
Dipshit who refused to pay his LD tab and then got arrested

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I had a front row seat to a dispute between a dancer and a customer who refused to pay his LD tab. We are talking about 8 songs at $30 per song. When the guy was told he owed $240, he just flatly refused to pay. As reported to me by both the dancer and the LD manager, the guy simply said it was too much and refused to pay anything. He didn't counter-offer, dispute the dance count, or do anything else to justify his refusal. He also told the LD door manager got to go fuck himself. Instead of just kicking the shit out of this douche bag, which would not have been hard for the much younger and much bigger bouncer, the club staff called the police. This asswipe was not a youngster and he and a few buddies, all 40 somethings, were getting a real kick out of the whole thing, right until 3 cops walked in the door.

Under much pressure by the cops, he finally coughed up the cash, but by then it was already too late as he only did it after they tried to arrest him and he pulled away. So even though he finally paid up, the cops still slammed the guy to the ground and cuffed him. I was 10 feet away from all of this and I admit that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing this fucktard hit the floor. I even yelled out a salutary "Dick!" as they marched him on by. Seriously now, this young 20-something girl was a wreck and this guy was a ridiculously self entitled asshole.

We all have had bad back room experiences with dancers, but c'mon now. He kept her back there for almost a half hour and then just decided that he didn't owe her anything. And, after doing that, he had the audacity to stick around for the arrival of the cops. I hope he enjoyed his night in a jail cell.


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    tl;dr - Stealing is bad.

    Very good RickyBoy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Btw, Did you drink and drive home after seeing this RickyBoy?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I would never be in that situation as I always pay first. Also, at the places I've been to the dancers usually want you to pay first.

    I always pay first, and then I am clear in how I communicate and I am attentive. So she is not authorized to do any more on the clock anything, until I pay upfront.

    I don't let anyone get me into any sort of a booth or back room, until I have clearly committed to pay.

    Again, in the places I have been, the dancers want to be paid up front. This solves the problem.

    At the underground table dancing shows in the San Jose's Mexican Bars, the girls are just expecting $1 at a time. They just come up and start dancing and then hold out their G-string. They don't ask permission.

    So usually I will try out each of the girls, and then when I finish with one I give her her last dollar and indicate clearly that I am sending her on her way.

    When they come up to me for more later, and I don't want to play, I will just give her $1 and clearly indicate the I am sending her on.

    I am very polite with them, but I make my communications clear.

    I would not want to be in a place where the sorts of problems Mr. Dugan is describing are common.

  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    This is why many clubs (at least the ones I've been to) make you pre-pay

    Very few people would try to get out of paying for their dances

    But by making people pre-pay you avoid this kind of nonsense altogether
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    C'mon Dougster, let's be fair to the Dugan dude.

    This was actually a fairly entertaining story. Moreover, unlike the "dude tries to pick up chick in airport bar" story I don't believe the protagonist of the story was actually RickyBoy. I doubt that Dugan would flat out refuse to pay $240 for lap dances.

    Now, he might wish a poor hunchback chick has an addiction relapse so he can save $100, but I don't think he'd try to get away with paying nothing for some lappers.

    Keep tellin' the groovy stories Dugan dude. Just don't say it was somebody else when it was actually you bein' an asshat...like the whole picking up a chick in an airport bar shit. Just admit that was you and move on. We won't think any less of you.
  • whodey
    10 years ago
    Good show of self restraint by the bouncer and manager for not beating the shit out of this pathetic excuse of a PL. While I'm sure everyone in the room would have liked to see him get his ass kicked, he probably would have ended up suing the club over his injuries. That would have cost the club a lot of money and bad pr.
    And now the asshole gets to explain to his boss why he spent the night in jail and couldn't make it into work this morning.
  • samsung1
    10 years ago
    I saw a cop car leaving kahoots and asked about it. There was a guy who couldn't pay his $300 tab. He eventually had to call his wife to come pay it
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Remember Jimmy Caan in "Honeymoon in Vegas"?

