
Keeping in touch

Do any of you ever keep in touch (text, call, email, etc) with your ATFs or CFs when they move on from stripping or when they move?

I don't, but I was thinking of texting my ATF to see what's going on with her. She moved to Vegas about six months ago, and I haven't had any contact with her since she left. We did have a big falling out, but we made up right before she left. I'm wondering if she'll even respond to the text lol.

I also have a former CF that moved to Vegas. Every once in a while she comes back in town to dance for a few days. I have her number, but I don't keep in touch with her, so whenever she's back in town, I'm unaware of it.


  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    No. I pretty much move on. No contact after we part ways/get tired of each other.

    I think a lot of the girls end up changing their phone number after they get out of the business or move. I've run into a few here and there and they always tell me they have a new phone and/or phone number, but I've never taken them up in getting in contact with them again

    That's the beauty of strip clubbing. There is always new girls entering the profession.

    I like variety. I get tired of the same thing.
    If I always wanted the same girl, I'd have stayed married. lol.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I've frequently stayed in touch with girls after they're done stripping. In most cases, we transitioned to being friends, or (more rarely) fuckbuddies. In two cases, we continued to meet with our standard OTC parameters, with me paying her for sex, even though technically there was no longer any club to go outside of. I have a few friendships that have lasted for years, although most eventually fade -- when the girls quit stripping, it becomes psychologically and emotionally important to put the experience behind them, so at some point they'll stop putting effort into it. Still, I have a pretty decent number of ex-strippers on my facebook page, so by then we've exchanged real names etc.

    I'm basically a serial ATFist, I go from ATF to ATF with lots of OTC time along with ITC time, and they can last a year or more, so we've spent quite a lot of time together by the time she quits, which I think is why it's so common for the girls to be willing to stay in touch. I can't imagine that a girl that I got dances from occasionally would ever want to stay in touch.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I stay in touch with any girl I have a chance of getting into my bed.

    As for you're two Vegas girls from my perspective, what could it hurt? They may not respond or they may say no, both of which costs you basically nothing. But either one could also say yes, in which case game on. Go for it.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I had an atf who moved to another town for a civilian job about an hour away. She had stopped returning texts before she left and she still owed me an otc session. Then about six months later she texts me"hi". Probably was hurting for money again. I was in a regular relationship at that time so I ignored her, but I would have ignored her even if I wasn't. not returning my texts before skipping town and not following thru on her commitments (typical stripper) she lost her additional revenue stream.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Exactly! There's no right or wrong, if warhawks doesn't want to pursue the ex-strippers, more power to him. But I stay in touch. Plus, even ex-strippers are super fun party girls who display poor judgement (even though they may not be quite as bad as in their stripper days), they are incredibly fun to party with.

    A few years ago, an ex-stripper I was friends with moved far away. We stayed friends, she invited me to come hang out with her after she moved. She had two other young attractive roommates, one of whom was a still-working stripper. I'll spare you any deets since it will sound like a fictional letter to penthouse or something, but I'll say keeping the friendship repaid me with a jackpot that weekend! And honestly, she was so much fun to hang out with that even if that had never happened, I would still have savored our friendship, she added a lot of fun to my non-strip-club related partying
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    If she's left the biz, no. She knows how to reach me if she wants to. If I don't hear from her, I assume she'd rather cut ties and be left alone.

    In a few cases, we've kept in touch for a few months until one day she stopped answering my texts. Whether by choice or because of a new phone, there's no telling. After a year or more, I'm not sure I want to see ex-faves, not knowing how their looks have held up.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I don't even really get a chance. Since I don't have a lot of money I don't think they really even want to keep in contact with me outside of the club. I have only received a couple numbers in my strip clubbing career and even then only one girl ever responded. She keep asking for money and I simply didn't have it so she stopped.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I looked a favorite up and found her on Facebook. she found me too I think, plus other dancers found me too after I looked at them on Facebook. Facebook is like permanent though unless you deactivate your account. No one has sent anyone any messages so far that I know of. I think several months ago I turned off all the Facebook message stuff so I wonder about that. I think messages still work because one of my sisters keeps sending me all these stupid invites to play candy crush or whatever. If I look like I'm still on Facetracker, It's because I didn't log out and it never logs you off with any timer like this site does in a split second.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    hmmm, maybe I should download a war game and then send her a bunch of invites to play.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    nahh, I don't trust Facebook. as soon as some app gets all my info, I'll probably get a bunch more messages.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I guess I did the exact opposite of the google throw away phone number. I went into Facebook and now some dancers can look me up anytime for life. It's ok though. They are all cool plus most are hot. What I don't know is if they are clicking on me or Facebook is just putting them at the top of my suggested friends list for some reason. I have some Atlanta dancers at the top of my suggested friends list. I never saw them in person. Does Facebook have a friend limit of 5000? I haven't found anyone above 5000 yet.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    My ATF moved on with her life after I stupidly ended out relationship. I have seen her, over the years, through common friends and such. Only she and I know about our SC relationship.

