
A story for Bubba

layin low but staying high
Bubba, as requested. I hope this brings a toothless grin to your face. This happened two days ago.

She wore a tiny little crop top tonight for our date. I love summer! This tiny little thing leaves nothing to the imagination. And she almost never wears a bra with me cause she knows that's how I like it. Plus she's not that kinda girl. I can clearly see the outline of her breasts underneath. Very clearly. Good thing we have an female waitress. A male waiter would hang out at our table far too long.

The top might as well be see through. I wonder if I bought this for her. I've bought her so much I can't keep track. We go to dinner at a Mexican place and they've got the ac turned way up. In no time her large nipples come shining through in all their glory. This is my dinner entertainment. And she could care less how long and how intently I stare. So I consume this visual as thoroughly as I possibly can. It's all for me tonight. I compliment her on her outfit. A knowing smile. "I knew you'd like this top," she says. Yeah. She knows me well. Hard to believe that a woman this young is already able to be so seductive. She has learned her art so well at the club. And tonight I'm the beneficiary.

Next we go to a movie. I know -- a boring and very traditional date. But I gave her a choice of activities and she chose this. There's a movie we both want to see. Turns out the movie theatre is cold, and she has so little clothing, that not too long into the movie she ends up in my arms. I envelope her with my arms to keep her warm. Then I start rubbing her arms and thighs trying to generate some heat. Did I mention that we're sitting in the back row? And yes we're high.

Of course I can't stop at this. So in a few minutes my hands are fondling her breasts through the crop top. Then my hands are inside her top. There are my girls. Wonderful, large, playful, bouncy, her best attribute. It's really hard to find a girl this skinny with breasts this large. But she's gotta em, and tonight they're all mine. So she gives me a grope-a-thon. I pull her mouth to mine. Our tongues say hello to one another. It's gonna be a good night. It always is.

She reaches over and caresses my erection. The little guy is straining to get out. Public sex is on my bucket list so I seriously consider it. Not sure if she would go all the way though. It is a new popular movie so there's a decent crowd. But she's never denied me yet.

We grope and kiss several more times in the movie, but eventually I decide not to push things further. The main reason is cause this is not really what I want. A blow job here would be kinda like getting one in a VIP with several other customers around. That just can't compare to what we do in the hotel room. Plus it is a good movie. I can tell she likes it, and so do I. So we watch the adventure and settle for periodic light groping throughout.

I drive back to the hotel. She wants to drive (it's her car tonight), but I insist. She is very high. It's not just the pot we smoked in the hot box before the movie. If you don't know that phrase it comes from a rap song. It means to smoke in your car. In winter we close the windows and take advantage of the second hand smoke. But it's too hot for that tonight. So we found an isolated spot and just smoked vapes so there was little smell.

But clearly she took something else in the bathroom. I'm coming down and she's in the clouds. I know cause something has made her extremely horny, and as much as I think otherwise I know it's not just my big dick. I consider asking what she took but what's the point. I often wish she didn't do so many drugs. But if she didn't, would she keep doing what she does for me? Doesn't matter. Nothing I say would change her, so I'll just enjoy the ride. She snuggles up to me in the drivers seat. Her hand goes to my crotch. She rubs me while she kisses my neck.

Then she's unzipped my pants. I grip the steering wheel tight and try mightily to focus on staying in my lane. I'm safe to drive without the sex cause the pot mostly wore off during the movie. But damn, she's got my dick outta my pants, and her head is going down into my lap. A blow job driving down the road on a beautiful, warm summer night. Life is good tonight. Life is good.

Then I feel the sweet warmth, her tiny tongue licking the shaft as she takes it in and out. It's great but damn what if a cop pulls us over. No telling what kinda illegal stuff is in this car. And it smells perpetually of weed. I redouble my concentration on the road, and physically fight my own body to keep my eyes on the road and not stare at the visual taking place in my lap. But the young lady wants to suck my dick. And suck she does. I'm not driving impaired in a pharmacological sense, but other than being blindfolded I find it hard to imagine anything that could distract me more from driving than this.

I might pull over and find a place to park. But I don't know her city that well, and she can't tell me where to park. Her mouth is busy. It's about a 7-8 minute drive to the hotel. Through great effort, I will myself not to cum. Not yet. She does all of the oral things that I like. All of them.

