
OT: Methamphetamine Addiction

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
How prevalent is this problem, and the use of illicit drugs in general? Is it getting worse or is it getting better?

For myself I have zero interest in drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, and I am completely opposed to all of them. The only one of the three I have ever partaken of is alcohol, and this was minimal and long ago. As the motor vehicle rules were tightened, I stopped drinking away from home. Then I just stopped all together.

From what I see of it, no good comes to anyone from drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. And if you want to be able to relate to people, then you have to take a stand and enforce some rules. So for me, zero use is the rule.

But I was talking to someone today, another middle aged man like myself who has no use for drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I mentioned Philippe Calderon's Drug War in Mexico and how that has turned Ciudad Juarez into an unlivable place. And even worse yet, the drugs that cannot get into the United States get consumed in Juarez. Mexico has historically had very little of a drug problem. It actually has a very conservative pre-industrial culture. Men and women are expected to hold themselves to certain minimum standards of conduct. Drug use is not welcomed. But now this is changing.

So here, the late Charles Bowden talks about cocaine in Juarez


"Now the city has up to 200,000 addicts, according to local clinics."

He also talks about there being over 20,000 retail cocaine outlets in Juarez now. It is sold everywhere.

In his memoirs Vicente Fox laments that though drugs had not been a part of Mexico's culture, now they certainly are.

So I think about the US, where I am Santa Clara County. Drugs are a big big deal. But the main one is methamphetamine.

But it is also an entire culture. There are huge numbers of people now well into middle age, who's lives have revolved around tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and often methamphetamine, from the time they were teenagers until well into middle age.

And then you see them in all of these recovery programs. As far as I am concerned it is all complete bull shit. Anything which talks about Recovery or Rehabilitation I just see as helping to propagate the problem. All the more so if there is a Born Again Christian component to it. It is all just more of the same fatalism and powerlessness.

People who want to stop using, stop. Likely they stop because they have something else to live for and because they change friends. But the people who stop, but then get into recovery or rehabilitation programs, they are setting themselves up for more using. They convince themselves that they are powerless. They hang out with people who substitute even worse addictions, like idol worship, for chemical addition. They still live in the same sort of a world.


Now I know that much of this is just caused by capitalism. Labor has been in gross surplus for more than 150 years. So most people are not needed in the kind of world we've made. So people sense this and respond with chemicals. It is a kind of a religious or spiritual problem. Born Again Christianity is probably one of the most dangerous drugs ever invented.

So is it getting better or worse. The stats I can find say of course that tobacco use is going way down, even among teenagers. Great!

But overall illicit drug use is rising, but most of this increase is in marijuana.

Has methamphetamine use peaked?

I am reading that Oklahoma has the worst meth problem, and that places like Oklahoma City and Omaha are some of the worst, and that North Dakota has also got it bad, and that these places are far worse than Detroit or NYC.

But I also read that most of the meth is coming from labs in California and Mexico.

Here in California, at least with some segments of the population, they are constantly in and out of custody and always peeing in bottles for probations officers. It is never ending, and almost always mixed in with the bull shit of recovery and rehabilitation programs, and then always with Born Again Christianity.

How does it look to other people where they are?



  • ime
    10 years ago
    Alcohol is great and is actually beneficial if used in moderation. As long as you dont drink and drive or hurt others i see no harm there.

    I've never done hard drugs or smoked pot. I dont see any harm in marijuana as i've never heard of anyone dying from use or partaking in crimes etc like crack, heroine etc to get it.

    SJG is a bit to much like the departed psycho robot Alucard for me where they think banning stuff is the answer. The answer is education and unfortunately there are a lot of dumb people who don't think/care about consequences you just can't help everyone because some people will fuck up everything.

    If you are responsible you should be free to do or ingest whatever you want as long as you don"t harm other people in the process.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I never said anything should be banned, like that people should be put in jail for it.

    In fact though, people are put in jail everyday. I follow the local arrest lot. A small number of meth heads keep our local police quite busy.

    But I don't think this is the way, because it doesn't work. It doesn't make people stop. It doesn't keep the stuff from being trafficked. Yes you should be free to ingest whatever.

