
Dancer Arrogance

layin low but staying high
So the DS has dancers ask to "borrow" money from her all the time. She knows that "borrow" is stripper speak for "take," so she always says no. On three separate occasions over the past couple of months, the dancer who was told no then asked the DS to ask me to give them money. I have no meaningful relationship to these girls. One of them I've never even met. And yet they actually think that I might give them money (sorry, I meant lend them money).

This strikes me as the height of arrogance. To feel like they have a basis to get money from me just because I'm a guy that spends money on strippers for sex even though they've never done anything for me. Note, the DS didn't ask me for money for these girls. In fact she has never once asked me for money for anything. She just told me these stories cause I think she was a little surprised by these requests.

Anybody else get these type of multi party monetary requests?


  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    DS is 19. Getting money from others is how many in the immediate gratification era survive. Doesn't surprise me at all.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Are the girls high on mollies, coke, weed? Some people on drugs feel a sense of entitlement...."you have plenty, why not share?" is what they think
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    I used to 'loan' them money to pay bills at the beginning of the month. Can't remember ever getting paid back. Am (slightly) smarter now.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    You know, this is a hard one to call. Of course, I would love to dogpile and call it arrogance or entitlement, but that's not totally it. To some extent, it's just how they deal with men, because spineless douches have been caving into this behavior to these girls their entire lives. They've been taught, "if there's something you want, you may get rewarded if you just ask for it."

    I spent a weekend partying recently with an ex-ATF (she moved away and is out of the business now), and her roommate, who is a working stripper (that weekend would merit its own JS69-length report!). Anyway, the way those two women interact with men is amazing. We went to bars and nightclubs, and if there's something they want, they go into flirt mode and then just ask, and guys then just do shit for them. They were criticizing their third roommate, who is hot like them, but has never been in the sex industry and isn't a "hustler" ... that is, doesn't just take advantage of men, she's just a regular girl.

    Anyway, all this leads to: I'm not sure it's so much entitlement and arrogance, as it is "for a big part of my adult life, I ask men for things and they just give it to me, so I should just keep doing that." If everytime you walked into a restaurant, you said to the waitress, "hook me up with the steak dinner for free", and she did -- I dunno, would you keep doing it? It's spineless men who have taught these women that they get rewarded for this type of behavior.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Reminds me of the Godzilla episode of Seinfeld. He was dating this super hot model and she got whatever she wanted. Dancers who do extras and OTC tend to have a supreme sense of entitlement. I've noticed the dancers who don't do extras and OTC are generally much nicer and responsible people....which is interesting!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I dunno, JS said these girls were asking his DS first for money.
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    This is what I am thinking.....

    JS.... it seems you are in a SB/SD role with DS and you have great sex and are living the "dream"... with DS. Now I am thinking that DS has either inadvertent convo with these other girls might have indicated what she is getting or she is looking like she is "high on the Hog" so to speak. So these girls asked her for a "loan" because DS is making money from you and I am sure dancing as well. And these girls just want a piece of the pie. So they ask DS and then in next breathe..... thinking she will ask her SD would want to pony up some more money for them..... with out them doing the work.

    But subraman is correct as well.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Those girls are just little sneakers trying to use the DS. They know JS would say no if they asked him.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    I generally don't get asked for things by dancers except my ATF. She expects me to buy her drinks ITC, which admittedly are cheap. Occasionally she will up and decide we're going out to dinner or whatever and expect me to pay for it. Otherwise, she doesn't ask for money and I don't give it.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I've seen it in dancers but it's not just dancers, there are plenty of sites where girls go looking for guys to pay them for spending time with them and the guys don't get laid or even a hj. These girls feel entitled because of their looks and unfortunately some guys fall for it.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I think consideration has to be given for the amount being requested. Asking your DS for 10 to help with a tip-out is a lot different from asking for 200 in rent money.

    The fact that your DS is even telling you about this is probably a hustle in itself.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Lone Wolf has a point. She's a DS because of her skills, and since you pay her, she's not to be trusted implicitly. I'd be very careful in dealing with her dancer friends.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    That kind of arrogance is pretty common in strippers. I'm always hearing dressing room stories about girls who see something they like in another girl's bag and ask if they can wear it, then throw a tantrum when they're told no. Many strippers are just grifters at heart who believe that civilized people are easy marks who will cave rather than tell them no.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Dude – they are strippers – if they were good/nice girls they would not be strippers – everything has its downsides/side-effects and dealing with strippers is not side-effects free.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    She never told me the amount of money involved that I can recall. And no way this is any type of hussle by the DS. She doesn't operate that way, and she had nothing to gain by telling me this.

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    On his comedy show, Daniel Tosh said that ugly women are like men--they have to work.

    Strippers ask for money all the time, and they prefer to do nothing to earn it. You have to keep your wallet in your pocket until your dick is in her mouth.

    I was sitting with a stripper one day and she asked me to give her some money to tip her friend who was dancing on stage. I gave her a dollar. She said she wanted to tip her a twenty. Well, use your own fucking money, bitch!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yes clearly many are jealous of her. I've had several lie to me about the DS to try and get me for themselves. Can't really blame them. There have been nights that I tipped her on stage more money than some dancers made in lap dances the entire night.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 “And no way this is any type of hussle by the DS. She doesn't operate that way, and she had nothing to gain by telling me this.”

    i have to agree because if she was some kind con artist she would be gaining your confidence by “proving” to you that it is you and her against everyone else and that you could trust her because she has nothing to gain by…..

    oh wait a minute. that doesn’t sound very good, does it? oh well it sounds worse than it is i’m sure. after all, she’s a sweet honest dope smoking hooker so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    I fail to see the point of her telling JS just to gain his confidence. She must know she's got that already. I don't believe there are many dancers, who if they spend a lot of time with a guy, try to hustle them 100% of time. Most of the conversations I've had have been just that, not with ulterior motives. The trick is to know when the con, however slight it may be is coming on. I also believe there are some dancers, albeit a small minority, who never con.

    Subraman - let's hear the story!!!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I suspect DS has been bragging in the locker room.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    My ATF did this type of thing early on in our "relationship," after we were sexing, but shortly before we were OTCing. I don't think she was "hustling" so much as just trying to help her friend out.

    I said "no thanks" when she suggested, and she never pushed it, but about the second or third time, I said "if I give *her* my money, I'll have less for *you*, and *you* are the only one here I'm interested in." She never asked again, and it wasn't long after that that we started our OTC.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    gmd... to steal a line from Family Feud - "Good Answer... Good Answer!"
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    gawker, yes I know that DS has been bragging about the $ she makes from me. But it's kinda hard for me to complain cause I'm bragging here about everything I get from her.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've had dancers ask for drinks or dances but that's been about it for years.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    You should ask the other dancers for a loan for mote money to spend on ds and see how they like it
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Or fart in the other dancers faces. That solvez everything
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    lol that's pretty parasitic. But is anyone really surprised? Nope.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    JS69: Wait. So your "dream stripper" knows that you post graphic sex stories on the internet detailing what she does for you in private?
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    lol dr phil
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