
The Long Chase

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Monday, January 12, 2015 7:06 AM
After over 18 months of sitting with a girl off and on in one of my local clubs, I finally received an OTC offer. It was something that she would never consider before, but as I did with some of my other favorites over the years, I kept working it every so often. She preceded the offer with a certain amount of fanfare, sending me a text to let me know that she needed to talk to me about something before I left the club for the evening. I am kicking myself for the fact that I started the night too early and just could not hang until the club closed, but the precedent is set and I'm sure that I'll close the deal soon. I hate these long chases. On the other hand, my best favorites, the ones who were girl next door hot, were low volume and who I had the most fun with, all took anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to land. Now don't get me wrong - I get plenty of action and I wasn't waiting on this girl per se, but this girl is not only attractive, but elegant, entertaining and has her shit together. Hopefully she will be as much fun as the others for whom I had to wait. ;)


  • impala
    9 years ago
    Sounds like to me she needs to make some money quick and is looking for someone to help her with that. IME if you don't jump at the opportunity now it won't be there later when she is in a better situation.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    So The System takes 18 months to work and only has a 35% success rate. Not very impressive, RickyBoy!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Agreed impala - that is my experience as well. With each of the other girls who took extended timeframes to convert, there was always some defining moment when their cash needs started to outweigh their reluctance to do p4p. Once the deal is closed and they realize how easy it is, they will usually continue the arrangement, but it is important to get them over the Rubicon as soon as possible once they have decided to cross. I don't often engage in these lengthy chases, but with the rare girl who I find very entertaining and in whom I am very interested, I keep in contact with her every so often and let her know that I continue to be interested. During those contacts, I also did other things to make it easier for them to eventually say yes, such as make sure they know that I always have cash at the ready, tip them well, treat them kindly, be easy to deal with ITC, let them no that there is never any judgment with me, etc. But, as well all know, some girls never convert over and I am pleased that this one is, at least if I get the deal closed before she has second thoughts.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I can't ever see myself waiting 18 months for an OTC opportunity with a particular dancer. With dancers, there's too many other fish. I'd probably get bored somewhere along the line.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I wasn't exactly "waiting" AJ. I took a number of strippers OTC during that time. All I really did was allocate a small % of my club time and spending towards her in order to keep the channels open. Usually this involved a short visit to her club before continuing on to my final stop for the evening. Now again, I normally wouldn't even do this much, but from time to time I meet a girl who is so much fun, and so engaging, that it is worth a little investment.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    I can't see myself waiting for just one 18 months either, but if after that time the opportunity arose, I was sure to jump at it. Had one that I worked for about 2 years (not seriously, though, thought it was never going to happen). One night i came into the club and she told me how her car wouldn't pass inspection, her rent was overdue, and that she was afraid that she was going to have to get a second job. After some chit chat she offered for me to come over to her place after her shift for some OTC action. She insisted that it was only going to be a one time deal. That was about 3 years ago, still see her about once or twice a month. Once she realized that it was that easy to supplement her income, she never looked back.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @RickyBoy: that's pathetic paying a girl just to talk you for 18 months. What did the total bill come to?
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Well the good news is you know she's not fucking every other guy.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • impala
    9 years ago
    She most likely is, we just "primed the pump"!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Other guys who "just asked" she did it with right away. RickyBoy and his system she made wait 18 months and $2000 for conversation first.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Actually probably closer to 3k, including bar tabs. ;) I am confident that I would have been in long ago if she was really game for p4p before this, but impala's last comment touches an issue that always concerns me when a conversion is achieved. Once she realizes how easy it is to earn this way, how commonplace will it become for her? My favorites often stay that way because they are low volume, relying mostly upon club income and doing this on the side. Every once in a while I meet a girl who starts out that way but then shifts to higher volume, which leads me to dropping her. Only time will tell how this plays out, but that is always hovering in the background in these situations.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    lol. Seems like a "system malfunction" if it took 18 months...
