
Documentary on Child Sex Trafficking

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

If you are bored w/ nothing to watch this eve; and this interests you, a 3-part documentary on this subject is playing on PBS tonight at 10 pm Eastern (at least on my PBS).

The name of the documentary is “A Path Appears”.


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Hmmm, should be eye opening. I think I'll watch it instead of the 20 part documentary, "History of AMPS and Mexican Table Dancing in San Jose"
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Mikey, holly shit, there's a show on Mexican Table Dancing! That would be perfect for the DS and I to watch this week after we get high. What channel?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    lol, hey, how did the getting high thing go?
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    If you look at sex worker sites on the Net, they complain about the new trend to justify laws against sex work by saying that all sex workers are victims. Analogous to how laws that ban everything up to morning after pills are promoted as laws to stop partial birth abortion.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @mikeya well, @js69 didn't write a dissertation or romance novel about it, couldn't have been all that good :p
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    We haven't done it yet. Our trip is later this week. But she promises she's bringing the pot along with some of my fav worship outfits.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I don't watch those shows because I'm disgusted how they blur the lines between legitimate adult prostitution and involuntary sex trafficking and child exploitation.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I'm with rockstar on this one. To watch it is to show some sort of fascination with the devices of child trafficking and I don't need to watch it to know it's disgusting. Who really gets off on fucking little kids? Real sickos I tellz ya
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ I agree with rockstar and Estsfador
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Well, as a guy with kids, I want to know:

    - Where they find them
    - What promises are made to them
    - How they get them out of the house
    - How do they traffic them

    Those four things can be taught to kids to watch the fuck out. Mystery friend on the internet all of a sudden shows interest in you? Kid, watch the fuck out. And you do have to tell them. They are all star eyed at a given age.

    Tell a kid what are realistic promises and which are not. Somebody you don't know wants to give you a bike "but don't tell your mom and dad" - it's a trick!

    We've seen the news magazines on how these sorts lead a kid to a park or a side street or something and then wooop - they are gone. I am willing to learn about new tricks used and develop defenses against them.

    And finally is the trafficing, which is out of influence, but knowing what is the law doing is a good thing. Do they return ya kid to ya or define you a bad parent cuz your kid got swiped (you'd be surprised.) Do they offer counseling or on you on your own? What kind of changes to expect in your kid after going through that experience?

    I think that shit shouldn't be avoided.

    Alright, I'll step off the soap box.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… I don't watch those shows because I'm disgusted how they blur the lines between legitimate adult prostitution and involuntary sex trafficking and child exploitation …”

    Good way to put it.

    I definitely felt for the women, especially the real young ones; that get pimped out and abused.

    But I was pissed when they try to blame “the johns” as they put it and try to portray them as the source of the problem.

    As it was shown – most of these girls had some serious issues in their lives including severe abuse even b/f they became prostitutes – prostitution is the end result of their core problems; more like the symptom instead of the disease.

    I fucking hate it when they do those sting operations and basically set up custies to get busted –the custy is portrayed as some sort of scumbag b/c all he wants is some sex (a natural need) – that’s like blaming someone going to a restaurant to have dinner and blaming the custy for the dishwasher being underpaid and overworked.

    No doubt paying to have sex w/ a minor is a no-no – as well as anyone being forced to do it – but those that think that the customer is the problem is a fucking idiot and often has an agenda (i.e. vice squads getting paid, overtime, etc).

    Alcohol prohibition was a disaster – so if stopping people from buying alcohol and wanting to drink was stupid; you want people to stop wanting to buy and have sex?

    Other advanced societies (Canada; Europe; etc) do not criminalize this – so in America you are a scumbag for wanting to pay for sex; but in most of the industrialized world you are not – se we are right and they are wrong? – we somehow know better?

    The emphasis should be on stopping minors from doing this and stopping those that force others to do it against their will – this shit about a custy w/ no criminal record all of a sudden being arrested for trying to get laid and threatened w/ being outted to his family; is fucking ridiculous.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    ^^^ I agree
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @degol: I also have kids, but I am afraid of the culture of fear the media has instilled in us. Child kidnapping are excessively rare! It hardly ever happens, yet parents are arrested for child neglect for letting them walk to a park in a safe suburb. Yes, we need to watch our kids when they're young, but a 10 year old can walk a quarter mile to a public park alone in many neighborhoods.

    Shows on child trafficking prey on these fears. Most of the children are bought and sold in Southeast Aisa from the poorest countries. In the US, they are usually children of crack or meth addicts who run away from home. These are real issues. Even in inner cities, children just aren't kidnapped. Beat up or shot, yes. BUt even there, kidnapping is rare.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I'll pass for the reasons already mentioned.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    +1 for Rockstar and Estafador. I am tired of seeing accusations of trafficking used as an excuse to go after grown adults buying and selling sex. How many recent massage parlor, brothel, BP and strip club stings actually resulted in any underage and/or trafficked girl being saved? The answer is virtually none, yet the various local, state and federal authorities continue to waive this bogus banner as a justification to pursue what is really a morality crime.

    Now I have heard of some streetwalker busts that have netted underage girls. Underage girls working the streets has been a problem since forever, which is one of the many reasons that I don't patronize street walkers. There is no simple answer for this one, but I don't think that things like the harsher anti-John laws that are being considered in several states are going to be the answer.

    The real fix would be to legalize and regulate it, but no modern day legislature has the stones to do that.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    "but those that think that the customer is the problem is a fucking idiot"

    When it comes to trafficking children, yeah the customer is a huge fucking problem.

    Rick I don't think it's totally uncommon to find underage hookers in backpage type stings. I've certainly seen it on mentioned. Now that doesn't mean it's common but I think it happens.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I agree big time with Rockstar about the culture of fear that's being instilled in kids nowadays. Several years ago, my car broke down while I was working. A woman drove up and offered to call a tow truck for me (I didn't own a cell at the time). Very cool. She had her son in the back seat; he was maybe six, seven years old. He looked at me a bit scared and asked, "You aren't going to rape me, are you?" Completely shocked, I could only shake my head no.

    Yeah, that little kid asked me if I was going to rape him. He shouldn't've been worrying if he was going to be raped by a pizza guy. He should've been telling me about his latest action figure or what his toy car was like. Shit, just what sort of fucked-up home life was this kid being forced to live?
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