
Different Sized Breasts

layin low but staying high

I have seen porn pictures of women with different sized breasts, but have not really seen a clear example of it in a strip club until recently. I got a dance recently with a blonde who had a large natural breasts with large nipples. While both large, one breast was clearly smaller than the other. I would say the right breast was roughly 25% smaller. I have noticed other dancers who I thought might have breasts that were different sizes but the discrepancy always seemed very small and I could never be sure. This time it was very obvious.

How common is this? I can't believe it's very common since this is the first time I ever remember seeing such a blatant example. Also, is this a turn on or turn off for you? I thought it was a big turn on, at least with this girl. I talked to her about it, and she claimed that many guys were really turned on by it. Of course, she was a stripper and her lips were moving, and she wasn't giving a blowjob, so she was probably lying.


  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    From everything I've read on this topic it is very common for women to have breasts of different sizes. However, nearly always it is negligible and often unnoticeable. Only a few times have I ever noticed this in strippers. And never to the extent you describe, 25%. How does she buy bras?

    Pretty sure I would not be attracted to her. Symmetry is important to attraction, not only in facial features but body too. I want two perfect breasts, not one and a half. But great nipples might change my mind temporarily.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't think I have ever run across this but I'd bet you went for the bigger one. :)
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Yeah... Never ran across this in my travels.

    If they are different sizes, it couldn't be by very much, because I have never noticed.
    But I'm sure the girl knows if one is slightly larger than the other.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Like Corvus mentioned its probably pretty common, but the difference in size would be unnoticeable. I've never noticed anything like that on a stripper. It would be weird to see a woman with boobs so different in size. Not a turn on at all to me.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    From what I've read, virtually *all* women have one breast larger than the other, to varying degree. Almost the only exceptions are those whose breasts are enhanced surgically, or have been reconstructed due to disease or injury.

    In general, humans are only superficially bisymetrical. There are differences, great and small between the two sides of almost everyone.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I have one nut that's slightly larger than the other, but it's never stopped girls from licking them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah – I would imagine the same sorta applies to testicles where it may not be uncommon for one to be a bit larger than the other.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I have noticed this w/ 2 older thick ebonies whom coincidentally work in the same club (I wonder if childbirth or age may have something to do w/ it?).

    The 2 ebonies I know are both around natural DDs and in both their left boob is bigger than the right – I did not notice the difference in size upon looking at them but def felt the difference when I was groping them.

    It's def not a deal-breaker for me but I'd prefer for both of them to be about the same size and shape.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Seen it a number of times with girls I dated, but only one time where it was notice led with a dancer. Wasn't a turn on but didn't bother me either.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    • I don't think I have ever run across this but I'd bet you went for the bigger one. :)

    Shadow would say this lol

    Shadow fucks lil boys lol
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Now to the question

    Corvos covered it well and i agree
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    There was a dancer that worked at Plat Plus in Greenville whose breasts were significantly different sizes. I wasn't attracted to any of her features so it made no difference to me, but it was very noticeable.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I guess it's not so bad if you happen to have one hand smaller than the other :)
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lol !!! My sausage fingers are symmetric thank you good sir
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Big and BoUnCY
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Did you suck on her best side?
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I wonder if they will even out when she starts lactating?
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    My ATF pointed out another dancer with different size breasts. Honestly, I never noticed it until she told me. But after that, it was all I could focus on. It was also probably 25 percent smaller.

    It's kind of funny it took a woman to point out something about boobs to a man.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I heard it was common many years ago. I haven't really noticed it very much.
    I do often see a big difference between the right breast of a girl and the left breast when two girls are standing beside each other. lol
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Out of [tens of] thousands of pairs of breasts that I've seen in strip clubs, I've only once seen one pair that were noticeably asymmetrical, several years ago at Silver Bullet in Urbana. I often got dances from her because even the smaller tit was reasonably large :) It was neither a deal-breaker nor a turn-on.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
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