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Sounds like a really good system you worked out there RickyBoy.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Only 18 months and $3000 spent on conversation before being allowed to pay a hooker for sex.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Lmfao...3k...that is one expensive hooker
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    You need to try the dukey system. It includes getting paid to shit at McD
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Good things come to those who wait. But I hate to break it to you – all this time Juice was actually tapping that ass – and for free!!! Juice! Juice! Juice!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    You really to wonder if RickyBoy "exaggerates" his "accomplishments" if he is jumping up and down giddy with joy after lining up an OTC after 18 months of paid for conversation with the bill running up to $3000,
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Why didn't you just suggest to her what you wanted, in some suitable way. For myself, I would never suggest P4P OTC, or any kind of P4P sex to a woman under any circumstances. That has to come from her. But if I just want to have sex with her, either way, verbally or physically, I'm not shy about letting her know. Is it because the dancer is able to control the situation, able to play it, because you are married? SJG
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Guess I didn't think of $160 a month as all that much. ;) Quality costs boys. Each one of the 4 girls that I have bothered to chase over the years was smart, elegant, entertaining and girl-next-door beautiful. Every so often I get tired of the normal fare in these places and enjoy fucking a girl who isn't a functional moron.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    Rick, based on your posts, I have the following picture of you: When Rick walks into the club, suddenly all music stops, the lights go down, and a single spotlight is trained on the front door. And then Rick walks in. Wearing a well tailored 3 piece suit that just screams "success". A stylish fedora, expensive gold jewelry, and a cocksure attitude that just makes the ladies melt... "Ladies and gentlemen, Mister RICK DUGAN !!!" And with all of that fanfare, even the hottest women in the club either cum in their panties, or faint to the floor.... "Oh RICK!!!" And Rick steps over the fainted bodies of beautiful women lying in his path, with a cocky grin. "Here ladies, buy yourself some smelling salts" he smiles, as he blithely tosses bills on their gorgeous, yet limp bodies. Rick, you ARE the man....and we're not worthy.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I've heard and seen customers paying for time, but never for 18 months. Tell me you at least got some lapdances from her during this time period. Also for a couple hours of her time, how much are you paying her?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy has 10 people's worrying of ego all crammed into his one puny little head. To make room for them he had to discard a considerable number of brain cells.
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    Im pretty much OK with playing the long chase, except the paying too much for each visit. My long chase version would go down like a simple club visit, each time she would be there and we would chat and I would get a dance and then after a few minutes of hours I would get out of the club. Some chicks like that should be played like the long chase, something close to not really aiming to score right away but simply having fun and in the process she would lower her guard down and simply give-in to the situation is asking for. Not that I am forcing the issue, she would smell that stink right away.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ranukam posted: "Tell me you at least got some lapdances from her during this time period." ******************************************************************************************************************************* Not a single, solitary dance. For less than $200 per month, I've had 2 - 3 hours of fun with a girl who likes to drink early in her shift and who is otherwise as I described above, all the while having ample opportunity to continue to broach OTC. In the same club, that money would have gotten me a whopping 18 minutes of bikini clad and well monitored LDs. Some of you guys may club in places like Detroit, or Follies in Atlanta, or Miami, or other places where LDs can lead to much more, but the reality where I club is that LDs are not so wonderful. In fact, in most areas, even the looser ones, LDs are pointless. In more open clubs where reasonable VIP rates are available and action is on the menu, you are a moron for purchasing LDs. In tighter clubs, like many of the ones that I frequent, LDs are a waste of time and money, especially when OTC can be had. So with all of that said, why the fuck would I ever waste my time and money on LDs when I can get better value and better ROI by avoiding the LD room? Seriously now, if LDs are your end game then just stay home and jerk off. I go to clubs to find hot dancers to fuck, not to get sucked into their most pointless and cash burning offering.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    "RickyBoy has 10 people's worrying of ego all crammed into his one puny little head. To make room for them he had to discard a considerable number of brain cells." Lmfao
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    " Guess I didn't think of $160 a month as all that much. ;) Quality costs boys." A fool and his money are soon parted. Wualith may cost but those dancers definitely see you comming Rick