    But I am still opposed to all of it and I don't see one iota of good coming from it. And if you want to be able to relate to people freely, then there have to be some minimum standards. Letting tobacco, alcohol, or drugs get into a social environment or into a social grouping is a big mistake.

    Never got to know Alucard. I wish I had.

  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Meth and crack turn people into pieces of crap. They are powerful. Hitting rock bottom is usually the first step to recovery
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I find it interesting that you lump "born again" Christians in with drug use. Sort of religion being the opioid of the masses. Being a college student in the mid 60's I tried lots of drugs - weed, hullucinagenics,etc. being a horn dog in my 60's I hooked up with a stripper/ addict. With her I smoked crack, injected heroin, etc. neither early on or in the present did I feel I couldn't walk away from it whenever I wanted and I did. I stopped all consumption of alcohol years ago. I just didn't like any mood altering substances.
    Now i look back on others' experiences. Two college friends died in their 30's of drug overdose or other health problems caused by drugs. My ATF has been a hardcore heroin addict since the age of 15. It has ruined her life and chances of turning her life around are slim. Her friends who are addicts are criminals and leeches. SJG: your solution of just say no is as naive as Nancy Reagan's attitude.
    Clearly, our country's "War on Drugs" has been a dismal failure. We've spent hundreds of billions of dollars and have only exacerbated the problem. Like most bureaucratic blunders our policies have empowered the drug cartels and guaranteed that street drugs are impure and unreliable. As a nation we've imprisoned a generation of young black men causing social upheaval which will haunt America for decades. We've created a public health emergency which is now seeing far too many deaths from overdoses.
    Is there a solution? What if drugs were legalized? What if legal drugs were available for those who wanted? Maybe 5% of the population would choose to waste away in modern "opium dens". Maybe tax revenue would take away the billions being spent in a futile effort to eliminate drugs. The logistics of doing this are daunting and we all need to watch Colorado's experiment with weed to see if impaired driving increases; if teenagers gain access and have their learning impaired; if legal weed becomes far less of a problem than illegal weed.
    I guess that this is a Libertarian approach, but it might just be better than the mess we have now.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    SJG i don't think banning Alcohol or tobacco is going to help your social skills at all, without it your social awkwardness is probably going to make it jarder for the other people to interact with you at all.
  • sinclair
    10 years ago
    So all I got from that was that you hate drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and Christians. You sound like the reincarnation of Alutard.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    SJG: "Never got to know Alucard. I wish I had."

    No you don't.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    They could compare psycho crazy long profiles together. They'd be shacked up and going through astroglide by the case within weeks.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Very eloquent and sensible response gawker
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I don't know if meth use has peaked, but I do know it remains a problem for much of the rural part of the midwest. Part of the problem is that you yourself can make meth and there are people who use their homes as meth labs. At least until they blow up and have to go to jail and lose custody of their kids.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I've always been into statistics and demographics. Try Googling "meth labs per state". Interesting to see how it's regionalized
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @Motorhead -- did you find a map showing meth labs per capita? The following map is all over a number of sites.


    But raw numbers aren't that informative. I mean really...California is not "methier" tha West Virginia. That said, it's clear the Midwest is pretty fucked up. On the other hand, I knew that before I looked at the graphic.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @SJG my friend, if you don't need drugs or booze to have fun then more power to you.

    @gawker, you hit the nail on the head. My impression is that Colorado has been successful thus far, though I would be surprised if it had turned out too badly. Weed isn't a drive fast/take chances drug. Not that you should drive all high on weed -- still a bad idea. However, drunk dudes think they can do shit that they actually can't do. And some of that shit they think they can do -- like drive and shoot guns -- can also hurt others.

    When I used to smoke weed in HS and university I mostly thought I could eat pizza and watch videotapes. I was right. I could get as high as I wanted and do that shit safely.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @Mikeya02, Yes, such drugs turn people into pieces of crap, and eventually they will hit some sort of a bottom. But I still don't go along with the idea of Recovery. It implies some sort of an innate defect. I don't believe in this. I say that people who have been treated with dignity and respect and have been given the chance to develop and apply their abilities, are very unlikely to develop any problem with drugs or alcohol. Likewise they will be very unlikely to be receptive to the message put out by Evangelical Christians.

