Couple prices for LD’s?

avatar for seaboardrr
2 for $40 dances seem like a decent price and if I went as a single guy I could see me easily having an amazing time for $300. Why are couples charged double? I really don’t understand this one bit. You’re getting 1 dance. Why does a couple have to pay $40 for a single dance? I know i’ll get the rebuttal of 1 person $20 so 2 people should pay double but it’s still a single dance. We’re really only getting half a dance each because she’s splitting time between the 2 of us. Granted we're all 3 groping everyone at the same time but why wouldn’t a club have a discounted rate for couples? It seems that if they charged the same for a couple or even discounted it to $30 for a couple they’d get a lot more couples maybe?

I understand that we’re in the minority so there’s probably no incentive for a club to do anything like this but wouldn’t a club want to be known as “couple friendly”? That’s another 50% of the population they might possibly lure into the club. Again, I know I’ll hear 1 for $20 and 2 for $40 but it’s still just 1 dance. We don’t mind paying but we do sort of feel like we’re being taken for a ride (and not in the good way).

Just so you know, we’ve always spent around $300-350 every time we’ve been so we usually end up with 5 or 6 LD’s plus drinks and stage tips and have know problems doing it. We just wish we got a better deal as a couple so our LD mileage would go a little farther. If I went by myself I could get a dozen dances plus everything else.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Now reverse the question. Why should I have to pay double to have 2 dancers dancing for me at the same time?
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
That's just the way it is. It may not seem fair, but most stripclub managers aren't the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to customer service, or how to possibly grow their business. Couples always seem to get the short end of the stick, whether it is struggling to get dancer attention, or double paying for lap dances. In most of the clubs I frequent the girls pretty much decide if they want to charge couples twice the amount or have them both just pay for one dance for the two of them. The smart ones don't charge double, thereby ensuring that any future couple activity will go their way. But greed rules in stripclubs, so I'm sure charging you guys twice as much is what most dancers will do if they can get away with it.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I have never gone as a couple wife/ girlfriend so I can't answer. I like Shadows li e of thought on this one
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
"We don’t mind paying but we do sort of feel like we’re being taken for a ride (and not in the good way)."

Clearly, you do mind paying. If the dancers in the club set their own prices, you could try negotiating a lower amount, say 1.5 times instead of 2 times the rate. If you see a dancer regularly, she should be willing to work with you to keep your business.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I couldn't a agree more with seaboardrr. Couples are charged double where I work and the dancer has pay two house fees so we really can't offer a discount sorry seaboardrr!
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I'm taking my dream stripper to a club as a customer this week, and I'm curious if we get charged double (which I agree is total bullshit). I plan to negotiate and probably refuse to pay double unless the little head insists.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
I don't do the couple thing at the club often, but I've had some luck getting 2 dancers and both of us back there at what would be "normal" rates. Meaning, my friend and I sit in one seat with two dancers and pay for 2 dances per song - the same as I would pay by myself. I know it doesn't seem like much of a compromise, but it worked pretty well.

I've also had some luck with room prices. Usually I'll pay the flat room fee and a modestly inflated rate for the dancer, an extra $50 in the worst case or "just a little tip if you guys have fun" for girls I spent on before. Nowhere near 2x. For the $350 you're talking about or maybe a little more, you could possibly get yourself into a 30 minute room which may give you better value.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Hmmmm, we have not considered the 2 dancers in the same booth with us idea. I'll have to discuss that with my wife. That would allow us to try out more dancers and see which ones we really like. The VIP booths are barely big enough for 3 people though. 4 people would be really cramped. On the other hand though, we want to enjoy a 3rd together so a 4th wouldn't be exactly what we wanted to do. Maybe we'll give it a try next time. We have an ATF we get with every time. We can see if she can hook us up with another girl we all 3 like so we can play together. It's an idea and worth a try to see how it works. Knowing our luck we'd end up getting charged $80 for 1 song.