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Keep kissing ass jerkson40. This sounds like the blind following the blind... jerikson40 Joined Oct 2010 Clubs: 18 Reviews: 59 4 Hours Ago • Rick, based on your posts, I have the following picture of you: When Rick walks into the club, suddenly all music stops, the lights go down, and a single spotlight is trained on the front door. And then Rick walks in. Wearing a well tailored 3 piece suit that just screams "success". A stylish fedora, expensive gold jewelry, and a cocksure attitude that just makes the ladies melt... "Ladies and gentlemen, Mister RICK DUGAN !!!" And with all of that fanfare, even the hottest women in the club either cum in their panties, or faint to the floor.... "Oh RICK!!!" And Rick steps over the fainted bodies of beautiful women lying in his path, with a cocky grin. "Here ladies, buy yourself some smelling salts" he smiles, as he blithely tosses bills on their gorgeous, yet limp bodies. Rick, you ARE the man....and we're not worthy.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Great entertainment this thread is
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Still don't understand why so many bozos on this site call it a "chase" or a "hunt" when they just end paying a hooker for sex in the end.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Agreed. If all you want is to pay a hooker for sex, then that is all it will be. Not much of a chase or hunt. SJG
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    A year and a half and $3K spent on her and still nothing to show for it but an offer? At this rate, she'll reach menopause before you'll get anywhere.
  • HungryGiraffe
    9 years ago
    Funny thread!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Doug, "chase" and "hunt" sounds helluva lot better (and more masculine) than "shopping trip," even if what you're shopping for is sex.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Pretty sad that RickyBoy can only get women to talk to him by paying them $160. Pretty sad that he hangs around strip clubs in search of "intelligent" conversation (I guess by the standards of his pea brain it may be though). And people wonder why I call him an ass-clown and a faggot.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Well, as an update, I finally closed the deal. I wish I could say that the experience was fantastic, but it was really just ok. I think what made everything less than ideal was the fact that, even though I was paying her a price well above market for this area, she still tried to nickle and dime me on a couple of things during the night. She also didn't perform and better than my current local p4p girl and it was definitely not GFE. Overall it was a little bit of a letdown, but I bagged it and now can move on. ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    You have way more patience than I do. I probably would have started spending less and less, starting at about week 4, once she declined more than a few times. Now, I *did* wait for my ATF, and for the MILF I'm currently seeing occasionally, but it was only for about six months in both cases, and my spending declined, or was not very high in the first place, over that period.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I have tons of patience for getting great lap dances an stuff ITC over many months with scarcely a hint of meeting outside. Even in the rare cases where she's never suddenly suggested an OTC romp, the ITC fun has been its own reward. But the way Rick describes that club, I never would have come back a second time. I might have gotten one or two dances from the chick and maybe bought her a drink, if she seemed friendly and my options were dire enough, but no more.
  • jvTroop
    9 years ago
    Im with Rick. I've had 3 fav each taking me 12 to 36 months to nail
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @gmd: I really didn't spend much on her in the grand scheme of things. $160 or so over the course of each month, on average, is not exactly a whopping sum, especially when part of that was the bar tab and she entertained me for hours each month. My OTC tab each month with other chicks was much higher than that. . @chandler: I have had the ongoing misfortune of living and clubbing in areas that are fairly tight. This is why my activities became so OTC-centric to begin with. If I avoided these types of places, I would have to curtail my club activities a great deal.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Seems like you really need to get a life RickyBoy if you are spending money just to pay women to talk to you.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    While I would agree that $160 over the course of a month isn't much, in the grand scheme of things. It is, however, a bit much to *regularly* spend over the course of a year and a half, and not even get a blowjob. For me, anyway.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    ^^^ yeah, but RickyBoy is faggot so has to pay women to talk to him. Particularly ones as smart as the ones he meets in strip clubs.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Dougster, coming from the guy who told us to load up on RICK near $12 right before it imploded (it closed at $9.90 today), I know I'm good if you're the one crapping out of your mouth. ;) A supposed investor who's too stupid to read financials AND an alleged monger who can't even get laid at a whore house. I'm just waiting for your next awesome piece of insight so that I know to do the exact opposite - LOL.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Um, I said to short it before it imploded RickyBoy. What did you say?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    For your refernece, RickyBoy, see my post Jun 21, 2014: [view link]
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Sure Dougster. Come on out of the blue and claim that you have a short after it had already started its first ride down. Nobody believed you then either. ;)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Nice try, RickyBoy. I explicitly said I was about break even on the short at that point, not that I had shorted at the top or even that near it. Trying to project your style of debating tactics onto me, RickyBoy? :-) Sorry but that personality damage is just yours.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Yes when seeking out someone to provide you with a service, always prefer the one who is most reluctant to give it to you. Good plan.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Short RICK stock??? But it's going to double or triple in value???