    Recovery is used in everything now. One of the worst is with adult survivors of childhood incest. Just consider how sick this is. Imagine if an adult rape victim went into a police station to report the crime, and she was told, "Well there are groups that can help you get in touch with your higher power and admit your own powerlessness, as this is the first step in your Recovery."

    I don't go along with the concept of Recovery, at all. It is just a way of shifting the blame on to the victims instead of keeping it on the perpetrators. People who are in Recovery, are politically neutralized. They can never stand up for themselves, never fight back, never take legal action, legislative action, or direct action. So of course I want people to stop drinking and using. But I still don't go along with the idea of Recovery.

    @IME, I've never suggested a legal ban on alcohol or tobacco, if by that you mean putting people in jail. I don't think this would ever work. No as far as certain social situations, they are already "banned" from any social situations I am responsible for.

    I don't see that alcohol or tobacco ever make it easier to interact with people.

    Anything I might lack in social skills I more than make up for in aggression and tenacity. Anyone who knows me on the ground can attest to this.

    @Sinclair, I don't hate alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. These things are inanimate, and I don't go along with the Recovery concept of "powerlessness". There is no reason for me to hate them. But I do want to eradicate them to the extent that I can, but this does not mean by legal prohibition. It will have to be by a cultural change.

    Now as far as Christians, it is really only the Evangelical flavor of Christianity that I take strong offense to. I see it as a malicious doctrine. I hope to be able to explain more about this. It's practitioners still have their freedom of speech, religion, and assembly rights. But I still do not agree with them. They also do not have any special rights to tax payer funded properties. I am active with several cities to try and get their outreach ministries run out of public parks. They create harassment problems, and allowing them is a violation of the 1st Amendment, because it means that the city has signed on to the mission, dubbing them as some sort of official approved religious entity. This is a downward spiral which must be checked, and so I am active. Letting people pass out food, so long as that is all they are doing, and even letting people sleep in parks, is a demonstration of tolerance and compassion. But letting these Born Again groups use the public parks to put on their services is no such thing. It is a display of cowardice. It happens when city beauracracies are afraid of tangling with bible brandishers.

    @Sinclair and Dougster, Yes I do wish I'd gotten the chance to know Alucard. He does sound extremely interesting.

    @DandyDan, Yes, the people I know who have been into Meth have made it in their own homes. They eventually do end up loosing their homes, their spouses, and their kids. They also usually end up in the state prison.

    But before yesterday I did not know that this drug was such a problem in the rural Midwest. I still don't really know why it would be a problem there, as opposed to somewhere else. Maybe it is more of a white man's drug. Most of the people I have known who use it are white. One thing I would look to is the economic devastation of the boom and bust cycles of the last 30 years, Reaganomics, the Dotcom Boom / New Economy, and the numbers boom and bust cycles we have had since. Each cycle just further cuts the guts of out basic employment. When you see this, drug addiction, as well as religious fatalisms, are quite predictable.

    Yes, this map is interesting:

    What I read is that today there are 1.5M meth addicts in the country. So assuming it is uniform, that would mean about 150k in California. 5k in a city of 1 million, like San Jose. And then say 500 in a city of 100,000 people.

    This could be right, by my observation. Now I am only seeing the meth addicts who get into trouble. But I believe that most of them who continue will get into trouble. They are threatening and violent. They don't last long out on the street. I follow the local arrest logs. When the cops get them for meth, it is usually because they have done something else which is violent, or at least shop lifting.

    @zipman68, No, I certainly don't need booze or drugs to have fun. Lord no! Just talking to the dolled up strippers at our local no touching strip clubs is great fun. Visiting and AMP for GFE-FS is great fun. And I do plan to be visiting some of the UHM type strip clubs in other areas. That is going to be great fun too.

    Lots of ways to have fun. But mostly what I seek is mindfulness and self-awareness, coupled with activism. Drugs and alcohol would never help with this. They would be a huge hindrance.

