
avatar for Timex345
I do have friends.
I always preferred going solo to strip clubs.
I always see groups of buddies together.
Why would I want to share my favorite stripper?
I already compete with the other customers.


last comment
I always go solo too. Clubbing is a personal experience for me and I can't see going with my guy friends. I'd go with my casual g/f if she wanted to but she's not into girls.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
If you had friends you wouldn't be posting here constantly.
I'm never alone cause the strippers are my friends.

Strip clubs are one place where you never need a wing man.

Actually.... The only wing man you need is a wad of cash...
High mileage clubs I go alone, low mileage (go go bars) can be fun with a buddy just to have a few brews and see some boobs. But that's just my opinion.
I mostly go with buddies. I like having someone to drive to and from the club with (although we mostly take the train to the city and Uber/Lyft to the club, these days). Guys to swap stories with, head out to lunch or dinner with, etc. At the club, we do the "table full of girls" thing, and it's always a great time. IF one guy takes a girl to the VIP, he'll let the others know how fun it was, the variety guys pass girls around, the ATF guys sit with their ATF, and the table is non-stop shots and food. If we want a girl, there's always some other stripper at the table who is friends with her, and who will grab her for us. Someone is always telling a funny story or whatever.

I do SC alone also, it's quieter and more intimate, and fun in a completely different way. But overall, I think I'm insanely lucky to have not one, but several friends who love SCing as much as I do. I think the kind of friends you have makes all the difference -- if they were assholes or killjoys at the club, it wouldn't work
I think I'd like to go clubbing with Subraman and his friends!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
All my friends are too smart to spend as much time and money as I do at a SC so I mostly club alone.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Yea I didn't think you were that smart lone wolf
I rarely go to Follies without running into one of my TUSCL buddies but it is never a problem. We don't interrupt each other when getting dances or going to VIP. And in between we can swap stores and intel.

I went today but was only there for about an hour. That was all I needed to complete the mission.
" I think I'd like to go clubbing with Subraman and his friends!"

You definitely do! lol ... Really, I, too, had always thought I preferred to SC alone. More freedom to come and leave when I wanted, who needs a wingman anyway, and the few times I went with a friend, they turned out to be killjoys. Just luck to be able to fall in with a group of guys who love SCs, are fun in the club, etc. Way waaaay more fun, IMO.
I almost always club alone. Wives, girlfriends, work, and wallets tend to keep other guys I know from going, that and "strip clubs aren't their thing."
If I decide to meet a friend(s) at a SC; it’s more about hanging out – if I’m really interested in getting my freak on; I rather go alone – I need to focus on the task at hand :)
I only go alone.

Going with buddies is like at night time at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail. It is more guys who want to drink. The women are there to be the 'other', which they can objectify but not really engage with. They need the women there to justify the outing, otherwise they might be afraid that they are becoming gay.

When I go I just want to engage with the women, really just one of them at a time. You find more of this in the higher mileage places, like SF Crazy Horse, or like in a talking oriented place like The Sunnyvale Hip Hugger ( tragically now closed ). Alcohol is available, but it is less of a factor.


Bob Weir, Looks Like Rain…
It's generally a different experience going with friends vs going alone. I wouldn't say one way is better than the other, but I do go more frequently alone than with friends. Like Sabra & Papi said, it can be fun to hang out with friends in that environment. I find that its a good way to mix things up and gain a little more slack in the leashes of friends with significant others. her imagination of what goes on when she's not there is always worse than what she sees, so the wives are a lot less hesitant to stay home with the kids while my buddies and I go out. There's also a couple wives I used to fucking hate, but have become somewhat of friends with them in their own right after hanging out in strip clubs with them a few times.

Also, going in with a group of friends can also change a dancers perception of you, at least in my experience. The effect isn't as significant when its a group of all guys as it is when there's civilian women involved but its still noticeable. There's some girls that for whatever reason seem to open up considerably after seeing you around other seemingly well adjusted friends. I guess its a signal to them that you are less likely to be a homicidal sociopath trying to lure them away to rape & murder them. I've seen girls that were distant and mercenary turn cuddly and affectionate, girls that have either rejected advances or given off clear not interested vibes do complete 360's and approach the OTC subject with me.

I guess the point is, there's room for both approaches as long as you understand that they are different experiences.
Solo is the best way to go.
Although I have a few friends, I'm mainly an introvert and a loner. I prefer doing entertaining things on my own regardless if it is strip clubs, concerts, tours, or sporting events.
I'd go with friends except they're all strippers so they're busy working.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
@Diva: I'm smart enough to know you probably have a penis :-)
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I prefer to strip club solo because a number of guys I have visited clubs with either act weird, don't bring enough cash, want to leave before I do or not when I do, or just spoil the mood. Plus they may have different tastes in girls and keep someone at the table I do not care about. Positives are that they can save your seat while going to the restroom or getting dances and can help pass the time talking if there is no decent entertainment for a couple of songs.
Dolfan, if you were wearing a belt with $100 bills attached to it, you still wouldn't get any strippers to sit down and talk to you
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