
Returning to AMPing, HA, "Are you married?"

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I wasn't planning on returning to AMPing yet, because I am still not free to actually partake of all the possibilities of getting girls outside and off of the clock. But talking about it so much here, in response to things people were saying about SC's, got me thinking and thinking. So Veterans Day 11/11 I had an errand to run and on impulse I started window shopping and I found lots of places. That was when I first saw L/J and I was so taken with her that twice I tried to kiss her in the front room.

Then 11/17 I had something else to do and so I did more window shopping in a different area.

Then Thanksgiving 11/27 I was intending to do more window shopping in yet another area. But against my own advice about getting girls giddied up first, I did get taken in by the fantasy and I did go use and ATM machine and session. The shop was highly rated. The girl said that she had just arrived from Vietnam 5 days ago. She spoke in perfect SoCalese. I knew there was a kind of girl exchange circuit between SJ and LA. But anyway, she was beautiful. We sessioned, no bra, and no panties under her dress either. In some shops they do it this way. Inspired by Shadowcat I went very far with her doing DATY w/FIV. She loved it. But overall the session, not having done one in a long time, left me with a funny feeling.

So I actually continued window shopping that very day. I had window shopped and flirted with this one I am calling HA back on 11/11. She remembered me and was clearly responding to my pulling her chain. So Black Friday 11/28 I returned with money and was ready. But the shop was closed. The owner was there and she let me talk to the out of town HA on her cell phone. The owner said something about HA being with her family. So I asked if she was married. Actually she was at a casino in Reno.

So she let me talk to HA and I asked her several times, using a taunting tone of voice.

Finally, "I am single."

But getting to play with her over the phone like that certainly set the stage. She would be back Monday 12/1.

So I went to another shop and sessioned with a second girl. Again, I was not following my own advice. I accepted her on sight, without letting that be just a window shopping round.

And again, it left me feeling funny.

This first girl is now gone. They say back to Vietnam, but I am sure it is LA. This second at this second shop they say is back in LA.

But I am sure that if I offered a basic civilian outing, they each would have gone for it. If done that way, what did or did not happen in the session does not really matter. They each had said little things which indicated this sort of interest in outside and off the clock fraternizing.

But anyway, with two mediocre sessions behind me, I showed up on Monday in front of HA at the counter, and yes we were on. I posted about giving her a copy of "To Kill a Mocking Bird", bought from a local used book store. It went really well. She was playful and quite open with me. She would also promise, but not deliver on, email contact.

But anyway I felt very good and had high expectations for HA.

So I tried to plan my next session with her. She ducked questions about her lunar cycle. I could not even tell if she was waxing or wanning. So it was mostly just guessing. So I picked 12/23 and marked the calendar and made a preliminary phone call to keep her emotionally in my space. I think the boss was impersonating her over the telephone. I figured 12/23 was a bit early, but better early than late, as a follow up session could be done if early.

But anyway, I showed up on 12/23 and we were on. She was concerned because the boss was present and she has fired other girls for FS. I think also HA was PMS, and this water accumulation does seem to effect that they will do. The first time she was an FIV freak and she let me take her right over the top. But this second time she acted to limit it. Over all the encounter was not that nice. She never relaxed. She kept making excuses. It left me feeling funny.

So at that moment HA got suspended, though I didn't tell her so.

Again, once I am converting them to real girl friends, this kind of stuff won't matter. They won't be expected to be mind blowing every time.

But as I was free on Christmas 12/25, I window shopped another area and I did select a girl I wanted. I did leave, and then return. But on their side they fumbled it, with she saying she had a previous booking and trying to substitute another girl. I insisted on a refund. They boss tried to clean it up. But no, that won't work. If the first girl screws me over, then it is not fair to get another girl involved.

So this first girl I am trying to maintain contact with for a potential future session with her. Or possibly with me screwing her over by showing up and then picking another. Again, the ones who treat me right get more sessions. They ones who don't get strung along.

Then 12/26, I went to a shop I had window shopped Thanksgiving, and sessioned with the one I'd seen, Slutty Red Dress Chinese K. She was good and so I knew I would return.

