Military personnel banned from strip club

avatar for shadowcat

COMANCHE COUNTY, Okla._Effective immediately, Sidewinders, a strip club located just outside of Lawton city limits, is off limits to all Fort Sill military personnel.

In a press release issued Wednesday, Commanding General John Rossi stated the action was necessary to protect the health, welfare, and safety of all personnel. The ban comes in light of several arrests made at the club last month after it was raided by the ABLE Commission for serving alcohol after hours. Violation of the order is punishable by a reduction in rank to the lowest enlisted grade and imprisonment.

The order is in place until further notice.

I can remember when Tijuana was off limits to all military personnel.


last comment
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Commanding General John Rossi stated the action was necessary to protect the health, welfare, and safety of all personnel"

The military needs protection? Hope Kim Jong-Un didn't hear this.
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
Sure...ask these guys to go risk life and limb in battle, but don't let them get a lapper. Ridiculous!
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Having worked as a counselor for the military this is probably more to protect the paychecks of ignorant ( and sometimes stupid ) soldiers. Way too much money disappears into fort side "businesses" and can really impact soldiers families.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
Primo with the truth.
avatar for deogol
10 years ago
These days ya gotta be a sucker to join the military with all the invasions of countries Obama is ending, political correctness gone wild, don't shoot the enemy, etc. that is going on. This shit has been going on for nearly 20 years because the government is unwilling to go WW II on them.
avatar for slaux.pas
10 years ago
The military just dont want solders with no dick thats all. Thats why Dougster could not join the army and now he lives in his mommies basement and jest trolls all day like the retard he is. What a retard. Prolly the same for that retard crazyjoe.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
bvino is closest. Bad commander in Jacksonville, NC used to do this to businesses of all types fairly often. Often they'd go out of business, and then reopen under a new name and management.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
"Bad" commander should be "Base" commander.
avatar for slaux.pas
10 years ago
See georgemicrodong even calls himself that cuz his dick fell off. If he still had his dick he wood be georgenormaldong. That retard Dougster is just Dougsternodong
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
GMD, in these instances, they sound pretty much the same.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I got a buddy who works for one of the contractors the military works with and, knowing what a SC monger I am, he tells me this type of thing all the time. When he was in El Paso working out of Fort Bliss (which I consider an ironic name for a fort), he said all of the strip clubs in El Paso were off limits to military personnel. Which didn't stop anyone from the Army from going to any of them. And they were easy to spot the one time I went there, because they were the non-Mexican ones.

Here in the Omaha area, I have even heard from one guy who used to be stationed at Offutt AFB that the Playhouse, which is basically across the toll bridge from Offutt in Iowa, is out of bounds for the Air Force and that place is as close to a non-extras club as I've ever been to. Which doesn't stop them from showing up on College/Military ID night nor military payday.
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