How many different clubs do you visit in a year? When I started this hobby in the mid 90s, I visited lots of clubs around the Midwest just to see what was out there and then settled down for about a dozen years into a rut of frequenting only two or three different clubs per year. Starting around 2007, I have expanded my number of different clubs in a year from 2-3 to 10-12 to around 30 last year. So far this year I've visited about 25 clubs, so my total for the year will probably be well over 30. JS69, who is going for regular status at a small number of clubs, and I seem to be moving in opposite directions.
i only visit about 5-7 different clubs per year. there are only 7 clubs in my area and a couple of them aren't worth going to IMO
i don't travel for work, so for most of the year, i'm stuck with what's in my area. the only other times i really get to check out clubs in other areas is if i'm on a vacay or visiting a family member or doing some type of road trip.
Mostly just 1 club but I have about a dozen favorite dancers there. Once in awhile I need a change of scenery and will hit a different club. So may 3 or 4 other clubs in a year.
The reason why I am stuck on 1 club is because I've seen what else is out there and they don't measure up.
I am in at least 30 clubs per year, but some of the thrill of it has definitely worn off. I have things pretty well wired in my home clubs now, so being the unknown guy in a new club can be a letdown sometimes. It often takes time to get things arranged with the best talent and travelers are at a distinct disadvantage in that regard. So while I do still enjoy the variety and travel clubs serve to break up the monotony, diversifying among many clubs also has some drawbacks.
Back in the days I used to visit only 2 clubs, numerous times a year when I lived in Tampa. Mainly because I knew the bouncers and the girls give outstanding mileage at both clubs. This was in the early 2000's. Now I visit different clubs and may return now and then to the same club in Pensacola. And that's because I'm not getting what I was getting in Tampa as far as money and mileage goes. Moving to South Carolina now. From the looks of the reviews. I may be back to just making two clubs my norm again numerous times a year again
I used to go to at least 10 different clubs every year but I have cut back on that number. I used to go on regular road trips out of town, but I got bored with that, so it's mostly my 3 regular clubs, with a little variety added once in a while.
I've only gone to one club this year….about 30 times so far. Variety for me means getting crazy mileage nude $10 dances and more from the newest hot chicks to come work at Follies along with my usual faves.
I try to at least set foot in all the clubs in Louisville, with a couple of notable exceptions, once every few months. But there's about four core ones that I tend to frequent most often.
I've been pretty much limiting mine to the same 4 clubs.
I will though at times get tired of seeing the same dancers over and over again at those 4 clubs so I sometimes venture out to a different club, just to see what's out there.
I def like variety – I guess it's the way one is wired; some like the known and reliable and others like me are more curious about the unknown and what may be out there that IDK about – no matter how good the club is; I never have a desire to visit the same club week after week and seeing and getting dances from the same dancers week after week – no can do.
As GoV mentioned; I also don't get to travel for work so outside my local-area SCing is on my time and on my dime – additionally I have the issue of overspending in my local area thus making it harder to take SC trips taking into account possible airfare; hotel; car rental; meals; and hitting the SCs.
I def want to visit and experience SCs in other areas but I don't necessarily make it a point of visiting 'X' new SCs – it's on my bucketlist and I get to them as I can.
There are approx 80 or so SCs in my area of South FL; but I”m pretty much only interested in visiting black SCs or mixed SCs with a good # of black dancers – so my club criteria kinda limits my options/opportunities. I used to often visit mixed/white SCs in my area just to see what they were like; but now I rather just focus my funds on what I like which is the black clubs or the very few mixed clubs with a good # of black dancers.
As others; the more I've SCed the more I have sorta settled on a core group of just 3 or 4 SCs in my starting rotation with an occasional “let me see whats up” appearance in other local SCs.
If $$$ was not an issue; I would probably visit 10 to 15 mew SCs this year – but being almost in the Caribbean (Miami); it's often a long and expensive trip to get to worthwhile SCs in other areas.
last commenti don't travel for work, so for most of the year, i'm stuck with what's in my area. the only other times i really get to check out clubs in other areas is if i'm on a vacay or visiting a family member or doing some type of road trip.
The reason why I am stuck on 1 club is because I've seen what else is out there and they don't measure up.
I've been pretty much limiting mine to the same 4 clubs.
I will though at times get tired of seeing the same dancers over and over again at those 4 clubs so I sometimes venture out to a different club, just to see what's out there.
As GoV mentioned; I also don't get to travel for work so outside my local-area SCing is on my time and on my dime – additionally I have the issue of overspending in my local area thus making it harder to take SC trips taking into account possible airfare; hotel; car rental; meals; and hitting the SCs.
I def want to visit and experience SCs in other areas but I don't necessarily make it a point of visiting 'X' new SCs – it's on my bucketlist and I get to them as I can.
There are approx 80 or so SCs in my area of South FL; but I”m pretty much only interested in visiting black SCs or mixed SCs with a good # of black dancers – so my club criteria kinda limits my options/opportunities. I used to often visit mixed/white SCs in my area just to see what they were like; but now I rather just focus my funds on what I like which is the black clubs or the very few mixed clubs with a good # of black dancers.
As others; the more I've SCed the more I have sorta settled on a core group of just 3 or 4 SCs in my starting rotation with an occasional “let me see whats up” appearance in other local SCs.
If $$$ was not an issue; I would probably visit 10 to 15 mew SCs this year – but being almost in the Caribbean (Miami); it's often a long and expensive trip to get to worthwhile SCs in other areas.