    @gawker, I need a little more time than I have available today to give an adequate response to your most thoughtful reply.



    Joe Bonamassa and Paul Rogers-Fire and Water
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    SJG, I noticed your technical writing skills are at the Phd level, you seem to have obtained high educational training.

    Anyway, not that I'm saying you don't belong here, I'm just saying what you are writing/contributing in here might be over my head.

    Some the factoids you put forward here seem to come from where? I don't want you to put citations in there and thing is your claim needs to have a reference or it will sound like....BS.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    SJG is definitely TUSCL's number 1 intellectual.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    It is easy to see why in the rural part of the Midwest why it would be a problem. The economy is basically all based on agriculture, and more and more agriculture is becoming corporate, which means less and less people are needed for it. All the animal slaughtering plants use illegal immigrants, so the people who were there first end up either moving or unemployed and that's when they get addicted. The illegals themselves end up addicted, since their jobs totally suck the life out of them, if they don't just die or get maimed on the job.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    This is a large website, with lots of information:

    Likewise this:

    And this:


    About Ciudad Juarez, I've read much of this book:

    That this would be linked to economic dislocation makes perfect sense to me. It is not just that people need to be kept busy with a job, or that someone not having a job causes them to use. Rather, it is because once one is unemployed, their social and civil standing are nullified. At that point, starting to use if very likely. This is all a by product of our social attitudes about people who live without wage income. It is because people have assimilated middle class normative expectations. I am sorry to hear that the rural Midwest is being torn up by this. The Midwest had been the source of the Granger Movement, a movement which aimed to limit the power of big business, and likewise to lift the psychological oppression which afflicts people who are poor and keeps them neutralized. I had not known that the Midwest was currently being hit so hard.


    I know that the War on Drugs has been a complete failure. It has indeed been a race war. Former San Jose Police Chief and Hoover Institute Fellow Joseph McNamara has stated this. But it is also obvious in terms of what it has done to the black community and what it has done to over pack our prison system here in California. It is a losing war, in every sense.

    Panther, 1995, a Mario Van Peebles film, based on the book by his father Melvin Van Peebles

    All Power to the People
    a Lee Lew-Lee film

    These films show how destructive it was to the black community to introduce drugs, and how it kept an entire generation of black men out of political organizing.



    So I am not supporting any continued war on drugs. That money could have been better spent on getting us to single payer health care, on creating jobs and educational opportunities, and on putting an economic floor under people.

    I am familiar with Nancy Reagan and Just Say No. That was a cynical ploy to try and justify the Drug War. I don't go along with it at all.

    But I also don't go along with Recovery Programs, or with Rehabilitation Programs. I especially object to Recovery Programs, because of their premises. In a certain way, Recovery Programs and Just Say No, are the same. They both operate on the premise that you are somehow supposed to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and get a grip on yourself and measure up to social expectations. It is just that the Recovery Programs allow you some more wiggle room, some pity, and relapse is expected. But both approaches are designed to destroy political consciousness.

    I believe that if people become politically conscious, then they will throw drugs into the garbage can. They will throw drugs away, along with alcohol, tobacco, Born Again Christianity, and psychiatric medication too. If people really see that they can be part of the solution, that their skills, efforts, and abilities are needed, then they will engage. They will know that they are needed in top form, and around the clock.

    The problem is that they have been inundated in a theology of unworthiness for so long. This theology comes in multudinous forms. One of the most basic comes from religion, that of original sin. This is based on a distorted reading of scripture, one completely inconsistent with Jewish teachings. It says that anytime you try to apply your own efforts and abilities, that you are acting against God. There is just no basis for this. It is simply a way of keeping people powerless, and of keeping the pews and collection plates full.

    Another is the upwards mobility ethic. This denigrates anyone who does basic work for wages. It says that if they are not making tons of money, then something is wrong with them.

    Another is the work ethic or the self-reliance ethic itself. This is usually the justification proffered for middle class child abuse. The idea is that people are just somehow lazy, self-indulgent, or wasteful. Of course this is especially applied to children. I don't see it. I think everyone wants to do well. They want to earn the admiration of friends and family. They only seem to be otherwise when they have faced structural impediment after structural impediment and find themselves always being put into degrading situations, while seeing that worthless good for nothings from the entertainment industry are the people who are admired.

