
What Would Happen If McDonald's Went Out Of Business?

There has been talk of how bad McD food is. I agree, it is worthless. It is hard to see why they stay in business selling crap like that. Without McD where would you shit?


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Well I'll play along.

    1. If McDonald's went out of business, the obesity rate in America would drop 10%

    2. There are tons of small rural towns across America where their only fast food restaurant and sometimes even their only restaurant is a McDonald's. So if you live in those towns looks like no more classy Friday night dinners at the McDonald's.

    3. I don't ever really plan on eating at a McDonald's but when on the road, and it's off an exit on some desolate interstate, I fall into the Mcnugget trap!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    McD offers high calories at low cost. That's right in line with our government's policies over the last 150 years: to provide people with low cost high calorie food.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Rockstar, how can you say that? The government never told people what to eat, until now, which is bullshit to me. I grew up on baloney and cheese sandwiches. That, among other things catered to families without much money. Government had nothing to do with it.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    I much prefer hotel lobby bathrooms to fast food restaurants for taking a dump on the road (wait if I'm literally taking a dump on the road I don't need a bathroom). They tend to be much cleaner.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Mikey02: I say it because of all the policies the government has instituted: on the supply end giving farmers tax breaks and subsidies, and from the PR end. Remember the "food triangle" we learned in school that the government put out? It had nothing to do with actual nutrition. They wanted us to eat beef, pork, chicken, and corn/wheat products. This is actually a very unhealthy diet as we know now. We eat far too much protein and grains. We SHOULD be eating fruits, vegetables, nuts with only small servings of protein, and fish or chicken are far better than beef or pork.

    But this makes sense, as with our country almost the singular exception, most revolutions are fomented from mass starvation. China and India are prime examples how all political motivation stemmed from making sure people weren't starving. Obviously both countries have been very successful in avoiding revolution because they are able to feed the population. The US never faced starvation like those two countries have flirted with, and our government intends to keep it that way.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I repeat, the government had nothing to do with the thousands and thousands of diners and fast food places that served what people wanted, People WANT to eat beef, pork and chicken. And our ancestors already knew that fruits and vegetables are healthy. The government NOW is telling us what our eating habits should be. That's not their job.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    No, the government has gotten in line with modern nutritionists advice and revised their recommendations from the fake advice driven by the farmer's lobbies. Did you go to a public school between 1950 and 1980? If so, you'd laugh like I do at what the government was shoving down our throats pretending to be sound nutritional advice!!

    But the government DOES have a vested interest in a healthy population and I for one am glad their advice is no longer being a result of the agriculture lobby like it was after WW II, but rather on scientific studies. This is what conservatives fight for: truth and a free market. Not government driven programs. I'm surprised you're not on my side on this issue.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Starbucks is a great place to shit
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    James: The cleanest public bathrooms around here is Mariano's supermarket. It's as clean as my bathroom at home! I don't drink Starbucks because with my addictive personality I know it will be several hundred bucks a month if I start.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    I am a MCD stockholder and I am appalled at their constant attempts to pander to those demanding "healthier" choices. I am so sick of the MCD bashing by the health police!

    Fuck that fucking noise! It is a fucking hamburger and fucking fries. It is not supposed to represent 14 of your 21 meals each week. It is a diversion. Stop trying to make MCD into something it is not. Just make sure it is fucking delicious and leave it at that. I never went to MCD for health food. I went there because I wanted a hit of unhealthy, fucking delicious, universally consistent, fast food. Anywhere in the country you can count on MCD being identical to what is in your home town.

    Today, they're ruined MCD to the point that it is tasteless and STILL unhealthy.

    If MCD went away, there are any number of chains poised to take their place -- 5 Guys, Umami, Portillo's, In-N-Out, Shake Shack, et al. Wanna make it as a business? Make it tasty first, last and foremost!!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Actually Rockstar, I'm surprised you want the government involved with food. My parents fed me, not the government. This new "health" thing is political crap to make libs look good. Our advanced science is mostly for the CIA and the military.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @pensionking: I love Big Macs myself (I eat maybe 1 a year), and just as I think all drugs should be legal, I also have no problem with a company selling delicious if patently unhealthy food. They employ tens of thousands of people and that's a good thing. But by the same token, I applaud government rules requiring nutritional information to be available to consumers and they can make their own choices.

    If you've noticed a difference in flavor of a Big Mac, it's because they took out the MSG a few years back. That was NOT because of the government, but rather an overwhelming outcry from their own customers asking for it. You'll se the same thing in the Chinese food industry: hardly any of them still use MSG because their customers have made their wishes known.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Mikey02: We have to agree to disagree then. I consider it a proper and right obligation of our government to make sure the food we eat is clean, without carcinogens, and to provide accurate nutritional information to it's citizens. Obviously you trust the food industry to do it themselves; I suppose you never read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. Or do you consider it's portrayal of an unregulated food industry as fiction?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Ok, Making sure food is clean and trying to regulate our diets are two different things. Our mothers and grandmothers knew what to feed us. We already know what's healthy and what's not. Let the people decide and stop with these stupid food laws
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Who is trying to regulate your diet? All our government requires is factual information on food packaging. You can eat anything you want!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Starbucks is a great place to shit"

    See crazyjoe, there is a brilliant solution for you! :)
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Rock, They've been starting with the kids for some time. Michele Obama? Heard of her?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    mikeya02: So you've gone from a position that the GOVERNMENT is TELLING you what to eat, to saying that PR photo shoots of Obama's wife is compelling children to the evil behavior of...what? A healthy diet? Why does Michelle Obama suggesting children eat a healthy diet upset you? WTF??? Please explain because I like you but you are confusing the hell out of me.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    McDs fries are pretty good. I have a soft spot for McNuggets.

    It's not glamorous, but kids and working. Lass adults are their core business. Every time a fast food place tries to go upscale it fails. Mikey might remember the laughable JBX concept Jack in the box tried.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    mikeya02: I'll stop participating in this thread if you just say you hate Obama, you hate his wife and even if they are doing something helpful you'll still hate them. I understand that...I see that a lot. I was thinking we were talking policy, but I see we'e just talking politics. I get bored very quickly with politics.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Oh, I'm talking policy. I disagreed with your first post about the government. And i disagree with legalizing all drugs. That's not very healthy. Well, that's about it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Yes, we agree legalizing all drugs is unhealthy, but I don't like the government telling me what I can do in my own home. Guns are unhealthy too but we want citizens to be allowed own guns.

    We already have laws about impaired driving etc., so if I'm home alone and not caring for minors, why can't I do drugs? I'm an ultra conservative when it come to government butting out of my private life. But I walk the walk. There should be no laws banning gay marriage, no laws banning abortion, no laws banning drug use...it's funny to me how "smaller government" stops when conservatives want to control liberal behavior.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Ok, Have you ever played Rush songs? My bassist friend Gino used to tell me I was playing them wrong no matter how good I sounded. You're a good guy, not sure how this thread developed..lol
  • Longball300
    9 years ago
    All I know after reading this thread is that I have a craving for some McNuggets and a vague feeling that I have to take a shit...........
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    mikeya02: I learned Working Man back when it came out...that's about it. I like Rush a lot but not too many bands want to play that stuff. Same with Yes.
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