working. She asked us if we wanted to work on the spot because they were shot on girls. We were totally unprepared to work. We only wanted to see the place and get info about working. The door girl had us sit at a booth and told us to wait for the manager to come chat with us.
The place is aesthetically pleasing indeed. I won't give many details because I am sure they've already been described previously. However, from a dancer's perspective, what were they thinking putting the giant tv behind the stage?! It takes away from viewing the girls on the stage. It's a great idea, but is a huge distraction from the beautiful, lustful tatas bouncing around before you. Also, as an entertainer who performs pole tricks, there is just no way I'd be able to perform on that stage. It is shaped like a dumbbell with two 50mm stainless steel spinning poles on each side. The stair railing is in the way of one of the poles though, which would make it almost impossible to perform tricks on the pole.
A bouncer comes over with waters (damn it, no drink) and invites us for a tour. We are lead upstairs to the first vip area. He tells us he needs to know if we are extra or clean girls so he knows which kind of tour to give us (what the fuck?!!?!?). We are clean. He told us dances are $25 per every 3 minutes and we must check in and out when we go up. Makes sense. Then, we are to have our customer tip the bouncers - not us. His words were "I want the clean girls to take home all the money they can, so we never expect a tip from them. But we need their customers to tip." We took it as an implication that we wouldn't make any money really. He said the first few booths are reserved for the clean girls, while the extra girls are in the back booths. Also, money is not collected by song. It is per every 3 minutes. So the time begins as soon as you sit down. You have no idea how long you are back there for until you go to check out with the bouncer.
We were shown to the second floor. The smoking floor (eww). This was barely a floor per se and merely a walk through to the third level. The third level had a long stage with two static poles on it. It is only open for private parties or something. It was fairly spacious. Back to the second floor - where the 2nd set of vip booths are. The clean girls are more prone to use these ones from my understanding as they have a small window with curtains in them. The bouncer said the curtains are to be partially opened if the dancer is in trouble or needs help. When we walked by the 2nd level bar, I saw a few girls sitting there on their phones.
The first floor had maybe 15 or so booths. There are a few booths on the second level as well. The place gets wall to wall cramped from what I've heard. I personally would find it difficult to hustle there with a cramped crowd, especially having to work on multiple levels and with a long stage rotation.
The club has 7 pole rotations from my understanding. Two on main stage, two next to the large tv (there are no poles on these two so you basically gogo dance), one mezzanine stage on 2nd floor (again, no pole here), one pole in the private champagne room, and the 3rd level stage. Not all stages are open all at once though. Personally, this would get confusing and annoying. This set up helped me decided this club would never be a good fit for me. Also, tip out is $35 each night. Additional tips to the dj, house mom, and bouncers.
I still wanted to chat with the manager anyway. The bouncer had us sit down again and told us to stay and wait for the manager. While waiting, I noticed the club was completely dead. There were three customers there. ONLY THREE. Granted, it was Father's Day, but I hear ALL THE TIME that this place is packed. Two customers were smoking hookah and had a care in the world, let alone even realized they were at a strip club. Another customer was eating and had waitresses sitting with him.
We watched a short haired brunette girl on stage. We was seriously up there for 6 or 7 songs. She looked SO bored. I could not understand the dj at all. Next girl up I recognized because she worked with me at Bouzouki. I went up and hugged her. We briefly spoke. She told me she honestly would not recommend this club. One of their own girls was dissing the club. She said she only made $120 last Friday as a clean girl. She also said the bouncers will frequently look the other way if a guy walks out on her in vip without paying and will not stop customers from leaving the club without paying either. She said they demand tops be taken off before the beginning of the second song otherwise you may be subject to a fine. She said the bouncers also seem to be on a power trip and they favor extra girls over the clean ones. Suddenly, one came over and told her to get back to dancing. Oops. I didn't mean to get her in trouble. I sat back at the booth.
Roughly three minutes later, a big beefy black bouncer probably on steroids came up and said "You ladies can't be here hanging out." "We're not," I said, "We're waiting to speak to the manager about working." My friend followed up telling him the same thing. "He's busy, call back tomorrow. You can't hang out."
Fine. We can take a hint. The door girl asked us if we were going to come back and I told her, "Well, you're bouncers seem to be wannabe football players who were probably bullied in high school. One was just incredibly rude to us. He's an asshole." She asked what he said and I complied. Then she said, "Oh yes, the manager is busy working on our schedules." Umm, that's contradictory of what she told us when we walked in. Oh well.
We left and went to our bar, Bouzouki. We had 8 customers and 5 dancers. The customers there were tipping and getting dances. And we did get our free drinks there at least.
Overall, as a customer, you would probably have some fun at Legends. You also wouldn't see it the way a dancer would view it. As a dancer, Legends seems strict with stage rotation and is in favor of extras girls over clean girls. It is not a bar to perform at, but a bar to give a good girlfriend type experience.


  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Makes me wonder if they further catagorize the "extra" girls: get in this line if you'll only do hand jobs. Blow jobs are next. Then we've got the FS dancers. Cripes! Whatever happened to free choice? What if you're an extras girl and a disgusting syphalitic customer comes in?
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago

    Glad she posted it. Fun read.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    "This was the same day as the second shooting in Greektown"
    Detroit is where you identify days by the number of shootings.

    The review was interesting, but what are these "clean dancers" whereof she speaks?
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^ lol.

    Yeah. Clean dancers in Detroit are few and far between, that's for sure.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... He tells us he needs to know if we are extra or clean girls so he knows which kind of tour to give us (what the fuck?!!?!?). We are clean ...”

    Females being females – I think her “indignity” at being asked if they are clean or extras-girls comes across as disingenuous – it's Detroit – if you are in the biz you know what Detroit clubs are about – why act so “shocked” and indignant.
  • ReiDetroit
    9 years ago
    I wasn't. I was more shocked that he had actually posed the question risking that I might be undercover vice. We all know what goes on at most Detroit clubs.
    Also, yes shootings happened all of the time here. However, shootings in Greektown/Downtown are very rare.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Bizarre. Is it normal for clubs to ask dancers if they provide extras? Like ReiDetroit noted, its a dangerous question to ask. And whats to stop a dirty dancer from claiming to be clean in order to avoid having to tip the bouncer? Weird.
  • ReiDetroit
    9 years ago
    In my experience from auditions at clubs in Detroit, the staff knows what is going on in vip. They will always say it is a clean establishment, and the house moms are usually the ones who provide condoms to the girls and tell them how to clean up vip, etc if doing extras. Everybody knows, but none of the extras girls ever talk about it to staff for obvious reasons. But for a staff member to say that is definitely unusual.
  • ReiDetroit
    9 years ago
    btw, this was my review, if it has't been figured out yet.
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