    So it is only when someone has completely given up that they start using drugs.

    But likewise, it is only when someone has completely given up on the idea that their abilities matter, that they would go for Born Again Christianity.

    I never watched Jim and Tammy Bakker during their years on television. But someone had told me that in his younger years his most fun thing to do was to get high on marijuana and then watch their PTL Club.

    A while back there was a problem in a public park with a whole bunch of trouble makers who were getting high on marijuana, while waiting for the leaders of a Pentecostal Outreach Ministry to arrive. The main leader herself would then lead people in a prayer circle, and these participants seemed to want to be high for it.

    So I thought back to what this friend had told me. So I decided to watch some Jim and Tammy on youtube. I found this Christmas special, the last one before their downfall. So Tammy sings this song, "Don't Give Up On A Miracle". She starts off saying, "You know when your expecting this new house, or this new car, or this new job, but it isn't here yet. So you need to keep hanging on and not give up." Then she starts to sing.

    No one who had not completely given up would ever have the slightest interest in even watching a program like that!

    So I think the common element in drug and alcohol use, and in Born Again Christianity, is always going to be fatalism. It is just a complete surrender, people who can see that in their present situation, their talents and abilities are worthless. They will try to justify this as faith, knowing that they need God. But this is not faith, it is that distorted doctrine of Original Sin, used to keep people powerless. What they are calling faith is just belief in an ideology. Real faith is more like trust. This sort of faith lets people do things they would not be able to otherwise do. Someone with faith might be willing to try to eradicate drugs from local schools, for example. Someone with faith might be willing to try and make sure that every American has healthcare access, and that it doesn't break them financially to go for an ambulance ride. Or they might try to organize slaughter house workers in the Midwest so that they can strike for better working conditions, so that they can have a future.

    But someone who runs on fatalism can't to anything expect cry out plaintively. "Oh great sky daddy jesus, I have been a good child. I call out your name and profess my allegiance to you hourly. So please make it rain money on me." They do this out of the fear that if they don't, then they will be further punished.

    So then I think the issue is one of political consciousness. The Pather's had a pamphlet I still admire:

    Capitalism Plus Dope Equals Genocide

    I would like to make my own to pass out to the downtrodden, Alcohol and Drugs, plus Born Again Christianity, Equals Total Subjugation. I could show a picture of a group of people inside of one of those Rescue Ministries, all with their hands raised in collective praise.

    If people can understand how our society is unfair, and can see how actually everyone does want to do well and act ethically, then they too can apply their own abilities with pride. This is not a Libertarian country. It is a Communitarian country. Our democracy was set up on this basis.

    If there were people selling drugs out on the sidewalk in front of the high school your child was attending, would you say that Libertarianism provides the answer? Or would you want the Police to handle it? Or would you even wait for the Police to handle it?

    I don't think you can completely eradicate drugs by law enforcement. I don't know that anything will completely eradicate them. But I also don't think Libertarianism gives us anything. It is nonsense. It is a capitulation to the herd. No one operates without social controls. The issue is just what exactly those controls are. Libertarianism actually runs on the worst sorts of prejudices. It is a cancer.

    True History of the Libertarian Party

    Libertarian Theology

    Iron Fist?

    So as far as religion being the opiate or opiod of the masses, yes this certainly is true. It is that way when you are using it to protect yourself from your own feelings and experience. This is that 9am methanol laced New Wine of Acts Chapter 2.

    But on the other hand, if the New Testament, a polemic, is not read as a prescription, but as a commentary on the religiosity of the day, and for it's relation to the Old Testament, then you see something different. The Bible is filled with people who were able to face down insurmountable odds and who were able to accomplish incredible things. That this is always attributed to God, is more of a theological position and a literary style. People were able to shape history. This is what faith can give you, not just more of the escapism and intoxication that people get from drugs and alcohol.