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    The truth of the matter is I hardly decided to short out out of the blue. I was quite puzzled why the stock had lost its mojo even after they reported some blowout quarters. It wasn't until I saw the insiders selling that I knew something was up but not sure what. You can see I was pretty reluctant at the time, but good thing i trusted my reason. My take is that they felt they thought had a good chance legally at the beginning of 2014 but then their counsel cane to them with some bad news. So the insiders sold into the earnings blowout. Then the collapse in oil hit at about the same time as the legal loss. Even then it only fell to the mid$9s, which, is hardly and implosion. It still needs to get back under mid$8s for RickyBoy to have even a sliver of rightness since he first said it would implode within a few month from mid $8s. How many days since then it even been below that? 2%? Some implosion RickyBoy. And some system for paying hookers for... conversation?????
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Here's my favorite prediction, from a time when RICK was trading at $11.50. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* "As for your "limited upside" versus huge risk. Think you got it backwards. The debt situation and other troubles have been known forever, it was going to breakdown would have done so already. As for how big, the upside is. Well, I have a number in mind which is much higher than the $15 which the article I linked gave as a conservative target. I doubt it will happen in one year, might take three, but I think this thing can easily double. So I think maybe $1 downside risk from here, since there are buyers eager to get in on dips, and the board is authorized to buyback stock to hold it up, and more another $11 upside. Maybe if there was a totally devastating headline back into the mid-$8's at which point I would still be up overall, but $3 risk versus $11 potential reward... I like it!" ********************************************************************************************************************************************* It is trading under $10 now. Mr. Credibility strikes again. ;)
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    So you struck out at a whorehouse and now on your stock selection. 0 for 2 on this site for a goofy dipshit of a troll. I wonder what's next. Maybe medical advice? ;)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I'm not gonna lie here, you keep telling these what should be embarrassing stories when you know damn well it's a shot in the foot and ammo for dougster. Your arguments with him are your own fault at this point. 18 months pressuring a girl that really didn't want sex for cash isn't a good luck anywhere bro. It makes you seem like the creepy boyfriend...without being a boyfriend and being $3k behind. But it's your money so whatever. Just don't corrupt the nice girls too badly please.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Think I explained it all above RickyBoy. The lawsuit and crash in oil prices caused a temporary dip in the price. Which was fine because I had switched to short when it happened. I covered and went long again in the mid $9. Now how about your prediction it would crater from mid $8's. Which it's only been below maybe 2% of days since you said it. :-) And what's this 0 for 2? I discussed many stocks on here besides RICK such as SCHW and IBKR in that I linked to above. What is the other one you are talking about.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Esta, I am on a strip club site talking about strip club adventures. Most of us have a collection of both good and bad experiences. We even have some guys on here who have admitted to spending most of their savings on strippers. I spend as much time as most and more than many in clubs, so why not share some of the good and bad on a site like this? If we avoided these topics just because of a few goofy trolls, then what would we be discussing? The price of oil? Endless 2am'er stories? Dogshit stocks and other people's brokerage accounts? :)
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I met a dancer at a club 2 weeks ago and 10 minutes into our 8 songs private dance I just told her how hot she was, how beautiful she was. I told her not tonight but in a couple weeks when we get to know each other a little better "I would love to fuck you. Could we make that happen?" She said Yes ! She gave me her phone number and we are getting together tomorrow night to fuck ! It's that simple ! No elaborate system needed.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Jestrite: "No elaborate system needed." Yep. Too bad RickyBoy will never get it.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    ^^^ C'mon Dougsta, let's be fair. Maybe the "no system" approach works fine on most hookers but you know full well that ya gots ta have a system when your chasin' a sexxxy hunchback.