We practically run from the parking lot into my room. She goes to the bathroom and comes out soon thereafter. She's completely nude. That sight takes my breadth away every time. I don't think I'll ever get used to doing this with a woman who really is as close to my perfect 10 as a woman can get. Sure there some familiarity now, we've done this many times before, but still I could do this every day of my life and don't see how I could tire of it.

She starts dancing. It's been fun to watch her develop as a dancer. I was her first good customer, the first guy to pay her a bunch of money at a time when she knew nothing. She had no clue how to give a lap dance. Now she's a teenage veteran. It's instinctual for her now. She's naked standing before a horny guy, and her natural instinct is to dance. So she dances. She is so free and uninhibited, there completely and totally for my sexual pleasure.

At this point a thought occurs to me. I've never thought of this with any stripper before. I want to dance with her. I stand up, take off my clothes, and take her in my arms. She's surprised at first, but John gets whatever John wants. We dance slowly together with our bodies intertwined. It's really hot. Not sure why I never thought of this before. I have never enjoyed dancing ever before but this is different. I really liked it.

I'm already at SJG like length here, so I'm gonna fast forward past the next 40 minutes and get to the end. I want to finish orally tonight. So I ask if she would please give me another blow job. "Of course," she says. Damn I do love that answer. I lay on my back, she leans over me and goes to work. After a few minutes I gently roll her on her side, and reposition myself. "Just lay still beautiful." She complies. She lays there with her mouth open while I fuck her. This is my new favorite. I fuck slow and gentle. I hold her head in my hands but very gently. I like it slow at this point cause it's just a matter of moments now. Each gentle thrust over her tongue and down her throat brings me a little closer. A woman can't get much more submissive than this. Finally I cum. It's slow, and long, and I draw it out as much as possible. When I'm finally complete and I sense she's ready to swallow, I withdraw. It takes a little concentration and effort but she swallows it all. She always has. She never splits. She never spills. She gives me that naughty girl smile right after she swallows. Yes you did good tonight DS. Exceptionally good.

So that was this week. Sorry for all the emotional drama of my last few posts before this. I'm good now. And by the way, we talked about Molly but I didn't take any.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    You make fun of me with Purple Dress Donna. You are way more into this than I've ever been. Enjoy!


    Johnny Winter, Rockplast 1979
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Thanks for another great DS story, JS69! You're a lucky man.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Making me jealous! Another good story JS.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm not sure what you really do for a living, if it's selling couches at the local rent-a-center, assistant to the assistant manager at Olive Garden or head clerk at the geek squad inside best buy, but you have missed your calling with your quality writing style. You may want to try to pen a trashy novel. "Shades of Smith" or something like that - the male version of "shades of gray." I would read it!

    Meanwhile, people like me are responding (typing) while I'm going through security in the airport trying to put my shoes back on and trying not to forget my carry on and my laptop all while I'm on a phone call on my second phone all at the same time. Ugh no wonder my comments are a jargled mess at times!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, thanks. Given how much money I pay the DS, your job guesses are a tad off. But I am actually in the process of writing a book as a hobby. It's a book of short funny stories, each lasting about as long as the average bathroom break. Maybe some day I'll post a draft of one of them.

    I have no idea if anything will ever come of that effort or not. I have no formal training or experience as a writer. But if it works out, I may try your idea. Maybe it could be based on meeting the DS and our adventures. Come to think of it that's not a bad idea. We shall see.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Better than Penthouse Letters!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Tad off? You sure about that? Maybe you're a barista at Starbucks? lol I know I was just messing with you but I know you know that.

    One of my closest friends is an author. He has had weekly articles published on a international sports network years back. He has a history degree from a prestigious college and his 1st book is available on amazon, which has been made into a documentary. Counting me and Mrs. Shailynn, I think about 58 people have seen it. He's 38 and lives with his mom, so that shit doesn't pay the bills. Of course, maybe his 2nd book (he's working on) gets made into a movie starring Tom Hanks and he becomes a millionaire... who knows. We have an agreement that if that happens that I get a part in the movie and I want to be killed off very violently, like murdered by two Vietnam hookers or something! lol
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Yep, that's more better.... I dint want to hear no more about A being with C looking for D!

    And I ain't toothless... them's tabaky stains which kind of makes everything match.
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