    Creedance Clearwater Revival

    PS: As tomorrow is MLK day, I'm going to head out to an AMP. I'm going to make my second visit to girl #4 from Thanksgiving, Red Dress Chinese K. Now of course with prior window shopping visits and sessions, I time all of this on the 28 day lunar calendar.

    My longer term intent is to be seeing these women outside, and in some sort of off the clock relationship. I intend to get them involved with a much larger group of men and women.

    But I am not there yet. I still have other obligations, and I am finding that I need psychological healing from PTSD from some battles I have been through. So for now, though I am completely emotionally open to these women and I am communicating my intentions to them, I am not actually closing with them in setting up outside civilian contact. But it will come. In my previous decades of AMPing, I was not even this open with the women. These women are actually quite level headed. Very little attraction to things like drugs or alcohol. Very little tobacco. I think really zero Born Again Christian fatalism. They could be good people to partner with in other endeavors.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Every time I start to think all drugs should be decriminalized, meth gives me pause. It's a hell of a drug. I haven't tried it, but the statistics on it are scary. I've known casual coke users, but casual meth use almost always leads to heavy meth use.

    Heroin has high potential for abuse, but decent medical application.

    Molly and Weed? Both to me are less dangerous than alcohol, which I think our culture largely has under control.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Pot is definitely safer than alcohol. Ecstasy/DMT/Molly are probably safer than alcohol. Cocaine may be more addictive than, but there seem to be many recreational users who, like most users of alcohol, don't become homeless and/or criminal addicts. All these drugs should be legal. They (along with gambling) should have special sales taxes to discourage overconsumption and to defray the public costs associated with over-use. Free rehab should be the first spending priority for this tax money. Also, coca leaves to chew or other dilute forms of cocaine should be available, equivalent to beer and wine being easier to obtain generally than distilled liquor.

    Heroin and Meth should continue to be illegal, unless it can be shown there are many non-addicted recreational uses.

    In the US there are many alcoholics who are drinking themselves to death on Social Security Disability. This is probably the cheapest way to deal with incorrigible addicts, regardless of their drug of choice. Cheaper than crime and prison.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    That was a little too deep, even for you.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    There's alot of good stuff in that SJG post. And alot of nuttiness too. What are we going to do with this guy?
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    ^^^Nutty compared to what? Erotic literature written by geriatric men? Ramblings of a world-class narcissist? I like SGC's posts -- sort of like the dreamlike state when you wake up from a nap.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Oh, I don't know the notion that he is going to start a movement to storm Wall Street. First starting by forming off the clock relationships with AMP worker which will unite them into political activism culminating in the bringing down of The Man and then a Just Society.

    I bet Wall Street is trembling at the notion of SJG at the head of a mob of hookers armed with pitchforks coming straight for them.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @Dougster “And alot of nuttiness too”

    "alot of nuttiness"? now there is an understatement. san_jose_guy is a classic example of a brain damaged crackpot. if i had to guess i would bet that his mother was one of those hippy chicks who chain smoked, binge drank and tripped out on LSD throughout her pregnancy. he has no idea which of the twenty guys in the commune who shared his mother is his father. rather than being raised by a village he was sexually abused by the commune at large. from there, based on his rantings, it is pretty obvious that his mother left the commune (it is unclear whether she took him with her or not) and became an evangelical christian. no wonder he is a social pariah who probably spends his days yelling at passing cars while wandering among traffic after thug bouncers throw him out of every strip club within 100 miles of san jose for stalking dancers.

    he dreams of becoming the next jim jones leading hundreds of people off to a socialist utopia which would of course turn out to be another psychotic dystopian prison state as all socialist utopias do. he will never achieve his dream of leading like minded people (or any people at all for that matter) which is readily apparent to anyone who bothers to notice that every dancer on this board totally ignores him despite his repeated pestering trying to get them to respond. so he won’t be the next jim jones or even the next charlie manson. much more likely, the next unabomber.

    you heard it here first.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I think the guy clearly has intelligence and passion. If he could channel it all into to making some money for himself rather than charging at windmills he would probably do okay. But thinking he'll lead this crusade amongst people who couldn't care less at the end of the day. What a waste of energy. If he could get "established" first and learn how to persuade people in reality and then visit all the social issues (the ones he thought were still worth fighting about) it would be a better path.

