Questions for those who smoke pot
layin low but staying high
I don't use drugs except occasionally alcohol. However the DS smokes pot, and we are going to start partaking together. I'm wondering whether we should get high before or after sex. Does pot enhance or diminish sexual pleasure? Can pot inhibit sexual performance among men who are no longer 20 yo studs? I tried a google search on these questions but the information is varied and far from conclusive. Anybody have experience with pot, strippers, and sex?
(One of my former buddies was a heavy user, and it did cause him fertility/performance issues.... But that was daily use)
Hallucinogens, Dopamines, not sure about that as they tend to provide another form of X-gasm. I've one shoot it up and saw her eyeballs roll up and it was dope-gasm for several seconds.
I don't shoot junk up my brain, my drug is iron, I pump iron in the gym. It makes my CF get horny about it.
I've found for a lot of girls pot slows sexual desire, but obviously there are girls who are high 24/7 who love sex. For me being a little bit high can make it more fun, but being baked out of my mind? I just want to lay there and not do anything.
It's definitely a YMMV situation.