
Repaying Your Debts

layin low but staying high
A man and his wife are in the shower together when the doorbell rings. The wife puts on a robe and goes down to answer the door.

In walks her husband’s friend Ben. The woman tells him her husband’s in the shower and asks if he can come back later. Instead, Ben steps in and quietly says, "I have $200 in my pocket. I’ll give it to you if you’ll open your bathrobe for me and let me suck your breasts." She’s offended, but really needs the money and Ben is really cute, so she agrees, opens her robe, and gives Ben a few sucks before closing it up again. Ben gives her the $200, and she opens the door for him to leave, but he says, "I have another $200 in my other pocket. I’ll give it to you if you let me play with your pussy and finger fuck you." Now she’s really mortified, but again, she desperately needs the money, so she undoes her robe and lets him have a quick feel. After taking the other $200 from him, he says I've got $400 in my back pocket that you can have if I can fuck your mouth and you swallow my cum. She wants to say no, but she's gone this far and she would double her money, so she says yes but make it quick. He takes 60 seconds, she swallows, and he pays.

Going back upstairs, she gets back in the shower with her husband, feeling a little bit guilty.

"Who was that?" the husband asks.

"Oh, that was just Ben," the wife answers, trying to sound casual about it.

"Ben?" the husband says. "Good. He was supposed to come by this morning cause he owes me 800 bucks. Did he give you the money?


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