    My prediction is he'll just see the futility of trying to fight on behalf of people who just don't care and head down the right road at some point. Happens to all of them.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @Dougster “My prediction is he'll just see the futility of trying to fight on behalf of people who just don't care and head down the right road at some point. Happens to all of them.”

    actually, if memory serves, it was none other than Ernesto Che Guevara who belatedly admitted the futility of trying to tell other people that they should live their lives by following his lunatic philosophies right after those same ungrateful peasants turned his ass in and right before his dumbass stood in front of a long overdue firing squad.

    so there is still a shred of hope that sometimes things work out as they should.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "sort of like the dreamlike state when you wake up from a nap"

    I love it, hypnogogic and hypnopompic. I treasure these states and try to prolong them a much as possible. These are when I get my best insights.

    I very much like Ernesto Che Guevara. I look for ways to apply the things he did, though in very different situations.

    As far as me becoming someone who tries to make money off of the latest Wall Street or Nasdaq Ponzi schemes, no way!

    I invest my money in myself. And soon it is going to be an organization, a We, who invest Our Money in Ourselves.

    And yes, there will be some AMP girls and some Strippers in there. Otherwise we won't have enough women. And besides these are often the sorts of women whom I and the men I select will have a natural affinity for.

    By the way, I did punt on AMPing MLK day. Tired. Good day to rest. But I am going to see Red Dress Chinese K. in about 60 minutes from now.

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Well, choose your path SJG. Let me know when you see your revolution is all a waste of time and finally decide it's time to put your own interests first.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    dougster you should try to be one SJG's chosen few men in his weird cult.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Working with comrades, both men and women, is in my own interest. The idea that it would be otherwise is political brainwashing, an extreme form of social control!

    I want to build a world that I can actually live in, not just be accumulating money at other people's expense, and then be paying some of it out to women for sex.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    By the way, I did see Slutty Red Dress Chinese K. yesterday. She is real nice, and very good at what she does. But she is not GFE enough for me, not emotionally open enough for me. Part of it is that she has a long term boyfriend. So I am going to let her rest for a while. I guess one could say that I have 'suspended' her, for a while. But I am not going to tell her that. I will talk to her on the phone. She had given me an email address before, but she seems not to be getting what I've sent her. She showed me on her cell phone. The address is correct, but she doesn't seem to know how to use email. On this point she is still ahead of the other 4 AMP girls I have sessioned with from Thanksgiving till now. ( Hereafter referred to by the RedBook terminology of RA's = Relaxation Assistants ) These others don't even seem to have email addresses, or any experience with such things. They are cell phone only. So I am still going to try and get email contact set up with Chinese K.

    There is another AMP right next to there's. Actually, when I visited Chinese K. the first time I mistakenly thought that they were Vietnamese. No, they are all Chinese.

    Next to them is a Vietnamese AMP. Before seeing K., I had window shopped one of them. Now this same girl has taken to putting on shows in their window. You can't see it from the street. But anyone going in or out of K.'s shop can see it. Yesterday she was in a short flaring minidress and it looked like she was pulling her dress up, front view, and then rear view. She did it too fast and I didn't get a real clear view. I think she had matching underpants underneath. She doesn't really know how to pose like a stripper. I have had experiences taking sexy pictures of Asian RA's, and they usually don't know how to assume stripper poses. But I still commend her behavior. It shows the right attitude. It shows that the biz is getting more competitive. So I am going to see her this evening, and let her know exactly how much I like it when she does things like that.

    As far as storming Wall Street, nothing of the sort is necessary. It might surprise you @Dougster that people actually do want to use their talents and abilities, and they also would like to get paid for it and to be able to live a good life.

    Some examples of people who have seceded from the speculative economy and operated in a different way which I would offer are:

    1. Elbert Hubbard and the Roycrofters


    Frank Lloyd Wright was in large measure inspired by them.