My understanding from talking with the dancers is that the club sets the rates. It's normally $25/dance but every time we've been it was 2 for $40 and the house charges a $10 booth fee to the dancers. I would assume that means when we do the 2 for $40 the dancers have to pay the house $20. I wish the Pony had private rooms or even just 15 or 30 minute rates like I hear some other clubs have.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I've seen couples get table dances together where it's completely up to the dancer. I doubt if they're paying double. In clubs where you have to go to a different room for dances, I'm not surprised that they charge for each person in there. Especially if they're counting dances and taking a cut.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Yep, when we're in the back room some guy walks up and down at the start of each song with a clipboard writing down what I can only assume would be the dancers name, booth # and number of occupants with her so the club can charge her at the end of the night. I've never seen any LD in the main area there. Might be against the house rules or might be against some local ordinance. I really don't know.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
John, so you're going to be paying double then? ; )

One time, a dancer talked me into a threesome with a friend of hers. (Hey, I'm a sucker for that dancer, for threesomes, and for bed dances. It was the unholy trifecta. I didn't stand a chance.) Anyhow, that friend was just that -- a friend; she didn't work at the club. We had originally planned on three bed set with the three of us -- $100 per set per dancer or (yikes) $600 total in bimbo bed bucks. But the friend didn't work at the club; she couldn't collect on those bimbo bed bucks and the dancer was going to get charged for two guests instead of just the one, which led to the dilemma of if I should hit the ATM and pay her cash on top of the bed bucks for the dancer.

It really wasn't much of a dilemma for my anyway. I laid back on the bed and told them to hash it out; wound up with six sets with the one dancer -- and the next day, some OTC, the first I had with her.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I get that you guys enjoy the SC experience, but have you considered hiring a girl for OTC?

Meet her in the club, find a girl you like. Have her come to your place with the understanding you're just looking to mess around like you do in the club.

At the prices you're paying you should be able to find a dancer willing to do OTC, especially if you're not looking for a BJ or FS.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
James, that's what we're going for. Hoping to find one we can take for some OTC FS for both of us.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Fair to say the trips to the SCs are good, fun, hands-on shopping trips?
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Phanton, yes you could say that. 1 time we had a dancer that got back there and started asking us what to do with a couple. She finally told us she had never danced for a couple before so that one pretty much sucked. A couple have just gone through the movements but the majority have been really good and all over both of us. For the most part though the majority seem to really get into it and can't stop playing with my wife's big tits. My wife's shirt has ended up being off almost every time but when my wife started telling them nothing is out out bounds things REALLY started taking off.

Our ATF who we're working on getting some OTC action will do everything with us and we've had some decent convos with her. When she found out my wife wanted us to add another woman for both of us she seemed to really be into it. We flat out told her on our 2nd visit with her that we'd love to have more fun OTC with her and she said when we got to know each other better that is very possible. Now, I'm not blinded to the fact that she could just be stringing us along to get more dances but everything we've wanted to do ITC we've done with her. We plan on going a little further this weekend and broaching the OTC question with her again. Damn, I can hardly wait until Saturday. There is also another dancer we noticed last time who we were really into and was all over my wife but we didn't get a dance with her. If she's there Saturday we'll definitely be seeing how far she'll go.

avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Is it easier for a couple to get OTC action? My wife is hot with big tits and nice curves and she says I'm sexy (i don't know about that), we're in our 30's and 40's (people always think i'm 10 years younger than i am) and we work out regularly. We aren't exercise models but we're fit even after 2 kids. We like to people watch and while we love seeing other couples in the SC's sometimes we just have to wonder WTH? We've seen couples who haven't said no to a donut their whole life and couples who should've put the sweat pants and ratty t-shirt back in the drawer. We've seen couples where the guy keeps trying to get his wife or girlfriend to interact with a dancer but she OBVIOUSLY wants nothing to do with another woman, couples who sit there all night nursing a drink and never even talk or touch each other and even seen an obviously church of god couple where the woman had the whole package; hair in a bun, no makeup, floor length denim skirt and she was getting LD's while he stayed out front. That was weird. Of course, it's not just couples. We can say the same thing for some of the single guys and lesbians we've seen as well. We just can't believe a dancer goes to work with the hopes of dancing for a 200lb dyke (not lesbian, flat out bull dyke) in baggy jeans and a flannel I'm sure if I was a female dancer I'd see her and immediately think I might get some decent money but a high point of my night? Nope. Who knows, they might look at me and see a PL with a hot wife so I could just be kidding myself.

