RickyBoy Scores a Blah OTC After 18 Months and $3000 Spent on Conversation

avatar for Dougster
Wow! There must really be something to this System of his to score results like that:



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avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy: "Well, as an update, I finally closed the deal. I wish I could say that the experience was fantastic, but it was really just ok. "

Triumphant once again in our capitalist system! Gordon Gekko should be admiring RickyBoy instead of the other way around.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
So the girls see RickyBoy wearing his faggity suit, thinking he is hot shit because of it, and instantly read him for a tard? Then starts the extraction of $3000 over 18 months from him because other women know better than to talk to such an ass clown for free? Then a blah nickel and diming OTC even though RickyBoy is paying well above market rates?

Really good system there, RickyBoy. Really good system.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Not much of an accomplishment for a guy who wants us all to think of him as a RICH STUD is it?
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Hey, let me give you a sympathy bump for this thread. LOL. That way you won't look quite so pathetic in bumping your own thread 5 times in a desperate attempt to get a response. ;)
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Rickyboy neglects to state how much in addition to the $3 k leading up to this encounter he had to fork over to close this 18 month conquest. My guess was an extra $400-$500 in his stately motel room where the act fizzled out. He truly believes there is a ROI when putting his wife at risk for cervical cancer and other communicable diseases. What a pathetic depraved soul. I hope he puts me on ignore as I should do the same.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Shit! This is smart talk
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Shit talk
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
Sounds like the layaway of a $3000 OTC experience.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I bet RickyBoy wishes he had used that $3000 to grease bouncers instead now. Or maybe not. Maybe talking to women is so unheard of for him it was money well spent as far as he is concerned.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
@meat: RickyBoy did say he was paying well above the market rate for this and then says she tried to nickel and dime him on top of that.

RickyBoy wants us to imagine that a benefit of running the System is that strippers see you as a savvy rich stud who all their usual hustles will fail on and they know it and won't even try it in the first place.

Despite RickyBoy enamor with this girl it's clear she just saw him for the chump that he is. Give it up already RickyBoy. The suit doesn't fool anyone that you are anything other than an ass-clown.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
@meat: RickyBoy did say he was paying well above the market rate for this and then says she tried to nickel and dime him on top of that.

RickyBoy wants us to imagine that a benefit of running the System is that strippers see you as a savvy rich stud who all their usual hustles will fail on and they know it and won't even try it in the first place.

Despite RickyBoy enamor with this girl it's clear she just saw him for the chump that he is. Give it up already RickyBoy. The suit doesn't fool anyone that you are anything other than an ass-clown.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
C'mon guys...can't we all get along?

I have no issue with Dugan spending $3K on conversation. After all, it is his money and if he's having fun that's what's important in life. I do, however, see a minor inconsistency...

The Dugan dude has articulated a hope that one of his conquests would backslide on her addiction so he could save OTC money. My recollection is that this girl had a plethora of issues in her life, including severe scoliosis. Let's call her SQ (for Sexxxy Quasimodo).

After living a life that would grind most of us into the ground...a life she could only tolerate thanks to opiates...SQ finally managed to kick her drug habit. What is RickyBoy's response? Most normal humans would say "cool...stay clean you sexxxy hunchback!"

Nope. 'Twas RickyBoy's hope that she...if you'll forgive me...backslide. Why? So he could save OTC money.

So riddle me this...why would a dude like that pay $3K for nothing but conversation?
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
For those who need a reminder 'bout the SQ girl...


I quote the Dugan dude...

"July 9, 2013 • Did I mention that she is beautiful and has perfect little tits?

The bad news is that she is playing hard to get. She is in that whole "I'm turning over a new leaf - getting my life back together" phase and flatly refuses to do p4p. No doubt that her childhood experiences also factor in. She also has a regular day job, so she is not completely without other income.

Mikeya, obviously I intend to take advantage of her situation. I'm just going to have to wait until she slips up or becomes desperate for the money. It will happen eventually, it always does in these situations. ;)"

Rick dude, that's some cold-hearted shit right there.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
When he says 160 bucks a month, if this was 2 or more visits, I think he paid more. No way a girl would sit there for that minimal money when she could be making much more. Nevertheless Dugan has more courage than me, if I did this, there's no way I would admit it.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Courage is one explanation...
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
Well spending $3k on a girl seems to be the norm around here with big ballers, but on one girl? That's a terrible idea. ESPECIALLY when she ISN'T your signifcant other. And 18 months is over the top. AND to know the sex was eh means that she wasn't fucking other people true, BUT she also really didn't want to fuck you either. The better thing to do if your mission is to sex these girls up is to just leave her alone and never pressure her EVER IN ANY FORM. Couldn't be that damn gorgeous.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I don't think RickyBoy gets to talk to girls who are either smart or pretty much so he is willing to pay if that's the only way he can make it happen.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Zip, it was a different girl. The girl you are thinking about actually moved to another club, where I did eventually take her out, until she started gaining too much weight.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
ranukam posted: " Nevertheless Dugan has more courage than me, if I did this, there's no way I would admit it."

Why not? Guys have shared far worse on here. She was fun as hell to hang and drink with. I don't regret a single dollar and I would have perfectly ok if I never converted her. It's not like I don't already have ample OTC hookups around here. In fact, I'm disappointed in a way now as the OTC experience has detracted from how i think of her so I probably won't visit her again.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy: "In fact, I'm disappointed in a way now as the OTC experience has detracted from how i think of her so I probably won't visit her again."

Namely you thought she genuinely liked you and was buying your "Rich Stud" crap? Then when she "nickeled and dimed you" (by your own admission) it was clear that she just thinks of you as chump number 342? Doesn't provide the supply your after, huh, RickyBoy? So sad. Maybe you should include a chapter warning of that possibility in your next edition to The System so other aren't as surprised by you when it happens?
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Really good System you got there RickyBoy. Really good System.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@rickdugan, dude...so you've chased down two drug-addled hunchback strippers? That's some fucked-up shit right there.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Most excellent System.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Amazing System!
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
The long game....yes I think I'll adopt this system when I'm married
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@GACAclub...you'll be singin' a different tune when you meet your sexxxy hunchback. You've got to play the long game with them hunchback girls!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Really good System!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy just doesn't get it.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
What a System!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Great System!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Brilliant System!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Really good system, RickyBoy. Really good system.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Brilliant system!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Amazing system! (Amazing for its ass-clownery that is.)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Really good system!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Excellent results!
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
I think I'll try this new approach to the system and see how it goes. I just got a $10,000 bonus I canstretch out over 2 years. Now to find one to play along.
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