
Questions for those who smoke pot

layin low but staying high
Friday, January 2, 2015 4:32 PM
I don't use drugs except occasionally alcohol. However the DS smokes pot, and we are going to start partaking together. I'm wondering whether we should get high before or after sex. Does pot enhance or diminish sexual pleasure? Can pot inhibit sexual performance among men who are no longer 20 yo studs? I tried a google search on these questions but the information is varied and far from conclusive. Anybody have experience with pot, strippers, and sex?


  • Ironcat
    10 years ago
    I always get high before clubbing and find the pot enhances all sensations. I will admit that I always go to the same club, and am comfortable in familiar surroundings, so that would be my only caveat.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Believe it or not it totally depends on the type you're smoking. Some will make you horny some hungry and some will just knock you out
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    I haven't smoked, but older friends, "our age" who have says it mellows them out. I think that's why a number of the younger hotties like it. Only way to know for you will be to try it. Supposedly the strain makes a ton of difference too. (One of my former buddies was a heavy user, and it did cause him fertility/performance issues.... But that was daily use)
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    How do I get the type that makes you horny? I don't want to fall asleep.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Just smoke what your DS is smoking. Pot does make one horny. You should not fall asleep with a sexy girl.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I haven't smoked any in over 50 years and I can't start now for medical problems but it sure does get these young strippers in the mood.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Aphrodisiacs are good stimulant for sensual encounters. Hallucinogens, Dopamines, not sure about that as they tend to provide another form of X-gasm. I've one shoot it up and saw her eyeballs roll up and it was dope-gasm for several seconds. I don't shoot junk up my brain, my drug is iron, I pump iron in the gym. It makes my CF get horny about it.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Unfortunately John, unless you live in Colorado and can go weed shopping it's the luck of the draw but like the guys say, if you're doing it with a young hot stripper, the probability is that you will want to do it. My best advice would be to only ingest a small amount beforehand and then whatever you like afterwards. Hope this helps:)
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I only smoke week when a stripper offers to share in OTC. Weed doesn't actually affect me...Now I gotta order a pizza! And why are you all plotting against me?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^^ nice story bro
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I just avoid drugs like that. My brain and my body are messed up enough as it is.
  • sailmd
    10 years ago
    DOC says varying effect depending on strain but should enhance sensations, will not put you to sleep with DS right there, will NOT adversely effect performance in any way.
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    oddly enough i used to get horny more than anything else when under the influence but lately i get less horny and more everything else. however if i can get in the mood, sex is definitely better high than sober.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the advice. I'm inclined to follow Diva's suggestion. Just a little bit before sex to see how it goes, and then more after sex. We shall see.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Let your DS guide you and don't forget pizza and a movie afterwards
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    It depends on the strain and your own personal state of mind and biochemistry. I've found for a lot of girls pot slows sexual desire, but obviously there are girls who are high 24/7 who love sex. For me being a little bit high can make it more fun, but being baked out of my mind? I just want to lay there and not do anything. It's definitely a YMMV situation.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Indo vs setiva. I always lose my gd mind on Indo, but have had amazing sex with it too. Setiva makes me sleepy. Like others have said if you haven't smoked before don't let the first time be with the DS. You never know how you'll react until you try it.
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