I don't want to get our hopes up but part of me thinks we have a leg up on most everyone else looking for action. Any thoughts? If I'm over thinking things set me straight. I'd rather us go into a situation knowing what to expect than get let down.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
On the contrary, in general it's more difficult for a couple to get a stripper to do OTC. From the stripper's point of view, there is more chance of one of you changing your minds, of misunderstandings, conflict during the session, all kinds of ways things can go wrong that wouldn't be a concern with just one client to please. Of course, you may luck out and come across a stripper who is psyched about the idea, but don't assume that the crazy mileage your wife gets in the club translates to a having leg up in all matters.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Seaboardrr, often a dancer will ask for repeat visits with a potential OTC customer to get acquainted and to feel things out. It's happened with me before; I've made the repeat visits, we've hung out for two, three hours or so and chatted, and after she was comfortable, we exchanged numbers and set up a day and time. With the dynamics of a couple, I imagine the dancer would want to spend a bit more time with the two of you to get a better handle on the situation before saying yes.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
I have a question about that. Our current ATF has only sat down with us once to chat and after about 10 minutes we were interrupted by another dancer we had told to come find us for a dance. Seeing how this happened on only our second visit to a SC we didn't want to appear rude so we apologized to our ATF and went to get a dance (which was horrible btw. She was the one who said she had never danced for a couple and actually asked us what we wanted her to do). In hindsight I really wish we would've told her we would find her later so we could've finished our convo. I digress though.

We want to sit down and spend time with her some more outside the private dance area but how do we really go about that? Do we do it before or after a dance or does it matter? Do I need to tip her if she sits and talks with us? What is the etiquette on tipping to sit and talk?
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
It's all going to depend on the dancer, the club, the amount of business at the time, everyone's moods, and who knows what else.

Best thing I can suggest is just go. If she sits down with you guys again, offer to buy her a drink and start chatting. If she suggests some dances, go for it but it couldn't hurt to offer her a little extra cash as thanks for the conversation and perhaps to entice her for some more get-acquainted chatting; just try to not make it sound like you're giving her the brush off, okay? : ) Keep it casual and friendly but still a profitable night for her; she's there to make some money, after all.

If you've already brought up the prospect of OTC with her, I'd probably wait until just before any dances. It'll give her something to think about while she's dancing for you two. It could add some extra incentive into the dances, but, on the other hand, it could be a deal-breaker for her, too. No one here knows who she is, so we can't offer any real insight into her; only you and your wife know her; only you and your wife can make that call.

Good luck, man. I hope things work out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Many a dancer may be willing to negotiate – if one dance is $25; means she probably has to give the house $5 and she keeps $20 – in the case of a couple she may have to pay the house $10.

So you can offer her $30 so she is still keeping $20 as she would w/ a regular dance (i.e. that way she would not have to eat the additional room fee for the additional person).

If you pay the dancer directly and then she squares away the room fee w/ the house after she is done w/ the dances; then the club does not know how much you gave her as long as she pays the appropriate room fee.

$30/dance is a fair midpoint where the dancer is still making what she would for a regular dance (instead of zero if you pass on the $40/dance) and you are not paying as high a premium price -
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
As an experienced solo (female) clubber, I haven't had any trouble getting OTC action, but for couples it might be a bit more difficult. I think it is easier for a dancer to accept an offer from an individual but with 2 people she's already outnumbered and it might make her feel insecure and uncertain. Then there might be the fear that if she accepted and showed up the wife might go batshit loonball on her, having changed her mind about the whole thing once she saw hubby bonking the stripper. I bring this up because I have had a couple of dancers relate similar stories to me about their attempted 3-somes with couples that visit stripclubs. But, ya never know,and you certainly can never find out until you try.....PhantomGeek offered up some good advice. Let us know what happens if you decide to go for it.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
lopaw, from reading your posts you sound like the kind of person my wife is looking for
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
It all looks pretty optimistic, man. It really sounds like you're getting in your ATF's good graces. Good luck, and I hope it works out for the three of you.
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