Atlantis Gentlemen's Club in Ford Heights, Il. A suspected MS-13 run club!

avatar for smokeybear
They deleted my warnings both on their Facebook and Stripclublist pages. They banned me from their Stripclublist page. They bullied me on their Facebook page, calling me "head case" and other vile stuff. And they continue to promote themselves and lure the whole world in and feed their ever growing Mount Corpse!

Only a club that is directly owned and run by a really horribly violent and lethal gang such as the MS-13 would dare do that to someone for posting warnings that the club is unsafe and sits in the ghetto. Atlantis Gentlemen's Club in Ford Heights is a hangout for cop killers, serial killers, FBI-wanted fugitives, jail/prison escapees, they go in with their AK-47s and Mac-10s, they shoot the place up every day, murdering and gunning down innocent people left and right and then robbing them. The cornfields that surround the club are hangouts for FBI-wanted fugitives, jail/prison escapees, cop killers, people who have gunned down and murdered on-duty SWAT officers! Shootings and even homicides occur in broad daylight in that parking lot. The Ford Heights/Sauk Village area is a war zone, nearly as dangerous as East St. Louis, and nearly as volatile as Baghdad, Iraq.

In case anyone was curious, by the way, unlike Atlantis, Club O, Skybox, Club 390, and Jimmy's, one great thing about Blackjacks is that guns are strictly forbidden at Blackjacks. AK-47s, HK-91s, AR-15s, M-16s, shotguns, Colt-45s, pistols, revolvers, TEC-9s, Mac-10s, you name it, they are totally prohibited at Blackjacks, and if you get caught entering Blackjacks with an AK-47 or any of the listed firearms, you are out the door and under arrest by the Elgin Police Department.


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avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
This nutjob again.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer a club that allows my AK47. Especially when, like Atlantis, there are widespread extras available. Good times.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Lots of numbers in that post. We need more smart quant talk.
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Dude!There are crosshairs on your ass,Duck.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I think Smokey's off his meds again.
avatar for smokeybear
10 years ago
So I guess either strip club goers think they are immune to violence, or they think that the higher violent crime a neighborhood is, the better the clubs are!? Many of you guys, especially those who rate Atlantis and all the other Chicagoland south side strip clubs east of Illinois 50/Cicero Avenue as "the best," are starting to sound like all those innumerable Chicagoland ladies that are moving from the far suburbs into the ghetto, even into Chicago's worst neighborhoods, because they are tired of suburban guys losing their jobs, getting laid off, and such, and are hooking up with criminals, gangsters, the guys that get their trainloads of money, their luxury vehicles, their luxury houses, and all else, through crime and illegal drugs!
avatar for smokeybear
10 years ago
Or do you guys really think that strip clubs are designed only to serve hardened killers and criminals?
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Smokeybear I just want to make sure I understand. This means you're against AK47s in the strip club, correct? How about muzzle loaders? I really like black powder! It's brilliant!
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
This is what will happen to you if you go to Atlantis:…
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Smokey, I'd ban you too, although threats are going too far. Atlantis is a nice club for the well heeled.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
So must be sexy Latinas in there
avatar for deogol
10 years ago
I say, long enough the outside walls are concrete and steel, let them go at it. It'll mellow given enough time. :)
avatar for smokeybear
10 years ago
Deogol, AK-47 rounds are easily capable of ripping through steel and concrete like Red Ryder BB gun rounds through Velveeta cheese! In fact, once during the 1997 North Hollywood shootout, a group of LAPD officers took cover behind a concrete wall, and when one of the officers fired at the gunmen, the gunmen turned around and sprayed the officers' area with AK-47 fire, and the officers said point blank that those AK-47 rounds tore right through that concrete wall like it was butter.

And for 4got2wipe, yes I am very much against people bringing guns/firearms, including AK-47s, into strip clubs!
avatar for smokeybear
10 years ago
As a reply to jackslash, by the way, here is something that could possibly happen (can not be ruled out at all) to anyone who drives down any part of that stretch of Illinois Route 30/Lincoln Highway between State Street in Chicago Heights and the Indiana state border.…
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Smokey, I'm not a gun expert, far from, but wouldn't it depend on just what type of ammunition is used in a firearm when it comes to tearing through concrete, and not the firearm itself?
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
Objection: Club O, Club 390, and Jimmy's do NOT allow me to take my AK-47 into the club. I have to leave it with the coat check girl along with my hoodie. How annoying!

Seriously, smokey: Give evidence of *one* person ever getting shot at any of the five clubs you mentioned. As I've told you repeatedly, I've been to Club O and Club 390 about 20 times each and to Jimmy's and Skybox about 5 times each and I've never detected a trace of crime or violence. Except for Club O, these visits were almost all at night.
avatar for smokeybear
10 years ago
PhantomGeek, AK-47 rounds have an average muzzle velocity of 2,350 feet per second, or roughly 1,600 miles per hour. At that sort of speed, practically any type of ammunition can tear through cinder block walls.

MrDeuce, Illinois media is known for sweeping violent crime rates under the rug. For example, rapes occur all the time in Chicago proper, but Chicago's rape numbers and statistics as of lately are shown only as "N/A".
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