
Family members ITC

layin low but staying high
In a recent club visit, the mother of a dancer showed up. As I understand it, mom just learned that her daughter is a stripper there, and she came to "rescue" her daughter. It was the talk of the club. Apparently management stopped her and would not let her come in. There was a lot of yelling involved.

This was the first time I've ever seen something like this happen. Anybody else ever witnessed a family member of a stripper making a scene itc?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    No, but maybe it's just a matter of time? I'd hate to be that dancer though next family get together!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've never seen anything like you describe in a club, however I once had an encounter with my ATF's mother which was unique in my experience. I had been peripherally involved with my ATF and a guy she knew from high school which brought me into contact with the police. Her friend had just gotten out of the LA County jail and returned to New England and my ATF had a record of drug convictions. The police wanted to know what I was doing associating with these 20 something's and took down my name address, etc. my ATF was taken into protective custody and she asked me to call her mother.
    Apparently Mom was having a torrid affair with a police detective who intervened and got the dancer released to my custody. I was angry as hell at getting involved in something that was totally avoidable and brought ATF to her mother's house. Now I had been to Mom's house for dinner once before to plan a trip to drug rehab for ATF so I knew mom. When we got to her house at midnight ATF had nothing to say, but I was still steamed and when Mom asked what I was doing there, I said I was her daughter's "John" that night. I told her that her daughter had been whoring for awhile and that her behavior that night was going to lose her best customer.
    Mom said she understood I was justifiably upset and didn't want me to make rash decisions that I'd regret later. In other words she was talking me into continuing to fuck her daughter. This is not in any ghetto. She owns her own business and has a beautiful home. If I hadn't been there I wouldn't have believed it. Another time I ended up with a carload of her daughter's possessions while the ATF went into court ordered confinement for drug detox. I called mom to tell her I was on my way to her house to leave all of her daughter's worldly possessions. She gave a sigh of relief and said she had been expecting me to call and say her daughter was dead. It's all about family ties, I guess.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Let's see. There's a local club where the daughter is the manager and the mother is a sometime dancer. There's also a body rub/jack-shack place where a mom and a daughter work together. As far as I can tell, both of them fuck.
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    I was going into a club once and the wife was following the hubby out of the club. She didn't look happy and the only thing I can remember her yelling was. "And we need to stop and get gas in my car."

    If he walked any faster he would have been running.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    No, but I've heard plenty of tales of boyfriends who showed up to confirm a rumor they'd heard about their girl dancing and lying about it.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Even if I stay with the DS for 10 more years, I don't think I'll ever be able to equal gawker's ATF stories.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Many years ago I witnessed a mother come into the Columbia Platinum Plus to watch her daughter work. So when I got the chance I asked the dancer what her mother thought of her job and she said her mother was OK with it. That she considered it an art form. Of course her mother didn't get to witness her daughter in action in the private dance room. :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I didn't see it happen, but I felt the aftereffect. Three summers ago at my regular club, there was a cute new girl in her first week of dancing who was on stage one minute and gone the next. I wasn't paying attention, but the girl I was with said she had suddenly jumped off the stage and run out the front door, two things strippers aren't supposed to do.

    A few minutes later, she came out of the dressing room in street clothes and headed straight to me of all people for a shoulder to cry on. I hardly knew this chick. She said her dad had trailed her to the club and had just come in, saw her on stage and told her she'd been thrown out of the house. In no time, she had moved in with another stripper, acquired a hardcore drug habit, gotten kicked out by her roommate and burned out on stripping.

    That's showing her, Dad!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    No -- never saw anything like that.

    A couple of years ago, a new girl started at one club. She was just my type. Gorgeous face and great body. I teased my ATF that that I might have give this new girl a try.

    Next time I went to the club, I asked my ATF about her. She said her parents found out she was a stripper and made her quit her job and made her move back home. They basically bribed her with free room and board and help with tuition if she quit stripping.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    One of the creepier things I ever saw in a club was a girl celebrating her 18th birthday. Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa brought her to a nude/no alcohol club for her birthday. As per usual, she went up on stage for a happy birthday song and the dancers removed her clothes and played with and sucked her tits in front of the family. Lol. Her mom and dad were pretty good about it.
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