Now 1/1 I also had free time and I tried to session with one I had window shopped before. I am now calling her JOC. But she was not there.

So instead I went and did my first session with L/J. She had declined before to let me kiss her for free in the front room. But at her shop they go for the most extreme eye makeup and the very highest of heels and the most slutty outfits. I love it. And she was really really good! She is SF brazenness transplanted to SJ. I just hope their shop can last. So I knew that I would return.

I did no other sessions until 1/20. It was supposed to be 1/19, MLK day. But I postponed 1 day. Using the calendar, this was to be session two with Slutty Red Dress Chinese K. She had been good before, and I told her I intended to see her regularly, like once over moon. She understood and liked this idea. But that session was poor. I had misinterpreted what K. had said about Aunt Flo and she was probably PMS. Before she just soaked up endless DATY w/FIV. This time she did not want the FIV. She became totally non-GFE.

Then she said, "Kissing, that's for boyfriend and girlfriend .... for husband and wife."

"That's R*I*G*H*T!"

So at this point she went into lecture mode, telling me about how she has a boyfriend. But then she went into being disrespectful, telling me that I shouldn't be trying to find a girl friend at a massage parlor.

I actually wasn't, I was just trying to charm her and get her to really open up. In taking to me like that she was being disrespectful.

So anyway, now they are saying that she has retired, "She is done", but they are inviting me to come see their other girls and naming them over the telephone. I've seen them, they are real hotties too. But I'm going to wait and see. Maybe K. decided to retire, maybe she was told to retire. I will see.

So after that I went the next day to see, T. who was putting on a show for me by pulling up her dress in the window. That was okay. But T. has a boyfriend and mostly she tries to steer guys to other girls. When I sessioned with T. I noticed the one I'd window shopped back on Thanksgiving, Blue Y.

So the next day I came back, 1/22. T. tried to fix me with another of her young hotties. But I explained about how I then knew who was the one I had been asking about, from back on Thanksgiving. This would be Blue Y. So soon we were in the room getting friendly, with T. having put the word for me.

But like I've said, Blue Y. is not competent as a sex worker. And she also does not understand this.

So I've been stringing her along and trying to get her to extend herself a bit further over the telephone or in email before I session with her again.

As for HA, same thing. We probably will session again.

But then after all of this I went and did my second session with L/J, and besides more kissing than I had thought possible with a girl in 60min, I also received instruction on how to say "I love you" in Vietnamese.

Again, once I am converting them to real girl friends, most of the crap shoot aspect of this will be gone. What does or does not happen in the session, and how much it costs, won't make much difference anymore.

Year of the Ram, JOV

Pretty Girls Need to be Kissed, Blue Y.

First Lesson in Vietnamese, L/J

Female Revolutionaries

@SJG: Revolutions Go Better With Hookers and Coke!
why does @Dougster think he needs to start a separate thread?


Lou Reed


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    SJG's Day Off.....movie coming soon
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    You gotta provide more details...this is all so sketchy.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    "She ducked questions about her lunar cycle" - now I understand the derivation of the word lunacy. I wonder if she sidestepped questions regarding her Bi-cycle
    SJG - wtf? Are you seriously trying to "convert" massage whores into girl friends? Or are you spending $100's to eventually get a freebie? Your endless diatribe makes me question just what it is you're trying to do.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    It took longer to read than "The Brothers Karamazov."
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Yes, these stories are SJG's days off. Most of them are on holidays, or days when I've had to otherwise divert from my ordinary concerns, and so I was out and about in various neighborhoods of San Jose. Such outings are fun, like looking for JOC's Tet Ram, and like visiting the Viet Coffee Shops, and just going into all the ethnic retail areas, and now also window shopping and partaking at AMP's. So long as they have not been sanitized by things like SJ's Redevelopment Agency, cities are fun places! Most of these ethnic neighborhoods are much more fun than the downtown core.

    There have been times when I was often moving all over the city by bicycle. This is by far the easiest and most fun way. I like to do that all weather and anytime day or night.

