If prostitution was legalized, do you think strip club rules would stop getting

avatar for sharkhunter

I think yes. It might depend more on the owners of the club. Even if legalized, our society would likely restrict all activity to specific places. Soliticors everywhere would go ape crazy if people were allowed to have sex all over the place and have a good time almost anywhere. Someone might even get it on while on top of a police cruiser.


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avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

Haha, getting it on on a top of a police cruiser, I might have to try that.

avatar for impala
9 yrs ago

Thing is, look at Nevada. Even in the areas where prodtitution are legal, strip clubs are heavily monitored. The brothel owners put pressure on LEO to make sure nothing is going on outside of their establishments so that they get all the buiseness.

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

Well... if that were to happen (when pigs fly), I would expect that it would be under very heavy regulation. If prices for services were high (as NV options appear to be) then strip clubs probably survive as is. If it some how turned into sauna club pricing, then strip clubs would have to change or go out of business.

avatar for Subraman
9 yrs ago

Nothing would change at the strip clubs,

avatar for seaboardrr
9 yrs ago

I'm sure there have been plenty of LE who have already had sex in or on their vehicles. It would be heavily regulated and SC's would still operate as they normally do but there would probably be some that would probably be allowed to have sex in a diff area of the club if they adhered to the new strict regulations. It would probably be like places such as Trapeze in Atlanta et al. Non sex areas in front with private sex areas in back.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 yrs ago

@Impala, prostitution is only legal in Nevada in it's licensed brothels. And in particular, Las Vegas is in Clark County and that county has never allowed such establishments. Also, they can't have legal brothels in cities of 250,000 or more, and this means Reno and Las Vegas.

So prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas or Reno strip clubs.

But anyway, there were written about on Black strip clubs .net, places where they didn't even bother using VIP rooms. They just took care of business on couches in darkened corners.

The original post is silly. Of course, if prostitution were legalized in the United States, you would have places just like TJ's Hong Kong Bar, where you can just walk your girl, still in her stripper shoes, up to your hotel room.

It would be paradise!


avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

^^^^ Hong Kong Is a whore house not a strip club. Op's post is not silly

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

Well, in Canada technically it is legal and to my knowledge there are more clubs that are not extras friendly that are, at least in Ontario and Quebec (that I know of).

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

Technically, the new law in Canada makes P4P less legal than it was was before their supreme court overturned the old laws.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 yrs ago

OP is silly because if prostitution were not illegal there wouldn't have ever been any such thing as a strip club, just whore houses. Today the TJ Hong Kong Bar is there for gringos.

If we legalized prostitution in the US our strip clubs would become like the Hong Kong Bar.

In the more rudimentary type, there are rooms por un ratito. In more extravagant ones like the Hong Kong Bar, the rooms can be used for longer times and even toda la noche.

That is how it would be here. I'm looking forwards to it.


avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I disagree. I think cities and states like to put zones up for everything as if that gives them more control. Strip clubs would likely still have restrictions but if you wanted sex, you could go to a zone where it was legal. I'm not sure if it will ever get legalized across the country anytime in the next 40 years. Things seem to be going backwards in many places.

avatar for saer
9 yrs ago

I went to a strip club in eastern Germany last year. With brothels and FFK clubs right around the corner, the strippers there were absolutely paranoid about getting caught doing something illegal. I assume there is a fairly high level of regulation going on there.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 yrs ago

The reason strip clubs were invented was that prostitution was illegal. So when prostitution is no longer illegal, it will just be like in TJ's Hong Kong Bar. Anything less, won't be able to stay in business.

Thing is though, prostitution laws are extremely hard to enforce. So we should be able to get places much more like TJ's Hong Kong Bar right now.



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avatar for DoctorPhil
9 yrs ago

@san_jose_guy. hey dumbass did you not read @saer’s post about being in a strip club right around the corner from a legal brothels and FKKs in eastern Germany? are you calling him a liar because a strip club could not have possibly existed since prostitution has long been legal there?

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