
What's the right answer?

layin low but staying high
Dancer: would you like a lap dance?

Me: thanks but no.

Dancer: what?

Me: (thinking she just didn't hear me over the music) No thank you.

Dancer: why?

Me: What?

Dancer: why don't you want a dance with me?

Two choices here:

Lie. "I'm just not in the mood."

Truth. "You're not my type, you have absurd looking fake breasts, you don't have a pretty face, you jumped straight to the "wanna dance" question, you seem disinterested and mechanical, there are a dozen girls here who are much hotter than you, you seem desperate, my guess is that you're low mileage, you strike me as a girl who probably participates regularly in stripperweb, and if you give me a minute I can easily come up with ten more reasons." Or I could summarize and say simply "the same reason I don't drive a 1972 Ford Granada."

Whats the right answer, and why would she ask?


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    "Fuck off, bitch."
  • tobala
    10 years ago
    Who's on first?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Neither. My answer is sorry, I'm saving the seat for somebody [hotter than you].
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    I agree with chandler.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I'm waiting for someone else
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    For her there is no right answer other than “yes” – it’s usually a waste of time trying to reason w/ them – just a no-thanks and then ignoring them if they persist is the best way to deal w/ it.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I did have a girl ask one time, in a very reasonable time, "May I ask why not?" So I told her the reasons, basically a cold approach, and not taking the time to work up to it. She said "thanks" and walked away.

    A month later, I was meeting her in motel rooms, she became my first ATF.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    There's a school of sales thought that involves not taking no for an answer and trying to overcome every objection. But if taken too far it means trying to sell a motorcycle to someone who wants an SUV.
  • dw.buck
    10 years ago
    dont fuk it up for someone else slowly let her down, and hopefully she finds a way to cheer up and change her approach
  • rattdog
    10 years ago
    Dancer: would you like a lap dance?

    Me: thanks but no.

    Dancer: what?

    Me: (thinking she just didn't hear me over the music) No thank you.

    Dancer: why?

    me: because... because YOU FUCKING SUCK!!! THAT'S WHY!!!!!

    I always wanted to do that to some annoying fuglie or to some hot do-nothing bitch.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Truth: "Sorry, your not my type"

    Dancer: "Why?" / "What's your type?"

    Partial Truth: "Sorry, can't really explain it, I just know if a chick is when I see her."
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I hate the "what's your type" question. I also hate it when a dancer offers to find me a girl. Just because I like blonde girl next door types and young latinas doesn't mean every pretty young thing has the right skills to empty my wallet (and certain body parts).

    I will sometimes tell the MILFS/fake titted/heavily tatooed chicks I like GND types if I want them to go away. That said, the VAST majority take no for an answer. The smart ones do want to figure out if it's a soft no (I'm not buying dances now/tonight) vs. a hard no (never approach me again, thanks).
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    These girls aren't masters of rhetoric or have some brilliant mind that will lead you into some circular logic ... unless you sit back and let them, like many of the beta males do. At the point I say no and she starts asking questions, I turn things around and ask questions back.

    Her: Why not?
    Me: You're beautiful but not my type. Who do you think is?
    Her: That blonde over there
    Me: Why in the world do you think I like blondes?

    In any case, once I've politely declined, she doesn't get to ask questions anymore -- or, she can ask, but I'm not answering any questions, I'm changing the conversation to me asking the questions. She can play along and answer them (which I don't mind, it can be fun when a girl plays along) or, 99% of the time, she frustrated that she's not leading the conversation and realizes at this point I'm wasting her time, and excuses herself.

    In short: the ONLY wrong answer is ANY answer, once you've politely declined. Take control of the conversation, let her waste her time playing guessing games about who your type is, change your reply to a question and she can either stand there playing guessing games or GTFO
  • dw.buck
    10 years ago
    if you really want them to leave

    Truth: "Sorry, your not my type"

    Dancer: "Why?" / "What's your type?"

    Truth: Girls that do Anal,

    Dancer: i dont do that ...bye.

    if she says yes / ok - well you got a keeper
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