    Eventually I will be working out of a base office very close to at least one of the Coffee Shops, and probably to some AMP's as well. I know one guy who used to do most of his work and telephone calls by using a pair of Apple laptops in the outdoor area of a Coffee Shop. Someday that could be me.

    Now as far as the women themselves, I've posted on earlier threads that in the days before I was married I didn't go far enough with massage girls or strippers. What I mean is that I didn't keep seeing them regularly, try to stay in communications with them, introduce them to other friends, accept their offers of outside sessions, or in general try to get them off of the clock. I didn't take down the protective barriers which surrounded my personal life.

    I didn't do these things because I was much younger and narrower in my social views. Those I would have found suitable as girl friends would have to have come form a much narrower social realm. But still, I always treated the women as civilians. I never talked to them like they were prostitutes. I didn't make intimate things happen with them by trying to bargain or doing anything to suggest that such could be had by offering money. Never ever have I offered a woman money, for anything. I never will either. No reason too.

    So as far as 'whores', that is a disrespectful term which is not in my lexicon.

    I don't use such language, and why should I?

    I remember at one of the Mexican establishments, one of the dancers, a beloved escort, speaking to one of the others in Spanish and saying that I was a 'burro'. She spoke it affectionately and with a rolling r. I'd never heard that word used that way before and I've still never been able to find any online documentation of that use. She continued saying that I was looking for a 'puta'.

    What she was saying was not true, but this was not important. What was important was what I told her later, "You spoke one of the first Spanish language words that guys learn. But don't use that kind of language." She apologized.

    As far as how far I would go after I was married, I felt that I had to draw a firm line, of on site interactions only. I would never want to turn any of these women into my mistress. Even if I am paying them, that would only increase the level of emotional involvement. Seriously hurt feelings would be inevitable, and besides being extremely unpleasing, that is the doorway to real danger.

    But during the long and very hard years, almost like a prison sentence, of marriage, I changed. I was forced to. I had to look how I had gotten into such a death trap, and what that said about the values and social views I was carrying. I recognized that things would need to be different.

    Our society has always divided women into two categories, and I've never gone along with it. I've always been curious about that second category, and this means going beyond P4P sessions.

    But to get directly to your question, no, at this time I am not attempting to convert AMP girls into civilian girl friends. Not yet. But at a time in the future I will be.

    It is not particularly difficult. I mean if your treating her decently and if you seem like someone she would like to be a girl friend too, it can happen like lightening.

    Actually there was a discussion with girl number two mentioned above, on Black Friday, 11/28. She said, "I am not your girl friend, ... yet." And I replied, "Yes, you are not my girl friend, ... yet."

    I wish she was still around and that I were able to maintain contact with her.

    Right now I am not actually trying to convert any of them into girl friends. As I've posted, I was not planning on starting AMPing again, ... yet. It is just that with talking about it and related things here, and on impulse on a day off, I started window shopping. And well, these places have an infectious appeal. The women are extremely friendly. So I did that first session on Thanksgiving day. But then I had to get to a third session, where I had courted the girl some first, to get it to go real nice.

    I'm not actually inviting them into my personal life, ... yet, because I am deeply embedded in extremely sensitive affairs which I am obliged to protect. I've never been someone who just works from 9 to 5 and collects a paycheck. I'm always involved in things which are all encompassing and where there is no walled off area of my personal life. What I am doing now, really what I have always been doing, are things of a socio-political nature.

    But eventually some things will have changed. I'll have vanquished some foes, and so I will have more to brag about and more to show for my efforts, and then the most sensitive responsibilities and obligations which I am obliged to protect, can be cordoned off. So I can have a life again.

    At that point, yes I will be moving at once to convert each of these massage girls into civilian girl friends. This applies to this current group, if I can maintain contact that far out. And it will apply to which ever ones I am seeing at that point in the future too.

    It really is very simple. I'll just do exactly what I am now, but then add to it an invitation that I take her out to eat at closing time, like say 10pm.

    There have been 9 of them from Thanksgiving. I'm counting in this the one on 12/25 where the session actually did not occur as they fumbled it and so I got a refund. But I had extended myself by picking her and talking to her some and handing over the money and taking my clothes off.

