
Worst experience at a stripclub

I just want to ask what was the worse time you have had at a stripclub. There have been several but the one that sticks out in my mind happened a few years ago. I had decided to go to this club earlier since it was around 6:30 in the evening. I had went there early previously and had a decent time and got a nice dance from this girl named Kellie. Well Kellie was therethis time but she wasn't dancing yet. She was at the cash register taking the money because the manager on duty had not gotten there. She even looked as good in her Jeans as she did in a Bikini. Anyway the club was dead there was only one other customer there besides me and he was at the bar talking to one of the waitresses. They only had 2girls there at the time whom were dancing and only 1 of them looked decent. I tried to wait it out for Kellie but it seemed the manger wasn't going to come any time soon and I was getting bored and ready to leave. So I ended up asking one the girls who was dancing at the time for a lapdance. Of course she said okay, and went to get the key for the room. When we got into the room, she proceeded to tell me all the dam'n rules the club has when giving a lapdance. You can't do this or that and so on. Now Kellie never gave me the run down on the rules and none of the other girls I had ever either. I decided to not let the comments bother me and went on with the dance. Well I shouldn't have. The Girl didn't even grind on me once during the lapdance. I was starting to think was this girl prejudice against black men? I mean Kellie was white as well but didn't have a problem with grinding so what was up with this chick? The bad part about it is that the lapdance cost $30dollars. They charge extra 10bucks for the 1st dance but the 2nd 1 is 20. Anyway she had the nerve to ask did I want another dance, I said no and left out the room. Now you might think that maybe this girl is liked that with everyone in that she doesn't grind on you, which might be true but she has displayed other signs that she either doesn't dig black guys or doesn't know very many in real life. I saw this girl again at another club down the street. She was dancing to some rap music while on stage. Now common since would tell you if you don't like black guys then don't play any rap or R&B music. Anyway I knew how she was so I didn't tip her. Another black guy had tipped her. After she got off stage she came over and told me thanks for the tip when I didn't even tip her as if she couldn't tell the difference between me and the other black guy in the club. The other guy was at least 50 years old or older. I am 31 and have been told I look more like I am 25 so how in the hell can you get us 2 confused. I really hate that type of mess and try to avod dancers like that if I can.


  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Well, I was the idiot in my story. I had too much to drink, after not enough to eat. I left the club and went to my car...except that it wasn't there! I went back to the club and told the bouncer to please call the police, my car had been stolen!!! He gave me a kind of sad, compassionate look, then walked me out into the lot and...found my car for me! I gave the boy a tip and left, embarrassed as all hell...
    20 years ago
    SuperDude, I've had that experience a couple of times too and can never figure it out. How are they going to get customers to stay long enough to get to 5 if nobody's dancing? File that policy under "stupid ideas of strippers and strip club managers." It's a pretty think file.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    A couple years ago, someone broke into my car and stole my winter jacket and car radio while inside the club, which wasn't fun at all. At least I learned to park in front of the building, but that's easier now than it used to be, because that club slid way downhill.

    As for actual dancer interaction, I got stuck in the VIP room for 30 minutes, until the club closed, because a dancer decided she had to go to the bathroom. Then they said I couldn't have my money back.

    Not sure if this should count, but I have twice wrecked vehicles on the way to strip clubs, once hitting a deer and once flipping my car over. Actually, the time I hit the deer, all it took out was my driver side mirror.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Wound up in Jasons in Windor, Ontario for a late lunch. The lunch crowd was leaving. In 10 minutes I was the only customer in the place and the dancers stopped working. I sat there staring at an empty stage until the manager came over and apologized and told me the girls would not come back on until at least 5 customers were in the audience. So I left, after paying cover, parking and buying lunch.
  • ralphyboy
    20 years ago
    Had a 10 speed stolen off the back of my car near an LAX club, 3 tires slashed outside a dump in nowheresville NJ, and car window smashed and variety of s**t stolen in Philly. Have puked my guts out the car window and on beaches and under boardwalks coast to coast---other than that the past 35 years have been a slice. Hell I'd go out tonite if it wasn't raining.
    20 years ago
    My worst time was actually kind ot funny. I went looking for this hole in a rural area (NY state) and had to call about 4 times to get directions, all of which were wrong. So I finally get there, the place is a dump, 2 dancers working, I'm the only customer. So I watch this average looking girl dance and when she' done I ask her if she does private dances. She says, "I don't do that, you want the other girl" who had just come out on stage. She immediately comes over and begins quoting prices for everything you could possibly imagine doing with a girl. If she and been 20 years younger, if her fake boobs weren't so huge, and if she had about 6 more teeth I might have been interested. I was in and out of the club in about 10 minutes. I think I rated the place a 2, assuming there must be a worse place somewhere, but I hope I never find it.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    A black cabbie got angry that my dad didn't recognize him. The cabbie proceeded to lecture my dad about how all blacks don't look alike, blah, blah, blah. Needless to say my dad was shocked and hurt. I told the cabbie you really should try and avoid assuming the worst especially about a customer. My dad has macular degeneration and is legally blind (you wouldn't know by just looking at him). He might see the keys in your hand with perfect clarity down to tiny details and yet not even be able to see if the hair on your head is straight or curly.

    Dancers often thank me my for a tip when I'd given none. And this happens even when it slow and I'm the only white guy. Sometimes it is intended to make you feel guilty. Othertimes it is the thanking for the anticipated future tip.

    Over at The Trap this stunning black dancer insisted that she knew me and that we had chatted previously at the club. I was 100% certain I didn't know her because any dancer that *** HOT *** I take notice of and try and buy dances from. She didn't help matters when she gave certain details that were incorrect.

    Surprise, surprise, I did know her. But, she wasn't a dancer at the time. She was submitting an application to become a dancer at the club. She was in street clothes and shorter than me. Her hair was conservative, etc. etc. etc. Next time I saw her she was taller than me, almost completely undressed, and her hair was all fancy. I wrong assumed that I had met her when she was working at the club. It never occured to me that she might have been wearing street clothes, etc.

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