trans women and strip clubs (per SW)
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Hi! I just joined this site (SW).
I'm a post-op trans woman. I'm a pretty small woman at about 125 pounds. People never recognize me as trans in my day to day life anymore, and people assume that I'm cisgender. I've done some cam work (modeling as a cis woman), but I found it dreadfully boring and lonely. I also don't love that people secretly record your videos now days. I do love dancing in general, and I'm thinking about taking up pole dancing for fun. I work out a lot, and I like to keep myself really fit. I need some extra cash and a flexible work schedule, which is why I was camming in the first place. I thought stripping might be a bit less lonely and cramped feeling. I might as well make some money back on my silicone implants too!
I've seen a few threads, but not a whole lot of information about trans women in strip clubs. Does anyone have an idea about how other strippers tend to treat trans women? I don't plan to disclose my trans status, but I do like to know what I'm getting into ahead of time. What should I expect from management? I definitely won't disclose to them either. What about customers?
I'm going to be reading through the threads on the forum about the auditioning process too. Thanks!…
Just read the comments on that thread.
If you want a sex change or are pre-op/post-op which at some point during all these discussion I just get confused...that's your business and none of mine.
But people getting changes and then giving lap dances (or more) to an unsuspecting PL just does not sit well with me.
Over the years; I’ve seen TV programs/interviews of “women” that used to be men and honestly one would never know – b/w makeup; hair; and those powerful hormone therapies; I think it’s quite plausible and likely the avg person would not be able to tell – it’s def a different story w/ cross dressers that just use hair and makeup to try to pass as women.
If steroids can make an avg guy look like a damn hulk; one would think hormone therapy can make them look like a woman.
Agree with the sentiment above. I wish all luck and all civil right to a transgendered person, but would not want to get dances with someone who is transgendered, do not believe that hormones/surgery/driverslicense/self-identification is enough to turn one female, and feel it is highly unethical to go around giving lapdances to unsuspecting men. Complete lack of integrity or ethics of any kind, even within the looser concept of ethics at strip clubs
I don't consider myself homophobic or transphobic, that shit doesn't bother me at all. I wish them the best of luck and regret the discrimination they face. In most cases, I wouldn't mind in the slightest bit not being told - for example if he/she was a coworker or dating a friend or whatever. However, in sexual situations I find the lack of disclosure offensive. It's something that a significant portion of the population would have a problem with, failing to disclose it is foul. IMO, that sort of behavior is the strongest driver of continued discrimination against what I'll call "responsible" trannies for lack of a better word.
@rickdugan- Just one more case for patronizing nude clubs over topless clubs.
I'm skeptical of your ability to see the difference. Having seen one first hand myself (former bartender at a local club is trans), the surgeon did a simply remarkable job. Even *knowing* it was "artificial", it was mighty damned hard to see any real difference between her and the few hundred other girls whose vulvae I've seen up close. And given the huge variety of shapes and sizes of vulvae, had I not known, I suspect I would have never been able to tell just by looking.