    But anyway, most of them would have been jumping up and down happy with such an offer. A number of them even said things which suggested such an interest. Many of them I believe would have just said, "Okay, no reason to wait until 10pm, lets go."

    I'd have this all planned out anyway, and have several suitable places we might go.

    Now sure, there is the matter of the girl's car, and some might have kids and not be able to do things on short notice. And some might not want to just go an jump in bed with me.

    But this doesn't matter, as eventually they would. And if they were reluctant to escalate rapidly, I'd just come in the next morning and do a second session, and let them know I was going to do this. Pretty soon they'd yield and end up making my breakfast.

    I say this based on personal experiences, including explosive love affairs with Viet civilians.

    And also, I was married for a long time. That lets you see women from a different perspective. I got cut in on a lot of the girl talk, stuff that would probably not have been shared with just a boy friend.

    And then there are my more recent experiences being on very close terms with the bosses and women of several Red Book AAMPs.

    When I first joined TUSCL I posted about experiences with strippers and about how most of them really are just as easy to civilianize. I was laughed at an mocked.

    But my own experience tells me that it is true. It is actually what most of them want.

    The exceptions might be those committed to lesbianism, or those all ready 100% professionalized as escorts. For the former, gender is the line between work and play. For the latter, there is only work. But I still don't think any of them should be automatically written off.

    But with most of them, if you treat them like civilians they are civilians. Paying them is a show of respect because that is why they are in the club. But this does not mean that this is all they are.

    In the future I will be moving to rapidly civilianize AMP girls and SC dancers.

    Lots of guys insist that all these women want is money. I say that this is not really true, or at least not anymore so than it is true of most all women. These guys see them that way because of how they treat them, like 'hookers'.

    The real issue is not getting the women, it is what you do after you get them. Most of the guys posting on a board like this just dump them. Or they do like I did, getting wound up in a horrible marriage.

    But there are other examples. Jestrite50 is able to take care of them and help them move on to second careers.

    What I will be doing involves some of that, but mostly it will consist of getting them involved with a larger organization I am building. Women who have done some variety of sex work are often more open minded and politically radical than those who would never do such.


    Definitely Maybe

    More Jeff Beck

    Clapton, Nothing But the Blues, Concert and Documentary, 1994
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    HA has been suspended since her second session, at the end of Dec, left a bad taste in my mouth.

    I've made minor telephone calls to her since, to try and keep her stringing along.

    I was going to do the same thing again today. But I've instead decided to review the sketchy and limited lunar cycle info I have on her and then pencil her in for another session, and then pick a new phone call date, with the intent of reinstating her. What I will try to do in the phone call is to get her to extend her self in reaching out to me just a bit.


    Vo Nguyen Giap
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Yesterday I decided that I would rehabilitate and unsuspend both HA and Blue Y.

    But that would have me doing 4 sessions this month, as there are also L/J and JOC, who have never been suspended.

    So now I have penciled in both HA and Blue Y. for dates. But what I will do is contact them by telephone, and the one of them who goes the furthest in convincing me that she is worthy of unsuspension will get a session. The other will continue to be strung along with telephone calls.

    So I will be doing 3 sessions this month. Long term I want it to be just 2 per month.

    This is, until I make my big change and start civilianizing them and others. Then things will be completely different. So right now this is all preliminary.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    HA should be easy to unsuspend. Blue Y. is a different story. She might only be someone worth dealing with in a fully civilianized state. I am not ready to be doing that with any of these girls yet.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    So I sessioned with HA again. This was our third time. Remember second time was not so good. But I am sure now that she was PMS. Besides affecting her mood, they usually don't seem to want FIV when PMS.

    First session though she had been playful and spunky, and I wanted to let us return to that.

    She said that my telephone calls kept her thinking about me. 2.5 months worth, and that was the intent, to string her along instead of paying for poor sessions.

    This time she was awesome! Previously she had always wanted the tip money up front. This time she never said a word about it, until at the end I pressed it into her hand and she seemed genuinely surprised and said, "Thank You" without counting it.