    I often wish I could still have contact with her, but she isn't close by as she was. Right after I was stupid, I tried calling her to repair the damage, but she would never return my calls.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    One of my buddies told me, "she didn't return my texts when she was dancing, she's definitely not gonna respond to my texts now that she's out of the game."

    @Corvus- I think you're right.

    @Chandler- Exactly! I have no desire seeing my favorite girls past their prime. There's nothing more awkward when a previous CF is dancing past her prime, and she asks you for dances, and you always say no. 5 years ago she would have been the only girl you were getting dances from.

    @Clubber- I hear you. Your situation is similar to my situation with my ATF. I was stupid, it was 100% my fault.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Depends on the situation. Some of them yes
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF stopped dancing about 6 or 7 months ago when she went off to detox & drug rehab. She's now in a sober house. I've gone to see her a few times and we usually end up in a hotel and she ends up with my money. Recently she told me that she's fed up with men just as "they" told me I'd get when I started dancing. She went on to say that she can never go back to stripping cuz the availability of drugs is too prevalent. An hour later she said maybe I'll just go back to stripping a couple of nights a week to get back on my feet financially. I think working 40 hours a week at a car wash at $9.00 an hour may be a motivator. She says once it warms up enough she'll go braless with a white tee shirt to maximize tips from customers
    She's got a new female roommate who she says is gorgeous and a lesbian. My ATF is thinking she might like swinging from the left side of the plate for awhile. But then she says her new roomie might like a 3way. So, staying in touch has benefits.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Yes I always have. I have a former ATF that moved to PA quit dancing and is in college with a fiance, I texted her for about a year , visited her and had lunch with her several times, Another quit dancing and works for ATT. I still text her but that's all. Another one moved to Chicago. I text her a couple times a year. It's good to stay in touch.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I keep in contact with my ATF. We text sporadically, and one or the other of us calls the other two or three times a month.

    There is another, my favorite in her club, with whom I exchange occasional texts. Not sure why she stays in contact. She has a boyfriend, we never even got naked together, much less had any form of sex, but every once in a while, she texts with a "how ya doing?" Never asks for anything either.

    Nobody else has kept contact for more than about a week after quitting.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Good insight.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I have never kept up with a dancer who left the business. Most of the time they want to make a clean break. Plus, I'm not sure I see the point if there is not a good prospect for sex.

    But I can see how it could happen if you were particularly close, had a long-term relationship, or you helped her through some tough times in her life. I would like to think that the DS and I could stay in touch like that. That is, unless I keep fucking her until the day I die.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Yeah I keep in contact with an ex-favorite. Someone's gotta load funds on her commissary card.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    This thread has shown me/inspired to keep in touch more. I'm gonna do this today, and you should too. Text or call seven people today that you haven't had any contact with for a very long time (at least 6 months), just to see how they're doing.

    We'll call this the TUSCL keeping in touch challenge lol.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It doesn't have to be strippers, it can be anyone.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't even keep in contact with my ex wife after 13 years.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I visualize people in my head and see dancers working or vacationing at the beach, in relationships and no longer dancing or other weird things. Then I go to the local club and hear that so and so is at the beach. On the other hand I already knew that some dancers work at the beach when they aren't working in the local area. I've met a number at the beach who I knew or recognized me. Some actually remember me from the last time or two I visited the beach though. It's kind of weird like having an Internet inside your head. If not true, then at least it's a nice thought to visualize the beach, bikinis, and a couple of beach strip clubs.
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