A woman during the 1980s got tattoos of her favorite singer on the inside of her thighs. She was so proud and wanted to show them off. Found a guy for the revealing. He said cool! "That's Elvis on the left and Garth Brooks on the right with Willie Nelson in the middle".....She obviously was adoring quite a un-cut bush.
On a tooth xray! That is just brilliant - almost as brilliant as the six matching images of Christ in all half dozen ice cubes that I put in my drink, before they melted leaving no evidence. :-(
Seriously, this kind of stuff just makes all Christians appear just plain stupid (BTW JS, I'm not criticizing your post, just all the lame of brain folks who were involved!). Why would Christ deign to appear inside a tooth, or on a loaf of bread, or a pancake or a squash? I wish these people would spend as much time and energy living Christ's commandments and example as they do on this drivel.
Dawg, you are absolutely correct that this makes Christians look like complete imbeciles. It does look kinda like a face from a certain angle in the right light from the correct distance. Of course the same thing is true of the moon as well.
Perception is different for everyone. :-)
Seriously, this kind of stuff just makes all Christians appear just plain stupid (BTW JS, I'm not criticizing your post, just all the lame of brain folks who were involved!). Why would Christ deign to appear inside a tooth, or on a loaf of bread, or a pancake or a squash? I wish these people would spend as much time and energy living Christ's commandments and example as they do on this drivel.