    Men are expected to pay gambling debts.

    Same thing for lap dances
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I wonder if the club staff is as “proactive” about calling the cops when a dancer ROBs a custy.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Nice story ricky...very entertaining. I would have liked to see that.

    I did see a cop pickbup a dude and throw him outside...literally. This happened at a club I used to be a regular at
  • warhawks
    10 years ago

    Yeah, those of you who say you pay first to avoid this kind of situation.... That wouldn't fly in the clubs by me. Not saying you can't do it, I'm sure the dancers would love you if you did that in the Detroit clubs. But it wouldn't be a good practice to follow. Too many girls would probably promise something and not deliver on it.
    But I suppose if it's the club rules where you go to, there's nothing you can do about it.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Pre-paying opens up a hell of a lot more nonsense. The reason most clubs don't require it is that they know that customers would spend less.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Virtually all of the clubs in Louisville require prepaying for both lap dances and VIP. It's no big deal. Just don't pay for more than one until you know for sure that you actually want them.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    The guy probably read that book by the PUA jackass who claims you don't have to pay strippers to get their attention or their bodies. I bet he was trying to hypnotize her just like that dumb shit claims in his pathetic little book. Or maybe this guy was the author.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I do not like prepaying. I've had dancers rip me off or attempt to rip me off after prepaying. It's like hiring a contractor to do work for you and you go ahead and pay up front. If he or she even does the job you are lucky. There's not much incentive to do quality work, show up on time or even finish the job. same for the dancers. Your choice when she skips out or gives you crappy service, not much.

    Plus clubs lose money as well because I often buy more dances when I can keep getting discounted dances. ROb's are a nuisance but I manage to keep them few and not too big a problem. Plus I can report them on here and to club managers.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Good story
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    I would guess if the guy had given the cops some kind of believable reason for not paying, they might have just called it a civil dispute and stayed out of it.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I agree ib, though I wonder what he could have said to justify paying her $0 after keeping her back there for almost a half hour. I doubt that "I didn't cum" would have flown, lol.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I would never go to a club where I was even asked to pay first.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    My favorite "take down" story is still the guy who walked into Kahoots when they had the long thin stage just a step above the floor. Way way way drunk guy stumbles into the room and immediately up onto the stage to start dancing like a drunk ass. I think the Bouncer went by Diesel or Turbo....took the little guy down like a sack of potatoes and took him right out the front door. I think the guy was in the club for a total of 30 seconds.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Savannah's on Hanna in Harrisburg PA requires up front payment for the first dance to the bouncer "gate keeping" the LD area. If the customer elects to get more dances, he (or she, I guess) pays the dancer directly for the rest of the dancers. Same at Fantasies Nightclub in Baltimore MD. Seems like a decent compromise to me. Customer exposure is limited to only one bad dance and the club screens out the bulk of deadbeats up front.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    The places that I frequent generally do not require payment upfront and, in all honesty, I have no interest in operating like that.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I've posted this one before. Late one night I was in a local club that bans sunglasses, and this rather large, and I don't mean fat, AA guy came in wearing really dark ones. For whatever reason, the door guy didn't make him take them off, and the customer went and sat down at the stage with them on.

    Shortly, the main bouncer, who I happen to know is a former Navy SEAL who was BC discharged, came out and in due time noticed the guy. I was nearby when he came over to the guy and told him, nicely, that he needed to remove the glasses.

    The guy argued, claiming they were prescription. Gary gave him a skeptical look and said, "it's after 11, club rules, sorry."

    Well, the guy still argued, repeating that they were prescription and that he couldn't see without them, and stood up and started being real threatening.

    Gary just kind of rolled up on the balls of his feet, got right up in the guy's face and said "I.Don't.Give.A.Shit. Take them off or get the fuck out of my club."

    The guy took them off.

    It was almost as entertaining as the dancers.
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