    Usually that means the girl stands fully ready for immediate civilianization, like that night.

    One thing though, she didn't want to kiss. Kissing had been one of her strong points, and again, I got it going this way with her by flirting with her and being playful with her. It lets her know that I like her. I pick them carefully. I don't session with them unless I like them.

    She didn't want to kiss because she was sick. She had said that her throat was sore from talking to her family in Vietnam on the telephone during Tet. But it was more than that, as she was coughing and coughing and coughing.

    But she was sweet as ever in everything else and she assured me that next time it will be different. Still not her chipper usual self though.

    She likes DATY and FIV. We did that on her back. Then, I guess inspired by
    JOC, we also did 69. She really likes that. Didn't seem accustomed to that.

    I never ask girls, "Did you cum?" as to me that seems wimpy. But this girl volunteered that she came twice. She said it several times. I guess she is not used to that. When she cums, it is much more gentle than it is with some of the others.

    She is not really an expert level sex worker. In some respects she is quite inexperienced.

    Anyway, she likes it on her back and on top too.

    She had told me first session that she was going to make an email account to communicate with me. But she didn't. Well this time we sat down together and made it together. She based it on her real name. I just sent her her first email.

    She has lots of brief down times during the day, spent sitting at the reception counter, with the cell phone. So she wants to keep in touch with me that way, the way I like it.

    One thing though, I am not so much of a cell phone person for the web. We got her registered and then logged in two times. But we were not able to get from logging in to her Inbox. She feels confident that she will be able to do that herself though. And she didn't want to let more time elapse without getting down to it. She is really being nice with me.

    I tried to buy her a Tet ram, but the store had run out. So I bought her a "Lucky Charm", a little gold plated Buddha.

    There is always a story delivered with these little gifts. This time I told her that I can tell that she is someone who usually is not very relaxed, and so now she can look at this little guy and meditate during they day. She says she well keep it on the reception counter. She is in a doctor's office type building. I know she will look at it and think.

    Have to think about what to get her next time. Never given girls this many little gifts. And going now to a fourth session will put her even with Purple Dress Car Washing Donna. And her's were spread out over more than a decade. Never gone beyond 4 sessions with any of them.

    New England and how to interpret RubMaps AMP reviews:

    football guy's GFE thread:

    AMP Advice to an out of state TUSCL bro:

    Hookup script versus Dating script:


    Wes Montgomery, Beginnings
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    She must not be able to figure out how to make email work from the cell phone. She has zero experience. I emailed her and the address was correct. But she must not be able to get to her Inbox.

    We definitely got her account set up at my session. She definitely wants to be using email. Oh well, this has to happen in stages.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This one she is being really nice to me. I've seen her 4 times now. The only other one to equal this would be Purple Dress Donna.

    HA talks to me like a girlfriend, the kind of a girlfriend who likes to nag.

    But I am still obliged to protect my embedded commitments, so I can't start any civilianization yet. So I am letting HA sit for a while. I will however try to stay in contact with her.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    At our last visit she insisted on cutting my hair herself. She used the electric clippers and a few different attachments. She did good.

    I probably will let he do that again whenever I see her next.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    We need some closure here.

    What is your count on "civilianizing" any of these AMP whores? Any updates in real life or are you just talking (and talking) about it?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Most of them already are civilianized after talking for just 2 min, and by the time DFKing starts. But no, I am not going to try and come up with any count.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "At that point, yes I will be moving at once to convert each of these massage girls into civilian girl friends. This applies to this current group, if I can maintain contact that far out. And it will apply to which ever ones I am seeing at that point in the future too."

    ^^^ you posted this and it's obvious you haven't made any progress towards it.

    So no, you haven't "civilianized" any of them per this definition, not your newer revisionist history definition. 😂
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    It's interesting that san_jose_creep had no issues writing up all this detailed interactions with AMP whores in his real life, but now and over the last 5 years he claims he cannot share any details and he has a faux "wall of privacy" up around them.

    LMFAO yet this thread itself has so many details that *should* be enshrouded in privacy. 🤣🤣🤣
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