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Dougster wrote, "Still don't understand why so many bozos on this site call it a "chase" or a "hunt" when they just end paying a hooker for sex in the end." It's because money only goes so far. If she really is an on duty hooker, then you can probably get her to have sex with you just by paying her. But in most situations that does not really get you that much. She won't really open herself up to you emotionally. It will be mechanical. She doesn't know you. She sees that you just see her as a 'hooker', and so why should she go further with you. So if you want more than just what you get by paying her the money, you do have to charm her and court her some. And if this is in a pay 4 play venue, like a strip club, then any attention is going to cost money. So you will have to be paying her to talk to you. This is what it will come down to. I don't know that it will take that long, but it makes a big difference is she's known you for 20 min, as opposed to just 10 sec. It makes a difference if she can see that you are really attracted to her and that you have openly picked her, sacrificing your chance with the others in the process. I don't treat Strippers or RA's like hookers. I don't treat Street Hookers like hookers. Reply to LDK [view link] SJG Gabriela Gun?íková - Highway To Hell young girl from the Czech Republic with a very deep voice [view link]
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Sounds like an excellent plan, SJG. Just like RickyBoy's The System is an excellent plan.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    People have different systems, for different sorts of environments, and as they are often looking for different types of outcomes. Making up ways to present myself to the girls, and being rehearsed in what I am going to tell them about who I am and why I am there and what I am looking for could be considered a System. But it is also just good social etiquette, given that I am going to be wanting to turn a girl I have just picked out into something like a girl friend very quickly. Intentionally tracking them on the 28 day lunar calendar and using that to plan my next visit, could be considered a System. But it is also just practicality. What RickyBoy has for a System is overkill in my opinion. What I mean is that if you want what he seems to, OTC's, then you can just put that out there. But in some venues, wearing a suit definitely gets results. No good for ITC action though. What might make RickyBoy's System seem laughable is just that it is too rigid. He is not being freer in how he engages with the girls and communicates with them. So he is forcing the OTC's to be more P4P than they really need to be. For me, the central insight came from 30 years ago reading an issue of Hustler, an article which talked about prostitution. It said that the most important thing is not to treat her differently than you would any other woman. So for example, when you get her breasts bared, you let her know that you like what you see. It makes it so much easier for her if she knows that you really like her. Even strippers with supermodel looks are still extremely self conscious. Women are just that way. But it also helps if she has some understanding of why you like her. Its looks, but it is also more than that. So what it comes down to as I see it, is that you have to court her. I never expect them to solicit me and I never offer them money. If she is reluctant, I don't try to persuade her by talking about money. I try to persuade her by flattering her and coming on to her, and by showing self confidence. Almost never does this fail. So the only thing she really needs to do is just open up and go with it. Usually she will want to remember to ask for the money. But even if she doesn't, she will still get it. So why would I be coming on to an Asian RA and backing her up against the wall and DFKing her? The answer is that I would not alone in a room with her if I had not carefully selected her because that was exactly what I wanted to do with her. I do pick my girls carefully. They can try to do things to get my attention, but I am still the one who does the selecting, and I choreograph it so that they can see this. When I read posts from Mr. LDK, I find him to be extreme. When I read some of the stuff people write about the strippers they go into the VIP room with, I get the impression that they really do not like these girls. I would never do that. I direct my attention and my money to the girl I like. And I select carefully. I have very rarely sessioned with street hookers. But I like talking with them. I am extremely nice to them. Nothing in my conversation ever suggests that I perceive them as working girls. SJG The Rolling Stones - Like A Rolling Stone [view link]
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    The power and efficacy of The System.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Amazing results!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Oh, what a system!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Really good system, RickyBoy! Really good system.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
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