Question for Diva...

avatar for GACA
You've read through threads. Seen discussions and comments. Got a feel of the personalities.

So who do you feel are the top 10 most fuckable users based on personality alone.

And don't stroke my ego, even though I'm sure I'm numero uno :)


last comment
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

Before answering, keep in mind I have yet to comment on the "How do you measure up thread"

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Well shit. I guess I'm out then. I *have* posted on that one.

That'll teach me, I guess.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
This could be the funniest thread ever...
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Oh wow! This gives me a lot to think about...give me some time to answer this one! Brilliant question! I'll give top two to gaca and 4got2wipe. Motörhead and tumbling dice have to be on this list juice as well. I'm flattered to have been asked this question:)
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Some guy with a strange name something like iddaclnl I know I didn't get it right but you get the jist. I feel like I won the an oscar and I'm extremely worried about leaving someone out! Lol
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Be careful - I think GACA is angling for a TUSCL OTC gang-bang.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Oh papi, you as well. You're on the list for sure! A TUSCL OTC gang-bang! Just brilliant lol
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Perhaps Dougster...
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
And georgemicro don't worry my dentist said I have a very small mouth;)
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
lol looks like anyone who posts on this thread qualifies.
Well played, Diva......
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Roses are red
and they are thorny
thinking of Diva
sure makes me horny
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
OMG I'm flattered!!! LOL
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
1) 4got2wipe -juice
2) Juice - juice
3)Duke - juice
4) Dice - not juice but close :)
5) ilbbaicnl -- not sure why he's on her list
6) Dougster -- juices uncle
7) Motor -- juice's idol
8) GMD -- occasion juice like humor
9) Rockstar-- Divas wants to party with one :)
10) JS69 -- writes the best romance novels

* I have removed myself from consideration from any list that wipe is on.

So obviously Diva prioritizes laughing over nutting. (Except Rockstar for some unfulfilled groupie fantasy I'm sure)

Most likely list of TUCLER's who get free OTC ass...

1) GACA -- Any question
2) James SD -- bi-girls love hom
3) Ranukam -- Nukam can
4) Josh43 -- intelligently gets panties dropping
5) Rockstar -- nuff said
6) RickyD -- girls luv guys who luv themselves
7) Papi -- drops panties like he does knowledge
8) ShaiLynn -- eh, tall enough
9) Mikeya -- he's in SD, so ya
10) Dougster *that Jewish bastard is paid.

avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Sorry for leaving Lopaw off the list...cuz she sure is #1
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Damn, just like in the SC. Nobody talks to the
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I don't want to hurt any feelings lopaw! And I didn't put js69 on list gaca
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I put him on the list for you :) I was running out of names ... Besides, you luv his romance novels as much I heart you ;)

And everyone knows TUSCLERs ain't got no feelings. Jab away
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Diva, obviously my recent small penis/strong tongue comment has hurt my standing in this contest. However, I do pay more than most guys here for sex with strippers. Can't my generosity make up for whatever I might be missing in length or girth?
avatar for SuperDude
10 years ago
I'm fuckable.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
OTC Gangbang list, lol.

Though I must admit my list is the stuff pornos are made of. Couple of blackish guys, a Latin guy, some seasoned guys, and the Rest. And add some thick ol DD's .. classic in the making.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I love a hot buttered bun in the morning
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
A gangbang! Brilliant!
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Yes, we have a winner of the most pathetic thread ever.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
I don't know why you don't want to be on any lists I'm on GACAclub! Let's increase the peace between the two of us!
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Sorry skibum609! I'm just having fun! it's brilliant!

I don't think I'm a bad guy and I'm not this juice fellow! I read the stuff TheProphetJuice was posting when I started here and there were so many spelling errors I couldn't even put it into the "brilliant!" or "not brilliant!" categories!
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
@skibum "Yes, we have a winner of the most pathetic thread ever."

Obviously you haven't login in a while, we need to introduce you to Xeinok
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
skibum should know- he/shes an authority on pathetic. Makes jerikson seem almost cheerful.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

You sensing age discrimination here? :)
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Clubber - No. Just a bunch of kids tripping over their dicks. :)
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I think everyone who posts on this site is... Fucked.

avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Unless you believe you have brilliant tattooed on your heart!
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I'm certainly not tripping over *my* dick.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Don't feel left bad, Seaboardrr. Nobody talks to the geeks either.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
This is one funny as fuck thread.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
That should've been either "left out" or "bad," not "left bad." I hate it when the brain comes up with two things to say and the mouth mixes them together. It happened in an accounting class once. Brain wanted to tell the teacher my numbers were either "way off" or "whack." Mouth should've gotten me kicked out of class.
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