    2. England's Arts and Crafts Movement


    3. Buckminster Fuller, a man who dedicated his life to finding out how much difference just one ordinary man could make.


    4. Open Source Software Movement


    And then of course there are these two outstanding books which I recommend:




    Love Hurts
    Gabriela Gun?íková & MERYLAND
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    David Cay Johnston: Class War Is Being Waged by the Rich Against the Poor


    whitesnake-still of the night cover
    Gabriela Gun?íková & MERYLAND
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Just to follow up, I did go session with the girl who was pulling her dress up and putting on a show for me. T. From Thanksgiving this will be girl #6 and session #8. I keep track on a calendar, so I can figure out the schedule for Aunt Flo's visits.

    I did present her with some fishnet thigh highs to wear for me too, and I made sure I let her know how much I like it when she puts on shows like that too.

    But, there is a twist, this girl turned out to be one of very few who refused FS, and even when Aunt Flo was clearly not visiting. When I walked in the door she was wearing pants and tried to pass me along to another girl, a young hottie in a minidress. She tried to get me to go for two girls, and then later for a follow up session with another girl.

    She and I got along well. It sounds like she just has a boyfriend, and so she declines FS, kissing, and BJ. Declining FS is very rare in an Asian RA.

    But she got FIVed 'till completion several times. She is explosively responsive too. She talks about this and about how easily she cums. Using the come hitter maneuver, she just comes unglued. And then doing that with DATY causes all the muscles in her lower body to contract at once. He legs lock straight. She explained that I made her tired. I already knew that it works this way. You can be gentle with a girl and not over work her or make her sore. But it will be her own muscle contractions which get her tired.

    Interesting. Now of course RA's are always the experts on HJ's. THey know exactly what kind of lube to use and how to do it.

    She did one thing which seemed odd to me. I've been with lots of RA's who initially say they don't do FS, but very soon they are just loving it. But this one was steadfast. But what she did do was get on top of me and ride me, mutual panties off, bare crotch to bare crotch, no condom. I felt that this was not that safe. I went along with it for a while, as she was really getting into it, but I was not going to let her make me cum that way.

    This girl was not petite, she was tall and had broad hips and shoulders and big tits. At some point I will usually lift the girl up onto the table. This one was substantial.

    Seems like she is more the manager than a front line provider. Looks like she usually passes the guys who want FS onto the other girls.

    I am going back today. Thanksgiving day I had window shopped them and was taken by a young hottie in a light blue minidress. Christmas day I went back, but the young hottie was not there. But last night she was there. So I will try to session with her. Based on the number of days since Thankgiving, this would be a very good time. It always works better when I have a story and some evidence to show that I am carefully picking girls. I can tell this one about Thanksgiving and she will probably remember me, and the supervisor will remember me asking about a her on Christmas day.

    Very little drugs in this kind of an environment. I would say zero. Very few of the girls have any attraction to alcohol. As far as tobacco, 25 years ago it was sometimes an issue, but today with the clean indoor air laws, I would say it is completely absent. These are very nice places. One thing which makes them distinctive is that they always have a nice customer bathroom and shower. They will also have a washer and drier. Usually they are nearby because of the plumbing. This place had a large front loading pair, stacked on top of each other. These machines run all day long, as the girls are always washing their own clothes, sheets and pillow cases, and those ever present piles of white towels that they use.

    If I went to some sort of a venue with White girls, like a strip club, those would be girls who use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and they would also likely be further screwed up by Born Again Christianity too.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Yes indeed, I did go back to the AMP and I did get to session with the girl I had window shopped on Thanksgiving Day, when she was wearing a light blue mini-dress. Her name is Y. The boss, who I had sessioned with the night before is T.

    T. did not really do what I had wanted. But I still enjoyed it and I cannot doubt that she is trying to make things nice. But Y. was a shitty and infuriating experience. She is completely unprofessional and money grubbing. I really feel like I should be entitled to at least a partial refund, as she was not being straight in her dealing with me. At least this is how I see it. But I know that would be extremely unlikely.

    But there is also a bright side to this story, to be continued here:

    Viagra Thread: Is it things like frustration with marriage, coupled with frustrations from the P4P types of sex, which cause the psychological changes which cause the decrease in male sexual capacity with age?


    Gary Moore, Wishing Well
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